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Capital Project Web Site Proposed (HB67)

    HB 67, which would require the Office of Budget and Management to maintain a web site showing capital project appropriations and re-appropriations and to submit a biennial report to the General Assembly received a Sponsor's Hearing November 15.  The bill's...

Construction Reform rule making update

  (Excerpted from the Nov. 14 SAO Newsletter) Construction Reform, which was signed into law June 30 as part of Governor Kasich's FY2012-2013 budget, paved the way for some very significant changes in the delivery of public construction in the State of Ohio. The most...

ArchiTypes Summer 2011

ArchiTypes Summer 2011

   ArchiTypes An Official E-Newsletter of AIA Ohio - Summer 2011 IN THIS ISSUE - Read all about it Invest Your Passions Convention 2011 Day at the Statehouse Doing Good to Do Well AIA is the voice of the Profession AIA Ohio Member Named State Architect Kunce elected...

ArchiTypes Fall 2011

ArchiTypes Fall 2011

   ArchiTypes An Official E-Newsletter of AIA Ohio - Fall 2011 IN THIS ISSUE Proposed Changes to the AIA Ohio Bylaws Convention Update New and Improved Advocacy Grants! Continuing Education at OVR Convention The Passive House Seminar Component Grant from Hanley Wood...

AIA Ohio Prepares for 2012

AIA Ohio Prepares for Challenges and Opportunities AIA Ohio continues to work on a variety of projects to finish out 2011 and to prepare for 2012.  As planning for the 2012 Convention in Cleveland gets underway, so to does the planning for the programs, events and...