“Body + Building / Architecture: Creating Environments for Well-Being” September 12-15
Cleveland, OH
Get Your Motor Running: Architecture IS an Economic Engine
Judson A. Kline, FAIA, LEED AP AIA Ohio President
As my year as AIA Ohio President has begun and we are on the road, I would like to share my aspirations for the year, the plans we are making to fulfill these aspirations and the progress we are making in delivering on the plans. The big hairy audacious goal I see for AIA Ohio is to play a significant role in promoting “Architecture IS an Economic Engine” and to be instrumental and inspirational for this to take place. As our attitude toward the current economy is the only condition we truly have the power to change, we need to begin by re-building a positive and pro-active outlook and the value of our profession in helping to bring about the future we all want to see for our firms, our families and our communities. In each newsletter, I will highlight strategies to regain our “groove” in marshaling our potential to restore our domains of practice and creating opportunities for today’s profession and those for the next generation of architects.
In preparing for the year, we held a strategic planning session which saw the emergence of several potential initiatives to help get our engine started. These initiatives distilled down to 6 programs suggesting:
1. The initiation of a leadership development plan preparing architects to participate in the civic arena, give them the tools necessary to pursue these endeavors and the encouragement to assume responsible rolls within their communities. This program has been identified as the Leadership Development Program (LDP)
2. The development of a communications outreach effort to formulate a message promoting the value of the profession and the institute, then assisting the chapters in the delivery of this message to the public, clients, community leaders and other professionals. This program titled the Communications Outreach Program will continue the work of the previous administration in championing a PR campaign for AIA Ohio and its members.
3. The development of a STAR Architect Program (the Strategic Trusted Advisor Resource Architect) to help architects re-establish themselves as the knowledge source for clients to engage as the first contact in endeavors related to building, design and development.
4. Enhancing our AIAohio.org website to be a source for information valuable for our practices, the profession and institute. The goal is to make it a greater vehicle for the sharing of our knowledge, not only for our members, but also a place where others can find information on construction and design issues. The AIA Ohio Knowledge Network will be a place where our members can post information and download information. Beyond the AIAOKnet being a warehouse for valuable information, it will also be a place where we can celebrate the successes, achievements and milestones of our members.
5. The promotion of local design resources by developing a strategy to continuously strive to inform and challenge community and business leaders to consider the engagement of local firms for the projects in their communities.
6. The development of a Keystone program to recognize and mentor emerging professionals as leaders. This program was seen as a companion program to the LDP and as a result the marriage of these to programs makes them the candidates for initial implementation.
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Hearings Underway
David W. Field, CAE, Hon. AIA,
Executive Vice President
Administration Proposes OSFC/SAO Merger
Ohio General Assembly is working on a Capital Bill, a Capital Reappropriations bill, two bills that would provide construction tax credits and Governor Kasich’s “Mid-Biennium Review” (MBR) proposal (HB 487) that, among many tax and administrative changes, would merge the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) with the State Architect’s Office (SAO).
Reasons for Merger:
Prior to introducing the MBR bill, Office of Budget and Management Director, Tim Keen said the Administration believes that an OSFC/SAO merger would “reduce costs and align related authority and resources within a single, responsive commission with oversight responsibility for all state non-transportation construction.”
When providing an overview of HB 487 during a March 20 meeting of the House Finance Committee, he further explained that, “the impetus (for the merger) was the lack of an ongoing funding source for the state architect’soffice.”
AIA Ohio Awards Program
Included in this newsletter is the submission information for the following AIA Ohio Honor Awards Programs:
AIA Ohio Gold Medal Award AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm Award
AIA Ohio Mentor Award AIA Ohio Public Service Award
Please note, the Call for Entries for the AIA Ohio Design Awards will be sent separately, in April. The submission for AIA Ohio Honor Awards is an electronic format. To submit for the AIA Ohio Gold Medal or Gold Medal Firm Award, you will NOT need to request a submission binder.
The AIA Ohio Honor and Design Awards will be recognized on Friday, Sept. 15, at the AIA Ohio Awards Banquet in Cleveland, Ohio. This banquet will take place at the Ohio Theatre, from 6:30-10 p.m. Award winners and their clients will be invited to attend this event.
Please be aware of the following dates: June 20, 2012: Submissions for Gold Medal, Public Service and Mentor awards are due at the AIA Ohio office by 5 p.m.
July 20, 2012: AIA Ohio Board meets to vote on finalists for AIA Ohio Gold Medal and AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm Award, and chooses the winners of the Public Service and Mentor Awards
Sept. 15, 2011: AIA Ohio Awards Banquet, when the 2012 AIA Ohio Design and Honor Award winners will be recognized.
Questions should be directed to Kate Brunswick at AIA Ohio, kate@assnoffices.com” shape=rect target=_blank>kate@assnoffices.com.
Call for Nominations – AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm Award
The AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm Award is the highest honor that AIA Ohio can bestow on an architectural firm. The AIA Ohio Board of Directors may confer this award to a firm who has consistently, over an extended period of time, distinguished itself through excellence in the practice of Architecture.
Click here to view submission requirements
Call for Nominations – AIA Ohio Gold Medal Award
The AIA Ohio Gold Medal is the highest honor that AIA Ohio can bestow on an individual. It is conferred by the AIA Ohio Board of Directors in recognition of exemplary efforts and significant accomplishments.
Click here to view submission requirements
Call for Entries – AIA Ohio Mentor Award
The AIA Ohio Mentor Award will be given to an individual who has demonstrated the ability to assist and mentor in their community. To submit an individual for this award, please illustrate how the individual has mentored in the profession, and include the name(s) of individuals whom (s)he has assisted. Send this information, with the form below, to AIA Ohio via email at aiaohio@assnoffices.com” shape=rect target=_blank>aiaohio@assnoffices.com, no later than June 17, 2011.
Click here for entry form |
Call for Entries – AIA Ohio Public Service Award
The AIA Ohio Public Service Award will be granted to an individual who has made a significant impact in their community through public service. To nominate an individual for this award, please explain how the individual has impacted his/her community and list their participation in community boards or panels such as the Board of Education or Planning Commission. Send this information via email to aiaohio@assnoffices.com, no later than June 20, 2012.
Click here for entry form
News from the Ohio Architects Board
New Continuing Education Requirements
We hope you are aware of the new Continuing Education requirements! If not, you can download a copy of the new rules from the Ohio Architects Board website at http://www.arc.ohio.gov/ContinuingEducation.aspx
In brief, the new requirements are as follows:
- All architects must complete 12 hours per calendar year
- All courses must be Health, Safety and Welfare (HSW)
- All activities must be structured courses
Members Matter!
AIA Ohio is pleased to recognize those members from throughout the state who have recently become registered, have achieved a significant milestone in the profession or their practice or those members a have been recognized within the profession with a special honor or award. The membership of AIA Ohio is key to advancing the practice of architecture and in advancing the mission of the AIA. Go to aiaohio.org, and click on the Members Matter tab at the top to see who is being recognized. This is also the tab where you can access links to submit members (or yourself) for recognition.
AIA Ohio recognizes those individuals who, through long years or study, internship and testing, have successfully passed the Architectural Registration Examination and have met the requirements of the State of Ohio and who now have been recognized by the Ohio Architects Board as an Architect in the State of Ohio.
AIA Ohio welcomes the opportunity to recognize those individuals or firms that have achieved significant milestones in their practice, acknowledging either significant firm anniversaries, member practice achievements or anniversaries, and special acknowledgements of a firms long term commitment to the practice of the profession.
AIA Ohio also congratulates and welcomes those members of the AIA who have received special honors or recognitions in their careers or practice. These individuals are members who have made a special effort to contribute to their communities or the profession
Check it out: Members Matter!
Ohio Construction Reform Update
- The first three Administrative Rules (Surety Bond, Contract Form and Subcontract Form) became effective on Dec. 26, 2011.
- The last four Administrative Rules (Prequalification, Best Value, Electronic Advertising and Electronic Bidding) will go into effect on Feb. 3, 2012.
- The final General Contracting (Single Prime) documents were posted on Dec. 26, 2011.
- The final Construction Manager at Risk contract documents are nearly complete and will be posted to the OCR website on Feb. 2, 2012.
- The final Design-Build contract documents will be developed next and are anticipated to be ready in mid-March. Drafts are anticipated to be posted for public comment on Feb. 9, 2012.
- OCR Academy, the definitive seminar to learn the details of the changes in public facilities construction in Ohio, will take place in seven Ohio locations in February and March. To learn more and register for the OCR Academy in your area, click this link: http://www.regonline.com/ohioconstructionreformacademy.
All of the above information is available on the Ohio Construction Reform website at http://ocr.ohio.gov. We encourage and welcome you to review the information on the OCR website on a regular basis for new information or revisions to previously posted documents.
Rethinking a Parking Lot
by Stephanie Aurora Lewis, RA, LEED AP BD&C
Next time you drive into a parking lot, consider exercising your imagination about how the parking lot could be a more meaningful space within the city. While parking lot planning has occupied thoughtful consideration for over forty years, parking lot design is again grasping the attention of savvy designers. Aran Ben-Joseph, professor of urban design and landscape architecture at MIT has recently published the book ReThinking a Lot: The Design and Culture of Parking.
Ben-Joseph, like many other critics before him, wonders how we may choose to view parking lot design through the lens of functionalism and aesthetics simultaneously. How can a parking lot be more than a dusty babysitter for our cars during the day and a wasteland by night? The author’s favorite parking lot is Renzo Piano’s Fiat Lingotto factory in Turin, Italy where the entire lot is shaded by a canopy of soft shaded trees.
Read More….
AIA Ohio A Society of the American Institute of Architects 17 South High St. – Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43215-3458 This information is provided exclusively for AIA Ohio members. Call 614-221-0338 or send e-mail to aiaohio@assnoffices.com” shape=rect target=_blank> aiaohio@assnoffices.com