An Official E-Newsletter of AIA Ohio – Spring 2011
Presidents Message
The end of last year, AIA Ohio facilitated a 1 ½ day Weave session to develop our strategic plan for 2011. The AIA National Weave was a great framework to guide the development of supporting documentation for the meetings; to structure the meetings and dialog; and to organize and prioritize all the information gathered during the discussions.
Our Weave session included the AIA Ohio board, local component executives, presidents and president-elects from our seven chapters to encourage broad participation. We started with an overview and comparison of local chapter committees and activities to frame the discussion of how local and state programs and services can complement each other. We adopted the AIA National Weave vision, mission, goals and strategies for our strategic plan.
· Vision: AIA Ohio is driving positive change through the power of design.
· Mission: AIA Ohio is the voice of the architectural profession and a resource for its members in service to society.
· Goals: Serve as the Credible Voice; Be the Authoritative source; Increase Member Value.
· Strategies: Advocacy; Communication; Collaboration; Knowledge.
We then focused on an evaluation of AIA Ohio activities/actions for 2010 and integrated them into the Weave. New actions were added to meet our goals. We prioritized and reorganized the goals and strategies so the AIA Ohio activities can effectively supplement the local chapter activities. All the actions/activities were prioritized and reorganized for 2011 based on time and dollars that should be spent on each one.
As a well-defined framework, the Weave allowed us to focus on our issues versus the process of developing a strategic plan. The discourse on issues improved our collaboration with the local chapters. The local chapters learned about the extensive array of state activities and AIA Ohio learned how to better augment local chapter initiatives. Some of the key strategies and activities are listed below.
Ohio Architectural Landscape “Under Construction”!
David W. Field, CAE, Hon. AIA,
Executive Vice President
Governor John Kasich and members of the 129th Ohio General Assembly got off to a fast start…with three major objectives: re-staffing a state bureaucracy, establishing a growth agenda, and confronting an $8 billion budget deficit. All departments of state government now have new permanent or interim directors; union power is being reduced; and via Governor Kasich’s Budget proposal, local governments would be given new tools to lower costs. Following is a summary of legislative activities of interest to Ohio architects:
OSFC on a New Course
In the space of 15 minutes during February, the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) reversed four years of Democratic leadership, restoring former Taft appointee Richard Hickman Jr. as commission director and rescinding guidelines that were a centerpiece of the Strickland administration’s OSFC policy that included Project Labor Agreements (PLA), and other concessions to organized labor. The Ohio House of Representatives is hearing a bill, HB 102, which would prohibit state agencies from requiring or prohibiting certain labor requirements as a condition of performing public works and prohibit appropriations of state funds for public works when political subdivisions require labor requirements.
AIA-Ohio Endorsed Beougher and an Architect-led SAO
Former executive director of the State Architect’s Office (SAO), Craig Weise, AIA, has been replaced by Interim Director, Lane Beougher, AIA. On February 27, AIA-Ohio thanked Director of Administrative Services (DAS), Robert Blair for that appointment and encouraged him to appoint an architect with Lane’s qualifications to the permanent position. SAO’s future direction is unclear, along with its recent BIM proposal.
Flowers Named State Fire Marshal
Former Rep. Larry Flowers, a Canal Winchester Republican, has been named state fire marshal and will begin serving in the new position April 4.
Term limits forced Flowers from the House in 2008. Prior to his legislative career, he was fire chief for the Madison Township Fire Department in Franklin County from 1978 to 2000 and has recently been serving as Madison Township administrator.
AIA-Ohio asks Kasich to Pursue a Capital Bill
Citing the state’s critical financial condition, House Speaker, Bill Batchelder, and Senate President, Tom Niehaus, have said there would be no Capital Bill this year. However in recent days, legislators have used the Transportation Bill to fund some ongoing capital construction projects (road, bridge, water supply, wastewater, solid waste and storm water improvements that have been agreed to, but not yet funded due to the lack of a Capital Bill) and, depending upon how Budget Bill discussions go, a few critical local projects might be included in a fall Capital Bill.
Read more…
AIA Ohio Award Call for Entries
Click the links below for the submission information for the following AIA Ohio Honor Awards Programs:
AIA Ohio Gold Medal Award AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm Award AIA Ohio Mentor Award AIA Ohio Public Service Award
Please note, the Call for Entries for the AIA Ohio Design Awards will be sent separately, in April. The submission for AIA Ohio Honor Awards is an electronic format. To submit for the AIA Ohio Gold Medal or Gold Medal Firm Award, you will NOT need to request a submission binder.
This year, AIA Ohio will take part in the AIA Ohio Valley Region Convention, Sept. 15-17, 2011: Discover.Design.Dayton. The OVR Convention Planning Committee has made several significant changes to the schedule for this convention:
The AIA Ohio Honor Awards (including the Ohio Gold Medal, Gold Medal Firm, Public Service and Mentor Awards) will be recognized on Friday, Sept. 16, at a regional Honor Awards Reception. This reception will take place in the Schuster Center from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Please note, this is not the typical AIA Ohio Awards Banquet with a formal dinner and presentation. The committee is still working on the details, but the event promises to offer the highest recognition to the region’s most outstanding architects. AIA Kentucky and AIA Indiana will also present their honor awards at this venue.
The AIA Ohio Design Awards will be recognized on Thursday, Sept. 15, at a luncheon celebrating Design in the Ohio Valley Region. This luncheon will take place at the Dayton Convention Center, from noon-2:30 p.m., and will include a keynote Design Speaker. Design award winners and their clients will be invited to attend this luncheon and be recognized by their peers from throughout Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio.
Please be aware of the following dates:
June 17, 2011: Submissions for Gold Medal, Public Service and Mentor awards are due at the
AIA Ohio office by 5 p.m.
July 15, 2011: AIA Ohio Board meets to vote on finalists for AIA Ohio Gold Medal and AIA Ohio
Gold Medal Firm Award, and chooses the winners of the Public Service and
Mentor Awards
Sept. 16, 2011: AIA Ohio Valley Region Honor Awards Recognition Reception, when the 2011 Honor Award winners will be recognized.
Questions should be directed to Kate Brunswick at AIA Ohio,
“Doing Good to Do Well…Advocacy as a Business Strategy”
AIA Ohio Legislative Day Event
Columbus, June 8, 2011
By Judson A. Kline, FAIA
AIA Ohio’s Legislative Day program will explore the link between advocacy and business development. Then using the knowledge gained through a panel discussion and workshop featuring case studies by Ohio architects who have connected civic initiatives to their practices, AIA members will be prepared to engage in discussions with legislators invited to attend a luncheon scheduled to be held in the atrium of the Ohio Statehouse.
AIA looks to its members for participation in this event to emphasize the important contribution made in building our communities and the role architects have in shaping the future of Ohio. The timing of this event is critical to the profession and Ohio. The issues Ohio faces in re-energizing the economy, building a sustainable future, improving the quality of life and community character present challenges architects can help address. The members of AIA Ohio need to be at the table to inform legislators of the valuable resources architects offer in developing solutions to the challenges faced by Ohio. AIA will succeed only through members from across the state converging in Columbus on June 8, 2011 and giving expression to architects’ concerns, suggestions and offers of assistance.
In the upcoming weeks, look for additional information on the schedule of the event. Then, plan to join your colleagues and help the voice of AIA Ohio architects resonate in the halls of government in delivering the message of the power of design in shaping the future of Ohio.
2011 Architecture + Design Month
So much programming, we needed an entire month! Sponsored by AIA Cleveland
We are pleased to announce that our recurring spring concentration of programming last year known as “Architecture Week” has expanded and evolved to Architecture + Design Month.
AIA Cleveland will present the 2011 Architecture + Design Month events from April 1st – April 21st to recognize Northeast Ohio architects and designers, along with related programming highlighting the issues facing the design community in Northeast Ohio. The ‘homebase’ for events throughout the month is the beautifully renovated former Ever Ready Power House in Battery Park in the Detroit-Shoreway neighborhood of Cleveland; various Architecture + Design Month events will also be taking place throughout Northeast Ohio.
By clicking here, you will find brief summaries of each of the events that have been planned as a part of Architecture + Design Month as well as additional design related programming happening throughout the design filled month of April (and a few March dates we just HAD to include!). The text for events being organized by the Architecture + Design Month committee is shown in BLACK while the text shown in RED are events not being planned as a part of A + D Month that we just had to tell you about anyways.
All events are subject to change. And some will. All events are open to the public unless otherwise noted.
Get ready for a busy AIA Cleveland sponsored April!
Sincerely, AIA Cleveland. |
AIA National Grassroots Meetings with Legislators on Economic and Sustainability Issues
Judson A. Kline, FAIA, LEED AP
Senior Director
Herschman Architects, Inc.
The American Institute of Architects held its annual Grassroots leadership conference in Washington, D.C., February 2-5, 2011. The agenda focused attention on issues critical to architects, the construction industry, the nation’s economy, and the environment and included meetings with Ohio representatives and senators on Capitol Hill. The AIA Ohio executive delegation was: Steve Shinn, Jud Kline, Bruce Sekanick, and Michael Schuster; AIA Ohio chapter executives: Robert Mashke, Kurt Weaver, Jack Bauman, Ruth Gless, James Bressler, Randy Merrill, John Rademacher, Donald Funk, and Ray Micham; associate directors: Greg Spon, Brian McAlexander, and Wayne Mortensen. AIA Ohio chapter executive directors Kate Brunswick, Mary Helen Hammer, Carolyne Tinsely, Pat Daugherty, Gwen Burlekamp, and Jane Treiber also met with the legislative staff of Senators Sharrod Brown and Rob Portman along with many of the Ohio members of the House of Representatives.
The AIA legislative agenda focused on four areas where legislation is pending and action is encouraged to promote jobs and improve the environment. Our core platform addressed:
1. Unfreezing credit to enable worthy projects to move forward through the passing of the Equal Treatment for Covered Bonds Act and the Capital Access for Main Street Act;
2. Reducing burdensome regulations, such as the IRS 1099 filing requirement;
3. Promoting the retrofitting and renovation of existing buildings for energy efficiency, focusing on reducing dependency on foreign energy sources and producing jobs by expanding and increasing the 179D tax credits from $1.80/sf to $3.00/sf; and,
4. Providing funding for high-speed mass transit with all the energy reduction and development benefits it can provide.
The presentation by the AIA Ohio delegation described significant job losses in the architectural field and the interrelationship between a healthy design profession and a growing construction industry. “We are the canaries in the coal mine,” noted Jud Kline. In order for the construction industry to contribute one of every nine dollars of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product, architects must be busy, healthy and growing.
The discussions also addressed the need to recognize the value and significance of existing buildings in producing a viable energy reduction strategy and the importance of encouraging renovation and energy retrofits for a sustainable future. The legislators welcomed and appreciated the points made by the group and responded positively to the delegates.
The advocacy efforts of AIA representatives produced quick results. While the group was in Washington, D.C., the Senate voted 81-17 to repeal the 1099 requirement. President Obama announced the “Better Building Initiative” which includes an increase for the 179D tax credit. Within days of the AIA event, Vice President Biden traveled to Pennsylvania to announce support for high-speed mass transit. While many of these initiatives will require the support and approval of Congress, the AIA Ohio delegation contributed to educating the legislators from Ohio on the significance of these issues towards economic recovery and improved environmental strategies for the United States.
Ohio Architects Board Update Amy Kobe, CAE Executive Director
As happens every two years, 2011 will be a license renewal year for Ohio Architects. The Ohio Architects Board will send renewal notices to all actively licensed Architects approximately November 1, 2011. The deadline to renew without a penalty is December 31, 2011. The renewal fee remains $125.00 for two years.
Architects should take a moment now to review their Continuing Education credits. If you don’t have enough hours-24 hours are required in order to renew-now is the time to obtain those missing hours. Don’t forget that 16 of the 24 hours need to be Health, Safety and Welfare topics. If you need ideas for where to obtain your CE hours, there is a comprehensive list of resources on the CE page of the Board’s website.
All CE credits should be earned between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2011. If audited, you must submit documentation such as an AIA transcript or Certificates of Completion. Credit will not be given for hours without proper documentation. When attending courses, be sure your hours are being reported to the AIA, or if not, request a Certificate of Completion.
AIA Emeritus members need to be aware they are not automatically exempt from the state’s Continuing Education requirements. Only an Architect who has been approved for Emeritus status with the Board is exempt from the CE requirement. In order to qualify for Emeritus, the architect must be over age 65, FULLY retired, and licensed in the state of Ohio for at least ten years AND complete an Emeritus application. This means the Architect cannot engage in any activities defined by the Board as the practice of architecture. If you are not sure of the current definition of the practice, which was updated recently, please download a copy of the rules from the Board website.
A limited group of Architects may qualify for exemption from the CE requirements. Architects who were licensed in the state of Ohio by examination between 1/1/10 and 12/31/11 are exempt. Architects with serious medical conditions, or who are serving in the military, may apply for an exemption. Exemptions MUST be approved prior to submission of the renewal application.
The Ohio Architects Board website was updated earlier this year. Users should find it easy to navigate and be able to find the information and forms you need quickly. The website address is
As always, Ohio Architects Board staff is available and happy to answer your questions. Just send an email to Amy Kobe, Executive Director, at or Chad Holland, Investigator, at or call us at 614-466-2316.. |
towards Registration and Deadlines
Associate Director, AIA Columbus Chapter
Registration is one of the most important milestones in the career of an architect, but it is not for everyone. While some architecture interns find alternative careers, many follow the traditional architecture path and pursue licensure. The Ohio Board of Examiners data suggests that in the past decade a median of 61% of new exam candidates during the same time became licensed.
NCARB produced the first national exam for architects in 1965. Since then several aspects of the registration process have been redefined – if not all. The Internship Development Program (IDP), the Architectural Registration Examination (ARE), and the NAAB accredited degree requirements have all changed since then. “Every time there is a major change, candidates are motivated to finish the exams and get licensed,” says Amy Kobe Executive Director with the Ohio Architects Board. The graph below (Figure 1) shows the numbers of newly licensed architects since 1984, which spiked around 1994 and 2009.
Figure 1 – Ohio Board of Examiners Registration Database |
In 1994, Ohio adopted IDP training as a state registration requirement. The new internship qualifications seemed cumbersome in comparison and motivated interns to become eligible ARE candidates before the new compliance. They also tested and did quite well as over 200 architects registered in the state that year. Then, the curve spikes again in 2009. In July 2008, ARE 4.0 was introduced nationwide as a seven-exam module. The last date to test in the old ARE version was June 30th 2009. Interns rushed to complete all tests and slightly increased registration numbers once again. “It is amazing what a deadline will do,” Kobe adds.
Currently, ARE candidates face another deadline: the 5-year rolling clock. On January 1st 2006, NCARB launched the 5-year rule for all test takers. If you had been taking any of the ARE before this date, you had until January 1st 2011 to pass them. If you have not started yet, you must complete all exams in a 5-year period, beginning on the date you take your first exam.
It is unclear how the rolling clock rule will affect the Ohio Board of Examiners database. In 2010 alone, only 74 interns became licensed. The years ahead set deadlines for those currently taking the licensing exams as their 5 year clock lapses. Hopefully it is a positive motivator to seek registration. The clock is ticking now, no pun intended.
Submit your Firm Profile today!
The AIA Ohio Handbook of Architects is sent to all AIA Ohio members, as well as to all of Ohio’s legislators. The deadline is May 6, you’ll want to make sure your firm is represented! To have your firm profile included in this important publication, go online and enter the profile information. The cost is only $50 per listing, and in addition to the mailed printed copies, the searchable directory will be online at Act now to take advantage of this important promotional tool for your firm! Questions? Contact AIA Ohio at, or 614.221.0338 |
AIA Ohio Valley Region Convention Call for Proposals
The Call for Proposals is open for the AIA Ohio Valley Region Convention, taking place Sept. 15-17, 2011, in Dayton, Ohio. Discover.Design.Dayton is the theme of this regional event, which will attract over 400 architects from Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. You have knowledge to share and best practices that others need to learn – use this opportunity to put yourself and your firm out in front of your peers. You’ll have a great experience, and earn a complimentary Convention Registration! Proposals must be submitted by Friday, April 15, so don’t delay!
In conjunction with the AIA Ohio Valley Regional Convention, the Emerging Professionals Retreat/ UnConvention will be held on September 16 & 17, 2011 in Dayton, OH. Some of the programs will be: Speed Mentoring, Portfolio Review and Resume Critique, Ask a Fellow Roundtable, ARE Study Seminars, NCARB and IDP discussions, opportunity to attend all the regular convention programs and network with registered architects and members of the College of Fellows. More information to follow, please save the date. If you have any question please email Gregory Spon, AIA Ohio Associate Director at or visit the AIA Ohio Associate Director Facebook Group Page at: |
2011 Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship
Applications are now available for the 2011 Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship and due April 8, 2011. Jason Pettigrew, Assoc AIA dedicated his time and energy to supporting the profession in his home Western Mountain States region before his life was tragically cut short. This scholarship provides financial support for Registration Exam costs, as well as a full set of study materials from Kaplan.
More information, eligibility requirements and an application can be found here.
AIA Ohio A Society of the American Institute of Architects 17 South High St. – Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43215-3458 This information is provided exclusively for AIA Ohio members. Call 614-221-0338 or send e-mail to