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JCARR Delays Building Codes

The Board of Building Standards agreed at Monday's Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR) meeting to re-file building code regulations to allow more time for review.   Rep. Ross McGregor (R-Springfield), the committee chairman, said builders wanted more time to...

AIA Ohio Member Honored with Young Architects Award

AIA Ohio's own Jack Baumann, AIA, has received the prestigious Young Architects Award by AIA National.  The Young Architects Award is given to individuals who have shown exceptional leadership and made significant contributions to the profession in an early stage of...

Bill Allowing Compensatory Time Off Heard (HB61)

  The Ohio House Economic Small Business Committee took testimony Feb. 10 on HB 61 which would give private employers the option to offer and employees the option to accrue and use compensatory time off in lieu of monetary overtime compensation.   Support for the...