Proposed Park District Bldg. Dept. Bill Heard
Proposed Park District Bldg. Dept. Bill Heard
The Ohio House Local Government/Public Administration Committee took sponsor testimony on SB 151 Wednesday. The bill
would add park districts to the existing list of political subdivisions permitted to create a building department.
Grendell said the bill would save taxpayer money by allowing park districts to avoid the lengthy process of having
building projects approved by a state, county or city building department. Under the bill, park districts would be
allowed to create a building department that could become certified by the Board of Building Standards to
administer the Ohio Building Code and Ohio Mechanical Code. Instead of submitting plans to a state or local
building department, a park district that elects to create a building department could review and approve its own
building plans.
Rep. Blair asked if the problem could be solved by exempting parks from the filing fee, but Grendell said the
delay in waiting for approval is as much of a problem as the cost. He acknowledged that most park districts
would be too small to take advantage of the bill, but larger ones, like the Lake County Metroparks District, which
operates a working farm, could benefit from the bill.
Rep. Chandler, the chairwoman of the committee, said that creating a building department would be duplication
of effort, and that the cost of filing fees was not likely to be more than the cost of training or hiring a building
inspector. She also said that sometimes the reason the application process is delayed is because the proposed
building doesn’t meet code requirements, and suggested that allowing parks to approve their own buildings
would be like “asking the fox to guard the henhouse, so to speak.” Chandler said the committee should look at
current building codes and consider revising them so as not to prohibitively affect parks.
Federal Government Grants Ohio $25 Million For Housing Program
Federal Government Grants Ohio $25 Million For Housing Program
Ohio was awarded $25.4 million in federal stimulus funding Thursday for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, becoming the only state to receive such direct funding, according to the Department of Development.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development funding came after the state applied for assistance to help the areas of greatest need that did not apply directly to the federal agency for funding, DOD reported. The funds were awarded competitively to eligible local governments, states, and nonprofit organizations.
Columbus, Dayton, Springfield, Toledo, the Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corp., Hamilton County, and The Community Builders, Inc. are slated to receive the funding.
Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher said the money would help protect communities from economic risks associated with foreclosures, abandonment, and the volatile housing market.
“However, while we appreciate the assistance to several Ohio regions, we are extremely disappointed that communities still reeling from the economic recession received no funding, including Youngstown, Canton, and Akron,” he said.
“We commit to standing with our regional representatives and congressional delegation and are ready to work with them to advocate for the federal assistance they need,” he said.
With today’s announcement, received a total of $175.2 million, including a direct allocation to the state, DOD said. As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Congress allocated $2 billion to the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2.
U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Cleveland) said the funding would help “Main Street” recover from the economic crisis.
“By rebuilding neighborhoods devastated by the economic crisis, we will improve surrounding property values, create new jobs, and foster long-term economic growth,” he said. “By putting vacant properties and lots to good use and targeting funds to the hardest-hit communities, we can rebuild our downtowns and strengthen our communities.”
DOD said it would allocate its funding to seven nonprofit organizations: the Community Action Partnership of the Greater Dayton Area, Community Action Commission of Fayette County, Gallia Meigs Community Action Agency, Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, Neighborhood Development Services, Inc., Ohio Regional Development Corporation, and WSOS (Wood, Sandusky, Ottawa, and Seneca) Community Action Commission.
Ohio House approves AIA-Ohio Backed Sustainability Bill (HB7)
The Ohio House of Representatives Wednesday passed HB 7 that would set sustainability standards for state construction. The vote was 54-42. During the Committee hearing process AIA-Ohio’s Committee on the Environment (COTE) successfully lobbied for an amendment that emphasizes performance standards rather than an endorsement of a single energy rating system.
During the House debate both Representatives Marian Harris (D-Cincinnati) and Connie Pillich (D-Montgomery) paid tribute to AIA-Ohio and others for providing valuable input throughout the Committee hearing process.
Democrats who spoke during the debate all supported HB 7.
Republicans, however expressed concern about several aspects of the bill:
1. Some questioned a successful floor amendment that would allow, but not require an exemption from the bill if state money constituted less than 10 percent of construction costs.
2. Though the bill’s sponsor assured Rep. Ross McGregor (R-72) that the bill applied only to new construction, not rehabilitation, Rep. Robert Mecklenborg (R-30) contended that the language wasn’t clear enough… that the language should state unequivocally that “this bill applies only to new construction.” (Editors note: OSFC makes no distinction between new and renovated & its new/renovated ratio reportedly is 60/40 with the renovation portion growing).
3. Mechlenborg also felt that it was excessive to require that energy efficiency exceed by 30 percent the standards developed by the “finest minds in HVAC matters.”
DAS proposes revised energy rules
DAS proposes revised energy rules
Copies of the proposed rules are available on the Register of Ohio Web site at A public hearing will be held at 9 a.m. Jan. 4 in Conference Room No. 2793 at the Rhodes State Office Tower, 30 E. Broad St., 27th Floor, Columbus, Ohio, 43215. All interested persons may provide oral or written testimony. Written comments should be sent no later than Dec. 30 to
Architects Licensing Bill (SB183) Passes Ohio Senate (30-1)
Architects Licensing Bill (SB183) Passes Ohio Senate (30-1)
Senate Construction Reform Effort on Life Support
Senate Construction Reform Effort on Life Support
Governor Announces Latest Bipartisan Stimulus Awards for Advanced Energy
Governor Announces Latest Bipartisan Stimulus Awards for Advanced Energy
Gov. Ted Strickland and his energy advisor, Ohio Air Quality Development Authority Executive Director Mark Shanahan (OAQDA), announced seven new awards Tuesday from the $150 million advanced energy portion of the Ohio Bipartisan Job Stimulus Plan.
Senate Committee Clears Architect’s Licensing Bill (SB 183)
Roush Appointed OSFC Legislative Liaison
Proposed Park District Bldg. Dept. Bill Heard
Proposed Park District Bldg. Dept. Bill Heard
The Ohio House Local Government/Public Administration Committee took sponsor testimony on SB 151 Wednesday. The bill
would add park districts to the existing list of political subdivisions permitted to create a building department.
Grendell said the bill would save taxpayer money by allowing park districts to avoid the lengthy process of having
building projects approved by a state, county or city building department. Under the bill, park districts would be
allowed to create a building department that could become certified by the Board of Building Standards to
administer the Ohio Building Code and Ohio Mechanical Code. Instead of submitting plans to a state or local
building department, a park district that elects to create a building department could review and approve its own
building plans.
Rep. Blair asked if the problem could be solved by exempting parks from the filing fee, but Grendell said the
delay in waiting for approval is as much of a problem as the cost. He acknowledged that most park districts
would be too small to take advantage of the bill, but larger ones, like the Lake County Metroparks District, which
operates a working farm, could benefit from the bill.
Rep. Chandler, the chairwoman of the committee, said that creating a building department would be duplication
of effort, and that the cost of filing fees was not likely to be more than the cost of training or hiring a building
inspector. She also said that sometimes the reason the application process is delayed is because the proposed
building doesn’t meet code requirements, and suggested that allowing parks to approve their own buildings
would be like “asking the fox to guard the henhouse, so to speak.” Chandler said the committee should look at
current building codes and consider revising them so as not to prohibitively affect parks.
Federal Government Grants Ohio $25 Million For Housing Program
Federal Government Grants Ohio $25 Million For Housing Program
Ohio was awarded $25.4 million in federal stimulus funding Thursday for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, becoming the only state to receive such direct funding, according to the Department of Development.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development funding came after the state applied for assistance to help the areas of greatest need that did not apply directly to the federal agency for funding, DOD reported. The funds were awarded competitively to eligible local governments, states, and nonprofit organizations.
Columbus, Dayton, Springfield, Toledo, the Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corp., Hamilton County, and The Community Builders, Inc. are slated to receive the funding.
Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher said the money would help protect communities from economic risks associated with foreclosures, abandonment, and the volatile housing market.
“However, while we appreciate the assistance to several Ohio regions, we are extremely disappointed that communities still reeling from the economic recession received no funding, including Youngstown, Canton, and Akron,” he said.
“We commit to standing with our regional representatives and congressional delegation and are ready to work with them to advocate for the federal assistance they need,” he said.
With today’s announcement, received a total of $175.2 million, including a direct allocation to the state, DOD said. As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Congress allocated $2 billion to the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2.
U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Cleveland) said the funding would help “Main Street” recover from the economic crisis.
“By rebuilding neighborhoods devastated by the economic crisis, we will improve surrounding property values, create new jobs, and foster long-term economic growth,” he said. “By putting vacant properties and lots to good use and targeting funds to the hardest-hit communities, we can rebuild our downtowns and strengthen our communities.”
DOD said it would allocate its funding to seven nonprofit organizations: the Community Action Partnership of the Greater Dayton Area, Community Action Commission of Fayette County, Gallia Meigs Community Action Agency, Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, Neighborhood Development Services, Inc., Ohio Regional Development Corporation, and WSOS (Wood, Sandusky, Ottawa, and Seneca) Community Action Commission.
Ohio House approves AIA-Ohio Backed Sustainability Bill (HB7)
The Ohio House of Representatives Wednesday passed HB 7 that would set sustainability standards for state construction. The vote was 54-42. During the Committee hearing process AIA-Ohio’s Committee on the Environment (COTE) successfully lobbied for an amendment that emphasizes performance standards rather than an endorsement of a single energy rating system.
During the House debate both Representatives Marian Harris (D-Cincinnati) and Connie Pillich (D-Montgomery) paid tribute to AIA-Ohio and others for providing valuable input throughout the Committee hearing process.
Democrats who spoke during the debate all supported HB 7.
Republicans, however expressed concern about several aspects of the bill:
1. Some questioned a successful floor amendment that would allow, but not require an exemption from the bill if state money constituted less than 10 percent of construction costs.
2. Though the bill’s sponsor assured Rep. Ross McGregor (R-72) that the bill applied only to new construction, not rehabilitation, Rep. Robert Mecklenborg (R-30) contended that the language wasn’t clear enough… that the language should state unequivocally that “this bill applies only to new construction.” (Editors note: OSFC makes no distinction between new and renovated & its new/renovated ratio reportedly is 60/40 with the renovation portion growing).
3. Mechlenborg also felt that it was excessive to require that energy efficiency exceed by 30 percent the standards developed by the “finest minds in HVAC matters.”
DAS proposes revised energy rules
DAS proposes revised energy rules
Copies of the proposed rules are available on the Register of Ohio Web site at A public hearing will be held at 9 a.m. Jan. 4 in Conference Room No. 2793 at the Rhodes State Office Tower, 30 E. Broad St., 27th Floor, Columbus, Ohio, 43215. All interested persons may provide oral or written testimony. Written comments should be sent no later than Dec. 30 to
Architects Licensing Bill (SB183) Passes Ohio Senate (30-1)
Architects Licensing Bill (SB183) Passes Ohio Senate (30-1)
Senate Construction Reform Effort on Life Support
Senate Construction Reform Effort on Life Support
Governor Announces Latest Bipartisan Stimulus Awards for Advanced Energy
Governor Announces Latest Bipartisan Stimulus Awards for Advanced Energy
Gov. Ted Strickland and his energy advisor, Ohio Air Quality Development Authority Executive Director Mark Shanahan (OAQDA), announced seven new awards Tuesday from the $150 million advanced energy portion of the Ohio Bipartisan Job Stimulus Plan.
Senate Committee Clears Architect’s Licensing Bill (SB 183)
Roush Appointed OSFC Legislative Liaison