Earlier this year, the AIA Ohio Board of Directors adopted a program that is geared toward helping ARE Candidates meet one of the challenges in taking the registration exam. Through a program that is titled AIA Ohio Cares (Catalyst for Architectural Registration Exam Scholarship), AIA Ohio is making available grants to help economically challenged eligible graduates complete their ARE testing. This program is open to all Ohio residents who are eligible to take the ARE and the funds may be used for either the cost of testing or for other associated costs, including study material. The fund established by the board permits members and non-members alike to apply for funding. AIA Ohio Associate members may qualify for a grant of up to $200, while non-members are limited to $100 grants. Grants are limited to one per year and funds available for this program are limited so awards will be made on a first come, first serve basis. To apply for the grant click here to complete an application form.

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