“Body + Building / Architecture: Creating Environments for Well-Being” September 12-15
Cleveland, OH
Ameristar Fence Products
Ametco Manufacturing Corporation
Atlas Carpet Mills/Antron Carpet Fiber
Bretford Manufacturing
Capitol Aluminum & Glass Corporation
Certainteed Corporation
dBA Acoustics inc
EA Group
Firestone Building Products
Flexible Pavements of Ohio
HzW Environmental Consultants, LLC
IMAGINiT Technologies
International Masonry Institute
Karpinski Engineering
KS Associates, Inc.
Ohio Architects Board
Ohio Propane & Education Research Council
Pella Window & Door Co.
PSI (Professional Services Industries, Inc)
Selvaggio Teske + Assoc., A Division of Oswald Companies
Smart Vents Flood Vents
The Krill Co., Inc.
Turner Construction Company
University Hospital
Now Is Not the Time to Idle the Motor: Architecture IS an Economic Engine
Judson A. Kline, FAIA, LEED AP AIA Ohio President
As my year as AIA Ohio President has reached its mid-point, I would like to continue to share ideas focused on the theme of the year promoting “Architecture IS an Economic Engine” and to be instrumental and inspirational for this to take place. As you may recall from the March Newsletter article, I highlighted twelve strategies to help us reinforce the theme: 1. Promoting the value of architects 2. Educating our members in the skills to become the trusted advisor 3. Strengthening our diversity 4. Promoting collaboration within the profession and beyond. 5. Recognizing the value of community service as a worthy endeavor. 6. Expanding the domains of practice. 7. Building the next generation 8. Developing leadership and investing it within our communities. 9. Legislative engagement 10. Celebrating success 11. Honoring the past 12. Envisioning the future.
In identifying the 12 strategies reinforcing the theme, I discussed the first three focused upon our desire for identity, value, integrity and the character of the profession in the March Newsletter. This month, I offer thoughts on the next three strategies of collaboration, service and practice domains.
1. Promoting collaboration within the profession and beyond demands we become more collegial and cooperative with one another reaching out and including other professionals to help us enhance our capabilities in serving our clients, the profession and our communities. I was once told by a rather perceptive chapter executive, “When doctors learn something new, they publish it and share it with colleagues. However, when architects learn something new, they put it in a drawer and hide it”. We must do better than this if we have any hope of becoming the valued resources and trusted advisors we need to be in producing the economic and social benefit we certainly can provide. We need to share practice strategies, business models, technology and building knowledge. The best way to achieve this goal is through dialogue and shared learning opportunities. To this end, AIA Ohio produces the annual convention to facilitate a forum to realize this potential. The convention in Cleveland in September will be the platform to build on our shared knowledge, interact with colleagues and network with allied professionals. Building our value begins with expanding our visible knowledge base. Let’s begin through “Carpe Convention”, seizing the convention and using this opportunity to build our knowledge and strengthening the bonds between us as professionals in making a bigger contribution to our practices, profession and community through a collaboration of colleagues.
2. Service offers us an opportunity to build our practices and our value as members of the communities we serve. There is a need for architects to step up and become leaders of service endeavors arising from a shift in the available talent pool of resources. In the past, community leaders turned to the corporate organizations within their cities and towns to undertake the responsibility of husbanding civic projects. With the departure of many of the locally based corporations, a void in community leadership has occurred. This void provides opportunity for a new civic leader to emerge and architects are uniquely positioned to answer the call. Furthermore, the need for talented, creative involvement to address complex issues and challenging situations perfectly suits the skill set possessed by architects. In a socially diverse environment, having participation by a group accustomed to sorting out solutions from various interests is essential to achieve the desired result.
There are both internal and external business benefits derived from involvement in community service. External benefits to community activism are derived from the relationships developed in the community and how architects are perceived. Architects can be seen as leaders building trust and legitimacy. They demonstrate character fundamental to practice. The architect has a free opportunity to illustrate professional capability and how they can be good resources. Through community involvement, the opportunity is afforded to associate with quality potential clients who will observe the abilities of architects as creative participants. It also serves to define practice, differentiating from others and attracting both clients and staff. The internal benefits of community service including: building an “esprit de corps”, molding teams and character, providing a level of satisfaction and pride, enhancing the lives of the participants and increasing commitment to the firm. Through the simple act of taking on responsibility for these endeavors, future firm leaders emerge and are incubated.
3. We own a knowledge domain that has significant value and we need to exploit its potential to be the architects of our own future. The process we engage every day in our endeavors has been discovered in the business community. The value of the design process in solving complex problems is so clear, the Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Business has embarked on the development of a program and curriculum to teach MBA’a and engineers to “manage by design”. This program is now offered as a study providing design resources for businesses consulting. Dr. Fred Collopy, professor of information systems and the leader of the Management by Design program, has been invited to keynote the AIA Ohio Convention to help us grasp the magnitude and power of this process. With this understanding, we can better and more broadly define services we can provide for clients and communities. This is our domain and a future for our professions, if we choose to embrace it.
In the next issue, I will add to the discussion on the themes of building the next generation, leadership development and legislative engagement. As we have progressed through the year, I have sought ways to reinforce these themes through proactive activities or programs as noted. These endeavors will point the way to being the “Architects of our own future”. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the value of AIA Ohio in making a difference in the future of our profession.
Reminder: Design Awards Submissions due July 2, 2012
By now, you’ve received notifications that the AIA Ohio Design Awards Program for 2012 have begun. There are important deadlines you need to be aware of:
July 2 – Design Award and 25-Year Award submissions are due to the AIA Ohio office. Click here to purchase your Design Awards packet.
All award winners will be recognized at the Awards Banquet during the AIA Ohio Convention on Friday, Sept. 14, at the Playhouse Square State Theatre.

AIA-Ohio Seeks AIA Architects in Leadership Postions
David W. Field, CAE, Hon. AIA,
Executive Vice President
SAO/OSFC Merged into OFCC
The Governor’s Mid Biennium Review Bill, HB 487, has merged the State Architect’s Office (SAO) with the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) into a new Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) consisting of Department of Administration Director Robert Blair, Budget Director Tim Keene and a third person not yet appointed by the Governor.
The unprecedented 2,800+ page bill, which contained so much new policy that the Ohio House of Representatives broke it into several sub bills, moved rapidly through the legislature. Even before the official bill was introduced, AIA-Ohio began working to assure that, in the event the two agencies were merged, AIA architects would maintain leadership positions. AIA-Ohio conveyed that message to SAO and OSFC staffs as well as key legislators in both the House and Senate.
On May 9 AIA Ohio President, Judson A. Kline, FAIA, LEED AP testified before the Senate Finance Committee chaired by Senator Chris Widener, FAIA.
He told legislators that AIA Ohio recognized the need for and supports the effort to create more efficiency in government. He said that architects understand the economic realities that are encouraging a variety of governmental consolidations and agree that construction efficiencies will assure that our state remains economically competitive and that our citizens receive the highest value built environment.
During his testimony Klein focused on the structure of the proposed OFCC, saying, “For Ohio to maximize the benefits from the OFCC, AIA Ohio believes that involving AIA architects at the highest level in the proposed organization is essential to achieving the intended results.”
He listed these reasons:
1. AIA architects are specifically educated, trained and examined in building design, integration of building engineering systems, sustainability and health, safety and welfare requirements for buildings. We believe this expertise should be imbedded at the highest level of the OFCC in optimizing the outcomes in the design, construction and performance of Ohio’s public buildings.
2. AIA architects are experienced in the processes and practices now being implemented as part of Ohio’s recent construction reform legislation. AIA architects should be engaged in the OFCC at the level where this understanding will ensure quality design services, fiduciary responsibility and the fullest potential project value when applying these new delivery methods.
3. AIA architects, through contributing their knowledge and expertise in planning, developing and organizing processes and programs have played an important role in the design, management and construction of Ohio’s public and private architecture for decades. At an OFCC leadership level, AIA architects will have the standing to assure the most efficient use of resources and technologies for Ohio.
AIA-Ohio will continue to offer its expertise to the new OFCC leadership as it organizes to implement last year’s extensive construction reform legislation.
News from the Ohio Architects Board
Continuing Education
At this point, you should be just about halfway towards meeting your 2012 Ohio Mandatory Continuing Education requirement.
As of January 1, 2012, the Ohio Architects Board now requires completion of 12 Health, Safety and Welfare hours every calendar year. All hours must be structured coursework offered by approved providers.
Every registered architect should plan to complete all hours before December 31, 2012. Audits will be conducted starting January 1, 2013.
The complete continuing education rules are available on the Board’s website at http://arc.ohio.gov/ContinuingEducation.aspx, along with the Board’s CE Resources list, which provides a detailed list of sources for coursework.
Firm Renewal Applications Due June 30
Applications are now being accepted for the 2012 – 2013 Firm Certificate of Authorization to practice Architecture, Landscape Architecture, or both professions, in the state of Ohio.
Individuals listed in the Board’s records as the firm point of contact have been emailed an application. Forms are also available on the Forms page of the Board’s website at http://arc.ohio.gov/Forms.aspx
The renewal fee is $100 for the professions of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Firms offering both services must pay $200.
The deadline to renew is June 30, 2012. All applications must be postmarked by June 30. As there is no grace period for late applications, a new application and fee of $125 is required after June 30.
AIA and Ohio Architect Board Emeritus Policies Not the Same
Delegates to the AIA 2012 National Convention approved an amendment to the AIA’s bylaws which changes the eligibility requirements for AIA Emeritus membership. Ohio registered architects should understand how the AIA policy differs from Ohio Architect Board rules.
Under the new requirements, an Architect member of the AIA must have been 1) an AIA member in good standing for 15 successive years immediately prior to applying for Emeritus status, and 2) a. must either be 70 years old and retired from the profession of architecture, or 2) so incapacitated as to be unable to work in the profession.
Ohio registered architects should be aware that the AIA policy is not the same as the Ohio Architects Board definition of “Emeritus Architect.” The Ohio Architects Board policy defines Emeritus as an architect 1) who is at least 65 years old and 2) who has been registered in the state of Ohio for at least 10 years, and 3) who is fully retired.
Conferral of emeritus status by the AIA does not automatically transfer to state of Ohio registration. In Ohio, an architect must complete an Emeritus application in order to qualify. The application is available on the Forms page of the Board’s website at http://www.arc.ohio.gov/Forms.aspx
In Ohio, an Emeritus Architect is exempt from payment of renewal fees and the Mandatory Continuing Education requirement. Most importantly, to qualify for Emeritus status with the Ohio Architects Board, the architect must be fully retired and not engaging in any of the activities defined at the “practice of architecture.”
The “practice of architecture” is defined as providing, or offering to provide, the following services in connection with the design and construction, enlargement, or alteration of a building or group of buildings and the space within and the site surrounding such buildings, which have as their principal purpose human occupancy or habitation: pre-design, programming, planning, providing designs, drawings, specifications and other technical submissions, the administration of construction contracts, and the coordination of any elements of technical submissions prepared by others.
Architects of any age with a medical condition verified by a doctor may also request an exemption from the OAB’s Mandatory Continuing Education requirement. The Exemption application is available on the Forms page of the Board’s website at http://www.arc.ohio.gov/Forms.aspx
Retired architects serving on local Architectural Review Boards should be aware they may be required to maintain an active registration in order to serve.
Architects Board Announces Revisions to Sealing Process
The Ohio Architects Board announces that sealing procedures for Architects have been modified effective July 1, 2012.
Beginning in July, architects must include their printed name, license number and license expiration date below the seal when stamping drawings or other documents.
It is not required or necessary to purchase a new seal. The new information can be incorporated into the title block.
The Board anticipates that architects will be less likely to practice on a lapsed license when they are required to include the license expiration date on the title page. In addition, requiring a printed name below the seal will eliminate problems with legibility and identification of the licensee.
John Doe, License #00000
Expiration Date 12/31/2013
As a reminder:
- All documents prepared by the licensed architect shall be sealed.
- Only the title sheet of a set of plans must be signed and sealed.
- Corporate or firm seals are not permitted in Ohio.
- Only one name may appear on a seal.
- The signature appearing over the tips of the seal may be “wet” or electronic.
- Seals may be electronic, metal embossed or rubber stamp.
A copy of the seal rule and Frequently Asked Questions about seals and sealing can be found on the Ohio Architects Board website at http://arc.ohio.gov/SealsSealings.aspx
OSHA On-Site Consultation Program
The OSHA On-Site Consultation program is offered at no charge to employers through the Ohio BWC’s Division of Safety & Hygiene. This program is funded mainly by the US Department of Labor through the BWC. The On-Site Consultation is offered to small Ohio employers in high-risk industries and assists them in identifying potential safety hazards and what steps they can take to correct them.
This Program offers:
- On-site safety inspections and consultation at no charge
- Assistance with safety program execution
- Safety and hygiene training
- Additional resources both printed and electronic
Unlike the federal OSHA program, OSHA On-Site Consultation does not:
- Have right of entry to a workplace
- Issue citations or fines
This service is only initiated by the employer, not OSHA or BWC. Once initiated, the employer and BWC will agree upon a deadline within which they will rectify any safety problems that were discovered during the consultation.
For more information, please visit the BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene OSHA On-Site Consultation site at http://www.ohiobwc.com/employer/programs/safety/SandHOSHAOnsiteDetails.asp
Congratulations to the 2012 recipients of the AIA Ohio Foundation Scholarships:
From the University of Cincinnati – Jennifer Colley
From The Ohio State University – Jeff Anderson
From Kent State University – Claire Markwardt
And pictured below, from Miami University, (left to right) – Liz Nahrup, Sam Toland, and Jen Cahill

AIA Ohio A Society of the American Institute of Architects 17 South High St. – Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43215-3458
This information is provided exclusively for AIA Ohio members. Call 614-221-0338 or send e-mail to aiaohio@assnoffices.com