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Senate Committee Hears Sustainability Bill (HB7

The Senate Finance and Financial Institutions Committee took sponsor testimony Tuesday on HB7 which would require a building or structure erected or constructed using state capital moneys to adhere to certain sustainability standards.     Rep. Harris said her bill...

AIA National Grassroots

Component leadership from across the state, region, and country assembled in Washington DC over the past several days to meet with congressional leaders, obtain continuing education, and to learn of new initiatives, efforts, or programs of the Institute.  AIA Ohio was...

Architect’s Licensing Bill (SB 183) Heard

Architect's Licensing Bill (SB 183) Heard The House Civil and Commercial Law Committee held a hearing February 2 on SB 183 which would eliminate a grandfather exemption from the requirements of the Architects Law granted to certain corporations. In sponsor testimony,...

Senate Committee Hears Two School Energy Bills

Senate Committee Hears Two School Energy Bills The Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee heard two bills February 2 that would affect the future energy use by schools. SB223 ENERGY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (Stewart J) To expand special improvement district energy...

Proposed Park District Bldg. Dept. Bill Heard

Proposed Park District Bldg. Dept. Bill Heard The Ohio House Local Government/Public Administration Committee took sponsor testimony on SB 151 Wednesday.  The bill would add park districts to the existing list of political subdivisions permitted to create a building...

AIA Ohio Leaders Prepare for Grassroots Event

AIA leaders throughout Ohio are preparing to go to Washington DC, Feb. 3-6, for the National Grassroots Leadership and Legislative Conference.   This annual event for component Presidents, Presidents-elect, component executives and their staffs, national board...

Support Earthquake Reconstruction in Haiti

On Jan. 12th, a powerful 7.0 quake hit the impoverished nation of Haiti. There has been widespread major damage and a loss of life estimated to be between 45,000 to 50,000 (source: Red Cross). There are projections of 2-3M without shelter. Since then, Architecture for...