AIA Ohio Honor Awards
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2022
Gold Medal Honor Award
The Gold Medal is the highest honor that AIA Ohio can bestow on a member. The AIA Ohio Board of Directors confers this award, which recognizes the exemplary contributions and significant accomplishments of AIA Ohio members, in fulfilling the criteria in one or more of the categories identified below. Each of the categories shall be considered as equal pathways to achievement of the award. One category shall not be valued higher than another nor shall a category be unequally weighted in the evaluation process.
Criteria Categories
Candidate shall demonstrate that their body of work has made a significant positive impact on the profession of architecture and/or the community. The work shall be widely recognized for excellence, innovation in design, and the elevation of the practice of architecture. The depth and breadth of the work shall have had a cumulative effect on architecture over time.
Candidates shall demonstrate that through vision, creativity, organizational skills, and perseverance, they have created a positive impact or improvement in the profession, the Institute or in their community, and that their passion, long-term commitment and contributions are widely recognized as having elevated the profession of architecture.
Candidates shall demonstrate service to AIA Ohio, other components, committees or member groups of the AIA. The candidate’s service shall have made a significant impact on the profession over time, and positively impacted the profession of architecture in Ohio. A candidate’s service shall demonstrate great depth, having a cumulative effect over time.
AIA Ohio members in good standing, who have been members of AIA Ohio for a minimum of ten years cumulatively, are eligible to receive the Gold Medal Award. Members of the AIA Ohio Board of Directors, and those who served on the Board of Directors within the immediate twelve months prior to the release of the call for nominations, are ineligible for consideration of this award. The award may be conferred posthumously to those individuals who had a cumulative membership in the AIA of ten years or more and who meet all of the other defined requirements. AIA Fellowship is not a requirement for consideration; however, candidates shall have made a significant and exemplary impact on the profession or within AIA Ohio. The member’s contributions shall have had an ever-increasing impact that broadens and elevates the standards of design, leadership, and/or service within the profession. No more than one such award shall be made in any year.
Each submission shall include the following:
1. A one-page letter of nomination from any member in good standing of AIA Ohio
2. A one-page letter from the candidate’s local AIA Ohio component, signed by the component’s President or President-elect, acknowledging the candidate’s submission. Components may submit letters for more than one candidate.
Within the online application form, each nominee shall also provide the following:
- Application and contact information
- Acknowledgement of compliance with the AIA Ohio Unpaid Labor Policy if the candidate has at any time held a management role within a firm.
The nominations may also include the following:
1. A biography of the candidate
The biography shall focus on the candidate’s overall experience and roles in the profession, establishing the level of involvement and participation of the member in the profession, the organization, AIA Ohio, and in service to community.
2. A summary of the candidate’s substantial achievements
The summary shall define how contributions or work of the candidate have had a substantial impact on the profession.
3. Supporting exhibits
Exhibits may include information on specific contributions, work or examples of service that demonstrate the extraordinary and notable contributions of the candidate. They may include summaries of books, articles, leadership and service or examples of design authored by the candidate. Separate information or examples that cannot be embedded within the document shall not be included.
4. Letters of Support
The candidate may provide up to six letters in support of the candidate’s exemplary work and achievements. Each letter shall not exceed one page. The authors of these letters shall not be restricted to members of the profession, AIA Ohio or the Institute, although they should have a direct understanding and knowledge of the candidate’s contributions.
Submission Format
The submissions for the AIA Ohio Gold Medal shall be made by the end of business on the day as determined by AIA Ohio in the Honor Award Call for Entries. Submissions shall be in compliance with the guidelines and requirements as established above and shall meet the following format restrictions:
- Submissions shall be provided as a single PDF to AIA Ohio. The size of the PDF document, including any embedded photos, videos, etc. shall not exceed 8 MB. The candidate is responsible for verifying the document has been submitted online by the deadline.
- Submissions shall be formatted to demonstrate, in both written and graphic format, the candidate’s contributions. The final format of the PDF may not exceed 11” x 17” (tabloid or “B” size).
- The submission packet shall not exceed twenty two (22) pages.
- The Honor Awards Jury has the right to waive irregularities in the submissions, provided the irregularities are minor in nature and do not provide the candidate with a notable advantage over other candidates. Prior to the discussion of candidates, AIA Ohio staff shall complete the AIA Ohio submissions checklist and provide a copy to the Jury identifying any irregularities discovered in the submissions for consideration.
Gold Medal Firm Honor Award
The AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm Award is the highest honor AIA Ohio can bestow on an architecture firm. The AIA Ohio Board of Directors confers this award, which recognizes the exemplary contributions and significant accomplishments of firms lead by AIA Ohio members. This award recognizes a firm’s ongoing commitment to design, firm culture, or innovation, each of which contribute to the firm’s unique place as a leader in the profession. Through this Award, the Board of Directors recognizes exemplary efforts and significant accomplishments in two or more of the following criteria. Candidates shall clearly identify the categories under which they are submitting. One category shall not be valued higher than another when reviewing submissions, nor shall a category be unequally weighted in the evaluation process.
Criteria Categories
The firm’s body of work shall demonstrate design excellence as exhibited by projects having a significant impact on society and elevating the standard of design within the profession. Through published work, peer recognition, awards, presentations, or community impact, the firm, over an extended period of time, shall have evidenced a cumulative positive impact on the built environment.
Firm Culture
The firm shall be widely known as a leader in the advancement of firm culture within the ever-changing environment of the design profession. The firm shall have made a notable impact in the profession, having successfully created a work culture recognized for valuing mentorship and promoting diversity and individual growth leading toward firm leadership. The firm’s work illustrates the value it places in elevating its employees and acknowledging their contributions to improving the built environment. The firm shall be widely known for its support of the profession and demonstrate strong support for membership within the AIA at all levels of the organization. The firm shall be recognized for its participation in and financial support for AIA Ohio’s programs, events and activities.
The firm shall have established itself to be a leader in the development and implementation of significant innovations in the design of the built environment through the use and application of new approaches to design, planning, research and materials applications. Through testing, applied research and field application, the firm is a recognized pioneer in the utilization and application of innovative techniques, materials or technology.
Any firm or successor firms, whether an individual or an organization of architects, in which the continuing collaboration among individuals of the firm has been the principal force in consistently meeting the above-mentioned criteria for a period of at least 10 years, is eligible for the AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm Award. Firms whose members serve on the AIA Ohio Board of Directors, or those who served as a member of the Board of Directors for a period of twelve months prior to the release of the call for nominations and who have a fiduciary interest in a firm, are ineligible for consideration of this award. Firms whose employees are members of the AIA Ohio Board of Directors, but who hold no financial interest in the firm are eligible to submit for this award. To be eligible for the AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm Award, nominations must show that the majority of financial ownership in the firm is held by registered architects, and that all the registered architect principals in the firm’s Ohio office or offices are members of AIA Ohio, and that all of the registered architect principals in the firm are members of the AIA. No more than one such award shall be made in any year. Firms which have been recognized with the AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm Award shall be eligible for to submit again after an interval of 25 years.
Each submission shall include the following:
1. A one-page letter of nomination from any member of AIA Ohio in good standing
2. A one-page letter from the candidate’s local AIA Ohio component, signed by the component’s President or President-elect, acknowledging the candidate’s submission. Components may submit letters for more than one candidate.
Within the online application form, each nominee shall also provide the following:
- Application and contact information
- Statement of Firm Ownership and Principal Membership
- Acknowledgement of compliance with AIA Ohio Unpaid Labor Policy
The nominations may also include the following:
1. A brief description of the firm
The description shall outline the firm’s history, principals and its progression toward becoming a leader in design or in the profession. The description shall focus on the firm’s overall contributions and its ongoing impact on the architectural community.
2. Supporting exhibits
The exhibits may include information on the specific contributions, designs or examples of service that demonstrate the extraordinary and notable contributions of the firm. They should include a focus on the firm’s unique programs, recognized and awarded designs, or innovative approaches to design, practice or community service. Separate information or examples that cannot be embedded within the submission document shall not be included.
3. Letters of Support
The firm may provide up to six letters in support of the firm’s exemplary work and achievements. Each letter shall not exceed one page. The authors of these letters shall not be restricted to members of the profession, AIA Ohio or the Institute, although they should have a direct understanding and knowledge of the firm’s contributions.
Submission Format
The submissions for the AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm shall be made by the end of business on the day as determined by AIA Ohio in the Honor Award Call for Entries. Submissions shall be in compliance with the guidelines and requirements as established above and shall meet the following format restrictions:
- Submissions shall be provided as a single PDF to AIA Ohio. The size of the PDF document, including any embedded photos, videos, etc. shall not exceed 8 MB. The candidate is responsible for verifying the document has been submitted online by the deadline.
- Submissions shall be formatted to demonstrate, in both written and graphic format, the contributions of the firm. The final format of the PDF may not exceed 11” x 17” (tabloid or “B” size).
- The submission packet, excluding the five documents required by AIA Ohio, shall not exceed twenty two (22) pages.
- The Board has the right to waive irregularities in the submissions, provided the irregularities are minor in nature and do not provide the firm with a notable advantage over other submissions. Prior to presentation and discussion of submissions, AIA Ohio Staff shall complete the AIA Ohio submissions checklist and provide a copy to the Honor Awards Jury identifying any irregularities discovered in the submissions for their consideration.
Mentor Award
The AIA Ohio Mentor Award recognizes a member who has demonstrated strong leadership, guidance and service in the support of mentorship to fellow professionals or in her/his community. Awarded by the AIA Ohio Board of Directors, this award recognizes the exemplary contributions and significant accomplishments an individual has made to the profession via mentorship.
The nomination of an individual for this award, shall explain the individual’s impact on the profession via mentorship. Local component support is highly regarded in consideration of this award. Mentorship shall extend outside of the individual’s firm or role within a firm and shall have a broad impact on the local architectural community.
To be eligible, candidates must have been members of AIA Ohio for at least ten years cumulatively. The Jury may recognize not more than two Mentor Awards in any year. Members of the AIA Ohio Board of Directors, and those who served on the Board of Directors within the immediate twelve months prior to the release of the call for nominations, are ineligible for consideration of this award.
Each submission shall include the following:
1. A one-page letter of nomination from any member in good standing of AIA Ohio
2. A one-page letter from the candidate’s local AIA Ohio component, signed by the component’s President or President-elect, acknowledging the candidate’s submission. Components may submit letters for more than one candidate.
Within the online application form, each nominee shall also provide the following:
- Application and contact information
- Acknowledgement of compliance with AIA Ohio’s Unpaid Labor Policy if the candidate has at any time held a management position within a firm
The nominations may also include the following:
1. A written statement illustrating the candidate’s impact on the profession through mentorship. Include a list of individuals whom the candidate has mentored.
2. Letters of Support
The nomination may also include up to six letters from individuals whom the candidate has mentored as well as individuals who can speak to the broader impact of the candidate’s mentorship. Each letter shall not exceed one page. The authors of these letters shall have a direct understanding and knowledge of the candidate’s contributions to the profession through mentorship.
Submission Format
The submissions for the AIA Ohio Mentor Award shall be made by the end of business on the day as determined by AIA Ohio in the Honor Award Call for Entries. Submissions shall comply with the guidelines and requirements as established above and shall meet the following format restrictions:
- Submissions shall be provided as a single PDF to AIA Ohio. The size of the PDF document, including any embedded photos, videos, etc. shall not exceed 8 MB. The candidate is responsible for verifying the document has been submitted online by the deadline.
- Submissions shall be formatted to demonstrate, in both written and graphic format, the contributions of the candidate. The final format of the PDF may not exceed 8 ½” x 11”.
- The submission packet shall not exceed twelve (12) pages.
- The Jury has the right to waive irregularities in the submissions, provided the irregularities are minor in nature and do not provide the candidate with a notable advantage over other submissions. Prior to the discussion of each candidate, AIA Ohio staff shall complete the AIA Ohio Submissions Checklist and inform the Jury of any irregularities discovered in the submissions for consideration.
Emerging Professionals Award
The AIA Ohio Emerging Professional Award identifies and promotes exceptional accomplishments of Associate Members and Young Architect members and their continuing development within the profession.
The AIA Ohio Board of Directors confers this award, which recognizes exemplary achievements and future promise of AIA Ohio members, in fulfilling the criteria in one or more of the categories identified below. Candidates shall clearly identify the category or categories under which they are submitting. Each of the categories shall be considered as equal pathways to achievement of the award. One category shall not be valued higher than another nor shall a category be unequally weighted in the evaluation process.
Criteria Categories
Candidate shall demonstrate that through their work, they have provided high-level contributions to the design of the built environment. The candidate’s work may be through either individual or collaborate effort and may be of any type, scale or scope.
Leadership in practice
Candidates shall demonstrate that through work within their firm or in their role in practice, they have advanced through leadership, the practice of architecture, the role of architects or awareness of the architectural profession.
Leadership in Education
Candidates shall demonstrate that through the academic study of architecture, they have advanced society or advanced knowledge within the profession.
Candidates shall demonstrate that through service to the Institute, the profession or their community, they have elevated the value of architecture and design.
To be eligible, candidates must be Associate Members or Young Architect members of AIA Ohio. The definition of these membership categories are as follows:
Associate Members: Those individuals who have a professional degree in architecture, work under the supervision of an architect, are enrolled in AXP, or are a faculty member in a university program in architecture and are not yet licensed to practice architecture by the submission deadline.
Young Architect Member: Those individuals who have been licensed fewer than ten (10) years by the submission deadline.
The Honor Awards Jury may choose to recognize qualified Emerging Profession Award as deemed appropriate, but may not confer more than two (2) awards in any one year. Members of the AIA Ohio Board of Directors, and those individuals who served on the Board of Directors within the immediate twelve months prior to the release of the call for nominations, are ineligible for consideration of this award.
Each submission shall include the following:
1. A one-page letter of nomination from a member in good standing of AIA Ohio
2. A one-page letter from the candidate’s local AIA Ohio component, signed by the component’s President or President-elect, acknowledging the candidate’s submission. Components may submit letters for more than one candidate.
Within the online application form, each nominee shall also provide the following:
- Application and contact information
- Acknowledgement of compliance with the AIA Ohio Unpaid Labor Policy if the candidate has at any time held a management position within a firm
The nominations may also include the following:
1. Biography. A written biography of the candidate listing achievements, positions, recognitions, honors, publications, presentations and other information that supports their work and contributions.
2. Exhibits. The nomination shall include supporting exhibits that best demonstrates the nominee’s qualifications and contributions. These exhibits may include articles, drawings, photo, or other material that validates the candidate’s nomination and supports the quality of their work and contributions.
3. Letters of Support. The candidate may provide up to four letters in support of the candidate’s exemplary work and achievements. Each letter shall not exceed one page. The authors of these letters shall not be restricted to members of the profession, AIA Ohio or the Institute, although they should have a direct understanding and knowledge of the candidate’s contributions.
Submission Format
The submissions for the AIA Ohio Emerging Professional Award shall be made by the end of business on the day as determined by AIA Ohio in the Honor Award Call for Entries. Submissions shall comply with the guidelines and requirements as established above and shall meet the following format restrictions:
- Submissions shall be provided as a single PDF to AIA Ohio. The size of the PDF document, including any embedded photos, videos, etc. shall not exceed 8 MB. The candidate is responsible for verifying that the document has been received by AIA Ohio by the deadline.
- Submissions shall be formatted to demonstrate, in both written and graphic format, the contributions of the candidate. The final format of the PDF may not exceed 8 ½” x 11”.
- The submission packet shall not exceed twelve (12) pages.
- The Jury has the right to waive irregularities in the submissions, provided the irregularities are minor in nature and do not provide the candidate with a notable advantage over other submissions. Prior to the discussion of each candidate, AIA Ohio Staff shall complete the AIA Ohio submissions checklist and provide a copy to the Jury identifying any irregularities discovered in the submissions for consideration.
Gold Medal Award History
1970 John Nobal Richards, FAIA 1971 George M. White, FAIA 1972 not awarded 1973 not awarded 1974 Joseph L. Weinber, FAIA & Carl C. Britsch, FAIA 1975 Alexander C. Robinson, III, FAIA, Joseph Tuchman, FAIA & Richard L. Tully, FAIA 1976 Joseph F. Morbito, FAIA 1977 H. Walter Damon, AIA 1978 Carl E. Bentz, FAIA 1979 Roger N. Ryan, FAIA 1980 James J. Foley, FAIA 1981 George F. Roth, Jr., AIA 1982 Charles J. Marr, FAIA 1983 Wallace G. Teare, FAIA 1984 Huber Buehrer, FAIA 1985 Carl A. Strauss, FAIA 1986 E. Keith Haag, FAIA 1987 Harold C. Munger, FAIA 1988 Richard D. Levin, FAIA 1989 Robert C. Gaede, FAIA 1990 Robert E. Gramann, FAIA 1991 A. Notley Alford, FAIA 1992 Gerald S. Hammond, FAIA 1993 Carole J. Olshavsky, FAIA 1994 Phillip T. Markwood, FAIA 1995 John P. Schooley, FAIA 1996 David S. Collins, FAIA 1997 Robert P. Madison, FAIA 1998 James E. Dalton, FAIA 1999 not awarded 2000 Peter Van Dijk, FAIA 2001 Richard Fleischman, FAIA 2002 Frederich K. M. Bohm, FAIA 2003 James T. Fitzgerald, FAIA 2004 Douglas L. Steidl, FAIA 2005 Paul E. Westlake, Jr., FAIA 2006 Robert D. Loversidge, FAIA 2007 Curtis Moody, FAIA 2008 Frank Elmer, FAIA 2009 John C. Senhauser, FAIA 2010 Robert Livsey, FAIA 2011 Hal P. Munger, FAIA 2012 Elizabeth Corbin Murphy, FAIA 2013 Gary Balog, FAIA 2014 not awarded 2015 John W. Rogers FAIA, FACHA 2016 Michael Schuster, FAIA 2017 Peter L. Bardwell, FAIA 2018 Bruce Sekanick, FAIA 2019 Robert Maschke, FAIA 2020 Jack Alan Bialosky, Jr., FAIA 2021 Ruth Gless, FAIA 2022 Steven Kordalski, FAIA |
Gold Medal Firm Award History
1984 Trott & Bean Architects, Columbus, OH 1985 Levin Porter Associates Inc., Dayton, OH 1986 Lorenz & Williams Inc., Dayton, OH 1987 Van Dijk, Johnson & Partners, Cleveland, OH 1988 Richard Fleischman Architects, Inc., Cleveland, OH 1989 Glaser Associates Inc., Cincinnati, OH 1990 Blunden Barclay Associates Architects, Cleveland, OH 1991 Phillip Markwood Architects Inc., Columbus, OH 1992 Chambers & Chambers, Akron, OH 1993 Buchanan Ricciuti & Balog Architects, Youngstown, OH 1994 Robert P. Madison International, Cleveland, OH 1995 Munger Munger + Associates Architects, Toledo, OH 1996 GBBN Architects, Cincinnati, OH 1997 Schooley Caldwell Associates, Columbus, OH 1998 Braun & Steidl Architects Inc., Akron, OH 1999 John C. Senhauser, Architect, Cincinnati, OH 2000 NBBJ, Columbus, OH 2001 Myers Associates Architects, Medina, OH 2002 The Collaborative Inc., Toledo, OH 2003 DesignGroup, Columbus, OH 2004 Karlsberger Companies, Columbus, OH 2005 WSA Studio Inc., Columbus, OH 2006 Moody Nolan, Inc, Columbus, OH 2007 not awarded 2008 not awarded 2009 Bialosky + Partners Architects Inc., Cleveland, OH 2010 Acock Associates Architects, Columbus, OH 2011 MSA Architects, Cincinnati, OH 2012 Robert Maschke Architects, Inc., Cleveland, OH 2013 Bostwick Design Partnership, Cleveland, OH 2014 Kordalski Architects Inc., Cleveland, OH 2015 Jonathan Barnes Architecture and Design, Columbus, OH 2016 not awarded 2017 not awarded 2018 City Architecture 2019 not awarded 2020 not awarded 2021 not awarded 2022 not awarded |
2001 Robert Gramann, FAIA and Harold Munger, FAIA 2002 Carl A. Strauss, FAIA and Raymond R. Roush 2003 Robert Dorsey, FAIA 2004 Peter Macrae, AIA 2005 John Schilling, AIA 2006 Robert P. Madison, FAIA 2007 not awarded 2008 Robert Bevilacqua, AIA 2009 James L. Titus, AIA 2010 Lane Beougher, AIA 2011 Bruce Sekanick, AIA 2012 Ed Glowacki, AIA 2013 Douglas Richards, AIA 2014 Marcene Kinney, AIA and Eric O. Pempus, AIA 2015 Jack A. Bialosky Jr., AIA, LEED AP & Kurt Weaver, AIA 2016 Louise Schlatter, AIA 2017 Phil Steinberg, AIA & Jodi van der Wiel, AIA 2018 Sara Boyer, AIA 2019 Ruth Gless, FAIA & Steve Kordalski, AIA 2020 Howard Blaisdell, AIA & Tim Hawk, FAIA 2021 Christopher Meyers, AIA 2022 Not Awarded |
2001 Norbert Peiker, FAIA 2002 Robert D. Loversidge, Jr., FAIA 2003 Christopher Ewald, AIA 2004 Lane Beougher, AIA 2005 Steven Shinn, AIA 2006 Craig A. Stough, AIA 2007 not awarded 2008 Robert Seyfang, AIA 2009 Jud Kline, FAIA 2010 Michael Christoff, Assoc. AIA and Bradley Fink 2011 Paul Muller, AIA 2012 Paul Hollenbeck, AIA 2013 Eric O. Pempus, AIA 2014 James Gibans, FAIA 2015 Chas Schreckenberger, AIA 2016 Jack Bialosky, Jr., AIA 2017 David Cook, AIA 2018 Terry Welker, FAIA 2019 Dave Robar, AIA 2020 William Ayars, AIA & Jodi van der Wiel, AIA 2021 Michael Crislip, AIA 2022 Todd Boyer, AIA 2023 Not Awarded |