Legislative News

Wind/Solar Compromise May be in the Works

The Ohio Senate’s action last week to pass Sen. Chris Widener’s legislation (SB 232) granting advanced energy developers abatements from the tangible personal property tax sent the issue to the House, which has been considering a separate measure with some notable differences.

Keary McCarthy, spokesman for Speaker Armond Budish (D-Beachwood) said speaker intends to take action on either the Senate or House proposal prior to summer recess.

The House Ways & Means Committee, which has been deliberating on the House’s version (HB 464) sponsored by Rep. Roland Winburn (D-Dayton), is not scheduled to consider the bill this week. The only proposal on the panel’s agenda is a Republican plan to eliminate the personal income tax (HB 400).

Significant differences between the two chambers’ versions involve job-creation requirements and eligible technologies. While the Senate would extend tax breaks to certain forms of advanced coal and nuclear technology, the House measure is limited to wind and solar power.

Ms. Wurst said the governor was pleased that both chambers were working on the issue, and took a pass on specifying which chamber’s version Mr. Strickland preferred.

“The governor hopes that the differences in the bills can be worked out in a bipartisan way and arrive on his desk for signature before the legislature breaks for the summer,” she said.


GE – LEEDCo Partnership Sets Lake Erie Wind Farm Goals

During the American Wind Energy Association’s (AWEA) annual WINDPOWER Conference in Dallas on Monday, Gov. Ted Strickland announced a partnership between General Electric (GE) and the Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo) to harness the wind power off Lake Erie and develop the first fresh water offshore wind farm in North America.

“Ohio’s greatest potential for creating wind energy is offshore in Lake Erie, and this partnership marks a significant step forward,” said Strickland. “In Ohio, we have all the right assets to make offshore wind energy successful, including an innovative workforce and the manufacturing strengths that would allow us to build all the component parts for wind turbines. This partnership will not only advance offshore wind technologies, it will also advance Ohio’s economy. We are eager to continue the state’s strong collaboration with GE and LEEDCo as we pursue this exciting, first-of-its-kind initiative for Lake Erie.”
GE has committed to providing offshore wind turbines and maintenance services for an initial 20-megawatt (MW) wind farm. Upon its completion, targeted for late 2012, this project would be located off the shores of Lake Erie, near Cleveland. This would be followed by subsequent projects with a long-term goal of 1,000 MW in the Ohio waters ofLake Erie by 2020.
The LEEDCo – GE partnership builds on the momentum of a four-year effort by the Great Lakes Energy Development Task Force and other state partners to establish an offshore wind industry on Lake Erie, leveraging the region’s strong manufacturing base.
Dr. Lorry Wagner, president of LEEDCo, said, “Together, we aim to develop a cost-effective approach for installing and maintaining offshore wind turbines with the highest possible availability. We are confident that as the GE product line develops and our methodologies mature, the combination will promote a self-sustaining and growing market for offshore wind, in Lake Erie and the Great Lakes – providing economic opportunity and emissions-free energy for Northern Ohio.”
In addition to collaborating on the initial 20 MW project, GE and LEEDCo will create a strategic plan to identify opportunities to make offshore wind energy in the Great Lakeseconomically viable, and also work jointly on advocacy and public policy issues to increase support for offshore wind energy, they said.
“Offshore wind has the potential to create thousands of new jobs in Ohio and become a major source of economic growth. Working with LEEDCo we have made significant progress to make offshore wind in Lake Erie a reality,” said Vic Abate, vice president of GE’s Renewable Energy business, and also president of AWEA’s Board of Directors.

Building Sustainability Standards (HB7) Gets Senate Hearing

 HB 7, which would require a building or structure erected or constructed using state capital moneys to adhere to certain sustainability standards, received another hearing May 19 before the Senate Finance and Financial Institutions Committee. 


Three witnesses testified in support of the bill: Jen Miller of the Sierra Club; Jack Pounds, president of the Ohio Chemistry Technology Council; and architect, Alan Warner, AIA, AIA-Ohio Chairman of the Committee on the Environment (COTE) also representing the U.S. Green Building Council Cincinnati Chapter.


Warner said the bill  – Reduces building lifecycle costs for energy use, building maintenance and operation. – Safeguards occupant health and improves worker productivity through improved indoor air quality, capture and use of natural light, and improved work space design. – Enhances energy savings and water efficiency while reducing air emissions.  Answering a question from Senator Kearney, Warner said that the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) has added 3% to cover the cost of additional construction costs, energy modeling, daylight modeling, enhanced commissioning and LEED documentation fees and that it should be expected that this additional cost should be conservatively recovered in 2 1/2 to 5 years.

Miller told the committee, “This legislation embraces a sensible approach to assuring that building construction projects funded with state funds embrace energy efficiency and sustainable design concepts. By combining both energy efficiency and environmental performance standards into one piece of legislation, Ohio will be a national leader in its requirements for state-funded buildings.”


Pounds said his group had objected to the original version of the bill because it relied on only one rating system, excluding “other equally credible programs.” He said his group also felt the bill could have done more to “increase demand for high-tech content building materials produced by Ohio‘s chemical industry.” Now, the council supports the bill for the following reasons:


– It also includes the Green Globes rating program – and any other comparable program – as equivalents to the LEED rating system. – The bill now includes a requirement that energy efficiency ratings in covered projects must exceed the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers by 30 percent or achieve a rating of 77 through the U.S. EPA’s Energy Star Rating program. He said this makes energy efficiency targets easily measured. – It includes incentives for the use of energy efficient building materials that are made by companies with significant investments in Ohio. – It focuses on significant building projects, eliminating coverage for a “lot of small projects.” – It includes a mandate that the cost of compliance with the energy conservation requirements be recovered in measurable energy cost savings within 20 years.

Republicans Split Ranks on Renewable Energy Tax Bill

It is an unusual day when a core of Senate Republicans oppose legislation that goes on to pass by a significant margin. But it happened Tuesday when the Senate voted on the renewable energy tax bill, SB232 (Widener).

SB232 came in for ideological debate with Sen. Gillmor providing a litany of budget challenges the state faces in the near future, telling the chamber that because the state is a “poor state” “let  perfect wind energy and we can continue to build the parts.” She went on to call the approach “corporate welfare.”

“I just can’t vote for it knowing what the state faces next year.”                  


That bill was amended four times on the floor including a provision that takes a section dealing with rural electric companies back to current law; one that clarifies how the impact of wind programs on local roads and bridges can be evaluated; one that extends to five years the window for developing a clean coal or nuclear alternative energy source; and the last one, correcting a provision from SB223, which had been rolled into the bill.


The bill now goes to the Ohio House where a similar Strickland backed bill, HB 464 is undergoing hearings.



Senate Committee Accepts Amendments to Renewable Energy Tax Bill (SB232); Vote Nears

The Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee accepted amendments Tuesday to Sen. Chris Widener’s (R-Springfield) legislation on alternative energy taxation, SB232, with a favorable vote on the legislation expected at Wednesday’s hearing.

Widener said with respect to provisions in last Session’s renewable energy bill (SB221) that offers a 3 percent cap on costs for renewable energy projects, SB232 would keep the same provision regarding a cost cap on development.
With regard to accept or reject the tax exemption for local governments on renewable energy projects in their county, once a project has been certified by the Ohio Power Siting Board, county commissioners can pass a resolution to approve or reject the tax exemption as written in SB232.
The committee also accepted clarifications of what entities are subject to an excise tax, as well as sales and use tax exemptions. That amendment also added “energy conversion equipment” to the classification of tangible personal property tax. Clarification was also made as to the sales and use tax treatment of related energy conversion equipment purchases, and to specifications that operators of such facilities are subject to the commercial activity tax.
Sen. Tom Sawyer (D-Akron) said that he had discussed a few amendments with committee members and the chairman that were not accepted concerning an obligation to create reactive power across the Great Lakes transmission area. He said he hopes to present his amendments tomorrow to the committee. He said he will also have an amendment that would increase the payment to school districts for renewable energy projects. 
The committee continued with several proponent witnesses, along with one person, Julia Johnson of Champaign County, opposed to the bill. Several Champaign County residents have been vocal about their opposition to wind farms in the county. Their concerns are mostly about quality of life issues of aesthetics, health and environmental concerns, as well as property value, the expense for decommissioning, and the financial burden on local government and school funding because of tax exemptions.
Kevin Schmidt, director of public policy services for the Ohio Manufacturing Association (OMA), said the OMA supports the reasonable development of alternative energy in Ohio, and specifically spoke to the positive effects of cogeneration.
“SB232 furthers this policy by making Ohio more competitive for the reasonable diversification of Ohio’s electricity generation portfolio, and the cost-caps put in place through SB221 ensure that this diversification is done so in a prudent fashion,” Schmidt said.
“With the inclusion of the cogeneration amendment, the diversification that SB232 envisions will include one of the most cost-effective technologies available today.”
Schmidt said cogeneration is recognized by manufacturers as one of the most efficient ways to generate electricity by capturing waste-heat or gas and using it to create power before it dissipates up a smokestack or is burned off. Ohio is the second largest steel producing state in the U.S. and the potential for cogeneration at just these facilities is enormous, he said.
As cited in an industry report, the potential for more than 1,000 megawatts (MW) of generation is possible. In addition, each 500MW of cogeneration represents 86 billion pounds of CO2 removed each year, helping Ohio and Ohio companies comply with environmental mandates, he said.
“Including cogeneration in SB232 as one of the qualifying technologies for the favorable tax treatment could help develop this currently untapped resource without disadvantaging cogeneration to renewable sources. Further, cogeneration has the potential to add significant amounts of energy to the grid with the capital investment risk being in private companies and not investor-owned utilities that can pass this capital cost along to tax-payers,” Schmidt concluded.
One company that has the capability to create cogeneration is ArcelorMittal, a steel producer with seven facilities in Ohio. Terry Fedor, the general manager for the company, said that it has more than 500MW of installed cogeneration capacity now, which is enough to power half a million average homes.

Controlling Board Approves Construction Reform Pilot Projects

The Controlling Board unanimously approved three pilot projects for construction reform on Monday, with one Republican member expressing hope that the projects will be extended to all state construction in the future.

The projects are the $1.75 million renovation of Emery Hall at Central State University; the $1 billion medical center campus project at Ohio State University; and the $7.8 million renovations of the Bowman Oddy Laboratories Building and Wolfe Hall at the University of Toledo. (See The Hannah Report, 3/25/10.)


Paolo DeMaria, the executive vice chancellor of the Board of Regents, told the Controlling Board that the guidelines under HB318 (Sykes) gave the chancellor flexibility in picking the projects and any of the five that were submitted for consideration could have been chosen.


The Ohio State hospital project was selected because it was the largest submitted and there are a variety of uses and approaches that could be studied through that process, he said. TheCentral State project was a small project and would test the use of assistance from the Department of Administrative Services (DAS).


He said the last project for the University of Toledo was selected because it was mid-sized and was the only one that had a strictly educational purpose. The University of Cincinnati andKent State University also submitted projects but not were selected.


Sen. John Carey (R-Wellston) asked if it would have been better to have five projects instead of three in the bill. DeMaria replied that the Regents support construction reform for all projects but will take the guidelines outlined in HB318 and use them to evaluate the three that were allowed.


When asked why he thought more were not submitted for consideration, DeMaria said that the projects will be under more scrutiny than what universities might be used to. He also said that many projects might have been not far enough along or too far along to fit into the pilot project.


Sen. David Goodman (R-New Albany) said he was disappointed that the reform was not across the board, and said he wants the pilot projects to lead to such reform. He asked how the projects will be studied for their effectiveness and efficiency. DeMaria said an outside consultant will be hired to gauge the process.

Private Investment in Historic Preservation Eclipses $2 Billion

The Ohio Historic Preservation Office of the Ohio Historical Society announced that private investment of more than $2 billion has now been reached in Ohio projects using the federal historic rehabilitation investment tax credit. The credit encourages owners of historic properties to renovate buildings listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Ohio has consistently placed in the top five states on the number of projects awarded the credit.

“Since the tax incentive program began in 1977, income-producing properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places have generated more than $2 billion in Ohio and $55 billion nationally in total investment,” said Burt Logan, executive director and CEO of the Ohio Historical Society and state historic preservation officer. “With a 5 to 1 ratio of private investment to federal tax credits, the program is an outstanding means for increasing preservation and adaptive use of historic buildings throughout the state. It’s has been so successful here that Ohio has been a national leader in the number of rehabilitation projects completed for more than 10 years.”


The Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit is designed to stimulate reinvestment in historic downtown commercial buildings and other income-producing properties. In exchange for following the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, a set of guidelines for renovating historic properties, owners get a federal income tax break of 20 percent of qualified rehabilitation expenditures. Additionally, a number of recently certified projects have also been awarded the new 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit. These credits are dollar-for-dollar reductions of taxes owed. The federal tax credit program is administered in Ohio by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and at the federal level by the National Park Service. The state tax credit program is administered by the Ohio Department of Development in partnership with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and the Ohio Department of Taxation 

“Private owners and developers are using the credit to renovate underutilized and vacant historic buildings,” Logan said. “Despite the downturn in the economy, the program continues to be a strong catalyst for job creation, revitalization of neighborhoods and economic recovery.” 

In Ohio, historic preservation activity generated by these tax-credit projects has produced more than 30,000 jobs since the inception of the program. 

According to Judith Kitchen, head of Technical Preservation Services for the Ohio Historic Preservation Office, the federal credit has aided preservation and rehabilitation of more than 1,500 historic buildings in Ohio since introduced in 1977. 

“Tax credit projects often serve as catalysts for redevelopment of neighboring properties and entire main streets,” said Kitchen. “This program has facilitated the preservation of beautiful buildings in the heart of many Ohio communities, large and small.” 

Some of the projects that put Ohio over the $2 billion dollar mark include the following:   

J.B. Carson Residence & Grocery Store, 302 Ross Ave., in Hamilton’s Rossville Historic District, listed in the National Register of Historic Places.  This circa 1870 building was rehabilitated for modern residential use and now houses four apartments after the nearly $90,000 rehabilitation.  The project received the 20-percnt Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit.


Shawnee Hotel, 102 E. Main St., Springfield, listed in the National Register of Historic Places is a Neoclassic style eight-story building built in 1916 that was rehabilitated for modern residential use and now contains 84 apartments for the elderly.  After the nearly $14.3 million rehabilitation, the project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.


Prospect Building, 1040-1106 Prospect Ave., is in Cleveland’s Lower Prospect/Huron Historic District, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This 1910 five-story building was originally used for various commercial and light industrial uses. Today, after the $6.4 million rehabilitation, the building houses two commercial spaces and 25 market-rate apartments. The project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit.


Sunshine Cloak Company Building, 2310 Superior Ave., is in Cleveland’s Superior Avenue Historic District, listed in the National Register of Historic Places.  This three-story 1911 industrial building is significant to the history of Cleveland’s garment industry.  The building was rehabilitated for modern commercial use. After the nearly $7 million rehabilitation, the project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.


Harkavy Hall, 24 W. 12th St., is in Cincinnati’s Over the Rhine Historic District, which is in the National Register of Historic Places.  This late 19th-century, three-story hotel was rehabilitated for residential use. After the nearly $2.5 million rehabilitation, the project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit.


Realty Building, 47 Federal Plaza, in Youngstown is individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This 1924 12-story office building was rehabilitated for residential use. This building now contains 24 housing units after the nearly $8.2 million rehabilitation.  The project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.


Golden Lamb Inn, 27-31 S. Broadway St., Lebanon, is individually listed in thNational Register of Historic Places. This 1815 four-story inn was rehabilitated for continued hotel and restaurant uses. The cost of the rehabilitation was over $4 million and the project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25- percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit. 

Domiciliary Barracks, 4100 W. Third St., is in Dayton’s Central Branch, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers District, which is in the National Register of Historic Places. This circa 1900 three-story barracks was rehabilitated for supportive housing for disabled veterans.  After the $4 million rehabilitation, the project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit. 

Andrew Jackson Residence, 277 E. Main St., Akron, is individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This circa 1870 Second Empire style mansion was built by Jackson, a prominent 19th-century Akron businessman. The building now houses professional offices after the nearly $3.4 million rehabilitation. The project received both the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.


Seneca Hotel, 361 East Broad Street, Columbus, was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1983. Built with elements of the English Renaissance Revival style, the 1917 hotel with its 1918 garage and 1925 four-story addition was used most recently as offices before the $20.7 million rehabilitation project converted it to 78 apartments with retail space on the first floor. The project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.

Riverview Apartments, 1829-1839 North Summit Street, Toledo, is listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places. Constructed in the Italianate style in 1881, with Queen Anne style wings added in 1890, Riverview comprised six townhouses. It was divided into 22 apartments in 1926 and was most recently converted to 12 units. The apartments were rehabilitated during a $261,000 project, which received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit.

Senate Committee Takes More Testimony on SB 232 (Wind and Solar)

The Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee  took additional testimony, March 24 on SB 232, introduced by Sen. Chris Widener, FAIA which would exempt from taxation renewable energy facilities that are not financed through the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority and require a payment in lieu of taxes on the basis of each megawatt of production capacity in such facilities.


The committee heard from numerous Ohio residents, advocates and Ohio school board associations weighing in on the fiduciary impacts of the legislation and quality of life issues.

First to testify was Economic Development Director Connie Neininger of White County, Indiana, who wanted to offer her perspective on the economic impacts of wind farm development and the financial incentives that were given in her state.


Like the rural areas in Ohio supporting the idea of large-scale wind farm development, White County is also a strong agricultural community with 323,000 acres of land, she said.

In the fall of 2006, she said they had three different wind development companies in the county interested in developing commercial wind farms. As the companies selected locations and constructed their meteorological towers, the economic development office worked with county officials on creating zoning ordinances and gathering data from across the country on wind development procedures. They also hired a legal firm and financial advisors to help analyze the impact of the projects.


Horizon Wind Energy’s Meadow Lake Phase I project – five phases total – consisted of 121/ 1.65 megawatt (MW) turbines for a total nameplate capacity of 200MW. The Phase I project covers approximately 26,000 acres and was constructed at a capital investment of $430 million. The construction began in February 2009 and was complete and brought online in October 2009. Currently, Neininger said, Phase II is now under construction and Phases III and IV are scheduled for later this month. The total project is 600MW and will consist of 350 turbines, which spans approximately 84,000 acres.


Indiana allowed tax abatement on personal and real property for a maximum of 10 years so long as the property is located in an Economic Revitalization Area, which county officials had to create by vote.


Neininger said the project has brought additional commerce to the community, and several hospitality businesses that would have closed remain open. She said the workforce was not all from Indiana because the industry is so specialized.


A coalition of Ohio’s educational advocates testified as interested parties and offered a few concerns to the members to consider as the substitute bill moves forward.

Barbara Shaner, representing the Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO), testified on behalf of the representatives who were present at the hearing from the Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA), Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA), the Ohio Education Association (OEA), and the Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT).

“We understand the desire to promote alternative energy production in Ohio and we want to participate in discussions about the issues and proposals in the bill,” Shaner said. “Because SB232 will have an impact on property tax revenues for local governments and schools, we want to make sure that the local tax dollars invested will result in a good return for Ohio and for the local communities affected.” Based on information from the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) and the original version of the SB232, the organizations submitted an analysis from the Education Tax Policy Institute (ETPI) authored by Bill Driscoll and Dr. Howard Fleeter.


Shaner said that ETPI prepared information from state and national sources on appropriate tax levels for wind development. In addition, they prepared an analysis of the proposed investment in the wind energy projects that are likely to qualify for tax exemption related to the return on investment to local communities, and an analysis of job creation.

Shaner, according to ETPI analysis, also said that the Job and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) model would not be an accurate measure if the local property taxes are allowed to be significantly abated. She did say, however, that it is appropriate to use the JEDI model, but that it should not be placed in law as a true measure.


Chairman Widener disputed the information set out in the ETPI and discussed his concerns with Fleeter. He told Widener that he would adjust his analysis to fit the provisions of substitute SB232.


Also testifying were 11 Ohio residents of Logan, Champaign, Van Wert and Richland counties in opposition to the wind turbines, not only on financial impacts, but on the impacts to health, well-being and quality of life.  Testifying either in person or by submitting written testimony were Brett Heffner, resident of Van Wert; Tom Stacy and Steve and Mary Mortimer, from Logan County; Wayne Taylor, James Cole, Julie Johnson, Dianne McConnell and Anita Bartlett, from Champaign County; and John Warrington of Tiro.


Gene Poole, of VanWert, said that in his community, Iberdrola, a renewable energy company from Spain is planning to build a large wind farm. He said the problem is that no one has information about the company or its intentions for construction. However the company has offered residents to sign a “Good Neighbor Agreement” under which they would be given $2,000 up front and $1,000 every year thereafter. “Iberdrola denies any negative effects associated with wind turbines, yet they are willing to pay me for my silence should anything negative happen,” said Poole. Poole concluded by stating that Iberdrola is an encroachment, and that granting them a tax abatement under such circumstances would be irresponsible on the part of the Ohio Legislature.


“And any company that truly believes in the authority of its product should never suggest burdening the people’s health and economic welfare as necessary to its survival.”

Hearing held on House Version of SB 232 (Wind and Solar)

The House Ways and Means Committee took testimony March 24 on HB464 which would exempt qualifying wind and solar energy facilities from property taxation for up to 20 years and to require payments in lieu of taxes on the basis of each megawatt if production capacity of such facilities.  The bill is similar to SB 232, introduced by Sen. Chris Widener, FAIA.


Committee members heard proponent testimony for the bill, which would exempt qualifying wind and solar energy facilities from property taxation for up to 20 years and would require payments in lieu of taxes on the basis of each megawatt of production capacity of such facilities.


Connie Neininger, economic development director for White County, Indiana, testified about the impact of a wind farm development in White County, an agricultural community that began researching wind energy when three different wind energy companies began courting their community. So far, the wind farm has been an asset to the community, she said.

Construction of the project brought many workers, which increased sales for local restuarants and hotels. The Indiana company that was the contractor for Phase 1 hired local residents for the job. Tourism season was extended to year-round, Neininger said, and schools are using the wind farms for education, starting tours of wind farms and hosting speakers. A local community college developed a sustainable energy curriculum to train the workforce. Neininger said the wind company is a good neighbor, causing minimal disruption of the farmland and preserving the land for farming for the future. The total project will measure 600 megawatts and consist of 350 turbines that span 84,000 acres.


Eric Thumma, director of institutional relations for Iberdrola Renewables, Inc., testified in support of the bill.

“Ohio’s existing tax regime puts wind development here at a significant disadvantage relative to other neighboring locations,” Thumma said. “HB464 mitigates that disadvantage while providing a known, stable, and significant stream of tax revenue to local communities – tax revenues that would possibly go completely unrealized if investments in proposed commercial scale wind projects are discouraged through the current uncompetitive tax regime.”


Written testimony was submitted by Clair Dudgeon, a Van Wert County commissioner who expressed support for the bill and said it would help the county compete with neighboring communities across the Indiana border.

Also providing written support of the bill was Robert Wannemacher, treasurer of the Wayne Trace Local School District in Haviland. Wannemacher suggested the tax rate of $6,000 per megawatt capacity should be raised to $10,000 or $12,000 per megawatt, which would place Ohio in the median of states with wind turbines.


Elaine Siler, a land owner in Van Wert County, also submitted written testimony in support of the bill as a way to keep Ohio competitive and make positive changes for the future.


Phil McClure, a retired farmer and property owner in Van Wert County who has signed a contract with a wind company to build wind mills on an 80 acre farm also wrote in support of the bill.

Wind/Solar Compromise May be in the Works

The Ohio Senate’s action last week to pass Sen. Chris Widener’s legislation (SB 232) granting advanced energy developers abatements from the tangible personal property tax sent the issue to the House, which has been considering a separate measure with some notable differences.

Keary McCarthy, spokesman for Speaker Armond Budish (D-Beachwood) said speaker intends to take action on either the Senate or House proposal prior to summer recess.

The House Ways & Means Committee, which has been deliberating on the House’s version (HB 464) sponsored by Rep. Roland Winburn (D-Dayton), is not scheduled to consider the bill this week. The only proposal on the panel’s agenda is a Republican plan to eliminate the personal income tax (HB 400).

Significant differences between the two chambers’ versions involve job-creation requirements and eligible technologies. While the Senate would extend tax breaks to certain forms of advanced coal and nuclear technology, the House measure is limited to wind and solar power.

Ms. Wurst said the governor was pleased that both chambers were working on the issue, and took a pass on specifying which chamber’s version Mr. Strickland preferred.

“The governor hopes that the differences in the bills can be worked out in a bipartisan way and arrive on his desk for signature before the legislature breaks for the summer,” she said.


GE – LEEDCo Partnership Sets Lake Erie Wind Farm Goals

During the American Wind Energy Association’s (AWEA) annual WINDPOWER Conference in Dallas on Monday, Gov. Ted Strickland announced a partnership between General Electric (GE) and the Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo) to harness the wind power off Lake Erie and develop the first fresh water offshore wind farm in North America.

“Ohio’s greatest potential for creating wind energy is offshore in Lake Erie, and this partnership marks a significant step forward,” said Strickland. “In Ohio, we have all the right assets to make offshore wind energy successful, including an innovative workforce and the manufacturing strengths that would allow us to build all the component parts for wind turbines. This partnership will not only advance offshore wind technologies, it will also advance Ohio’s economy. We are eager to continue the state’s strong collaboration with GE and LEEDCo as we pursue this exciting, first-of-its-kind initiative for Lake Erie.”
GE has committed to providing offshore wind turbines and maintenance services for an initial 20-megawatt (MW) wind farm. Upon its completion, targeted for late 2012, this project would be located off the shores of Lake Erie, near Cleveland. This would be followed by subsequent projects with a long-term goal of 1,000 MW in the Ohio waters ofLake Erie by 2020.
The LEEDCo – GE partnership builds on the momentum of a four-year effort by the Great Lakes Energy Development Task Force and other state partners to establish an offshore wind industry on Lake Erie, leveraging the region’s strong manufacturing base.
Dr. Lorry Wagner, president of LEEDCo, said, “Together, we aim to develop a cost-effective approach for installing and maintaining offshore wind turbines with the highest possible availability. We are confident that as the GE product line develops and our methodologies mature, the combination will promote a self-sustaining and growing market for offshore wind, in Lake Erie and the Great Lakes – providing economic opportunity and emissions-free energy for Northern Ohio.”
In addition to collaborating on the initial 20 MW project, GE and LEEDCo will create a strategic plan to identify opportunities to make offshore wind energy in the Great Lakeseconomically viable, and also work jointly on advocacy and public policy issues to increase support for offshore wind energy, they said.
“Offshore wind has the potential to create thousands of new jobs in Ohio and become a major source of economic growth. Working with LEEDCo we have made significant progress to make offshore wind in Lake Erie a reality,” said Vic Abate, vice president of GE’s Renewable Energy business, and also president of AWEA’s Board of Directors.

Building Sustainability Standards (HB7) Gets Senate Hearing

 HB 7, which would require a building or structure erected or constructed using state capital moneys to adhere to certain sustainability standards, received another hearing May 19 before the Senate Finance and Financial Institutions Committee. 


Three witnesses testified in support of the bill: Jen Miller of the Sierra Club; Jack Pounds, president of the Ohio Chemistry Technology Council; and architect, Alan Warner, AIA, AIA-Ohio Chairman of the Committee on the Environment (COTE) also representing the U.S. Green Building Council Cincinnati Chapter.


Warner said the bill  – Reduces building lifecycle costs for energy use, building maintenance and operation. – Safeguards occupant health and improves worker productivity through improved indoor air quality, capture and use of natural light, and improved work space design. – Enhances energy savings and water efficiency while reducing air emissions.  Answering a question from Senator Kearney, Warner said that the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) has added 3% to cover the cost of additional construction costs, energy modeling, daylight modeling, enhanced commissioning and LEED documentation fees and that it should be expected that this additional cost should be conservatively recovered in 2 1/2 to 5 years.

Miller told the committee, “This legislation embraces a sensible approach to assuring that building construction projects funded with state funds embrace energy efficiency and sustainable design concepts. By combining both energy efficiency and environmental performance standards into one piece of legislation, Ohio will be a national leader in its requirements for state-funded buildings.”


Pounds said his group had objected to the original version of the bill because it relied on only one rating system, excluding “other equally credible programs.” He said his group also felt the bill could have done more to “increase demand for high-tech content building materials produced by Ohio‘s chemical industry.” Now, the council supports the bill for the following reasons:


– It also includes the Green Globes rating program – and any other comparable program – as equivalents to the LEED rating system. – The bill now includes a requirement that energy efficiency ratings in covered projects must exceed the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers by 30 percent or achieve a rating of 77 through the U.S. EPA’s Energy Star Rating program. He said this makes energy efficiency targets easily measured. – It includes incentives for the use of energy efficient building materials that are made by companies with significant investments in Ohio. – It focuses on significant building projects, eliminating coverage for a “lot of small projects.” – It includes a mandate that the cost of compliance with the energy conservation requirements be recovered in measurable energy cost savings within 20 years.

Republicans Split Ranks on Renewable Energy Tax Bill

It is an unusual day when a core of Senate Republicans oppose legislation that goes on to pass by a significant margin. But it happened Tuesday when the Senate voted on the renewable energy tax bill, SB232 (Widener).

SB232 came in for ideological debate with Sen. Gillmor providing a litany of budget challenges the state faces in the near future, telling the chamber that because the state is a “poor state” “let  perfect wind energy and we can continue to build the parts.” She went on to call the approach “corporate welfare.”

“I just can’t vote for it knowing what the state faces next year.”                  


That bill was amended four times on the floor including a provision that takes a section dealing with rural electric companies back to current law; one that clarifies how the impact of wind programs on local roads and bridges can be evaluated; one that extends to five years the window for developing a clean coal or nuclear alternative energy source; and the last one, correcting a provision from SB223, which had been rolled into the bill.


The bill now goes to the Ohio House where a similar Strickland backed bill, HB 464 is undergoing hearings.



Senate Committee Accepts Amendments to Renewable Energy Tax Bill (SB232); Vote Nears

The Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee accepted amendments Tuesday to Sen. Chris Widener’s (R-Springfield) legislation on alternative energy taxation, SB232, with a favorable vote on the legislation expected at Wednesday’s hearing.

Widener said with respect to provisions in last Session’s renewable energy bill (SB221) that offers a 3 percent cap on costs for renewable energy projects, SB232 would keep the same provision regarding a cost cap on development.
With regard to accept or reject the tax exemption for local governments on renewable energy projects in their county, once a project has been certified by the Ohio Power Siting Board, county commissioners can pass a resolution to approve or reject the tax exemption as written in SB232.
The committee also accepted clarifications of what entities are subject to an excise tax, as well as sales and use tax exemptions. That amendment also added “energy conversion equipment” to the classification of tangible personal property tax. Clarification was also made as to the sales and use tax treatment of related energy conversion equipment purchases, and to specifications that operators of such facilities are subject to the commercial activity tax.
Sen. Tom Sawyer (D-Akron) said that he had discussed a few amendments with committee members and the chairman that were not accepted concerning an obligation to create reactive power across the Great Lakes transmission area. He said he hopes to present his amendments tomorrow to the committee. He said he will also have an amendment that would increase the payment to school districts for renewable energy projects. 
The committee continued with several proponent witnesses, along with one person, Julia Johnson of Champaign County, opposed to the bill. Several Champaign County residents have been vocal about their opposition to wind farms in the county. Their concerns are mostly about quality of life issues of aesthetics, health and environmental concerns, as well as property value, the expense for decommissioning, and the financial burden on local government and school funding because of tax exemptions.
Kevin Schmidt, director of public policy services for the Ohio Manufacturing Association (OMA), said the OMA supports the reasonable development of alternative energy in Ohio, and specifically spoke to the positive effects of cogeneration.
“SB232 furthers this policy by making Ohio more competitive for the reasonable diversification of Ohio’s electricity generation portfolio, and the cost-caps put in place through SB221 ensure that this diversification is done so in a prudent fashion,” Schmidt said.
“With the inclusion of the cogeneration amendment, the diversification that SB232 envisions will include one of the most cost-effective technologies available today.”
Schmidt said cogeneration is recognized by manufacturers as one of the most efficient ways to generate electricity by capturing waste-heat or gas and using it to create power before it dissipates up a smokestack or is burned off. Ohio is the second largest steel producing state in the U.S. and the potential for cogeneration at just these facilities is enormous, he said.
As cited in an industry report, the potential for more than 1,000 megawatts (MW) of generation is possible. In addition, each 500MW of cogeneration represents 86 billion pounds of CO2 removed each year, helping Ohio and Ohio companies comply with environmental mandates, he said.
“Including cogeneration in SB232 as one of the qualifying technologies for the favorable tax treatment could help develop this currently untapped resource without disadvantaging cogeneration to renewable sources. Further, cogeneration has the potential to add significant amounts of energy to the grid with the capital investment risk being in private companies and not investor-owned utilities that can pass this capital cost along to tax-payers,” Schmidt concluded.
One company that has the capability to create cogeneration is ArcelorMittal, a steel producer with seven facilities in Ohio. Terry Fedor, the general manager for the company, said that it has more than 500MW of installed cogeneration capacity now, which is enough to power half a million average homes.

Controlling Board Approves Construction Reform Pilot Projects

The Controlling Board unanimously approved three pilot projects for construction reform on Monday, with one Republican member expressing hope that the projects will be extended to all state construction in the future.

The projects are the $1.75 million renovation of Emery Hall at Central State University; the $1 billion medical center campus project at Ohio State University; and the $7.8 million renovations of the Bowman Oddy Laboratories Building and Wolfe Hall at the University of Toledo. (See The Hannah Report, 3/25/10.)


Paolo DeMaria, the executive vice chancellor of the Board of Regents, told the Controlling Board that the guidelines under HB318 (Sykes) gave the chancellor flexibility in picking the projects and any of the five that were submitted for consideration could have been chosen.


The Ohio State hospital project was selected because it was the largest submitted and there are a variety of uses and approaches that could be studied through that process, he said. TheCentral State project was a small project and would test the use of assistance from the Department of Administrative Services (DAS).


He said the last project for the University of Toledo was selected because it was mid-sized and was the only one that had a strictly educational purpose. The University of Cincinnati andKent State University also submitted projects but not were selected.


Sen. John Carey (R-Wellston) asked if it would have been better to have five projects instead of three in the bill. DeMaria replied that the Regents support construction reform for all projects but will take the guidelines outlined in HB318 and use them to evaluate the three that were allowed.


When asked why he thought more were not submitted for consideration, DeMaria said that the projects will be under more scrutiny than what universities might be used to. He also said that many projects might have been not far enough along or too far along to fit into the pilot project.


Sen. David Goodman (R-New Albany) said he was disappointed that the reform was not across the board, and said he wants the pilot projects to lead to such reform. He asked how the projects will be studied for their effectiveness and efficiency. DeMaria said an outside consultant will be hired to gauge the process.

Private Investment in Historic Preservation Eclipses $2 Billion

The Ohio Historic Preservation Office of the Ohio Historical Society announced that private investment of more than $2 billion has now been reached in Ohio projects using the federal historic rehabilitation investment tax credit. The credit encourages owners of historic properties to renovate buildings listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Ohio has consistently placed in the top five states on the number of projects awarded the credit.

“Since the tax incentive program began in 1977, income-producing properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places have generated more than $2 billion in Ohio and $55 billion nationally in total investment,” said Burt Logan, executive director and CEO of the Ohio Historical Society and state historic preservation officer. “With a 5 to 1 ratio of private investment to federal tax credits, the program is an outstanding means for increasing preservation and adaptive use of historic buildings throughout the state. It’s has been so successful here that Ohio has been a national leader in the number of rehabilitation projects completed for more than 10 years.”


The Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit is designed to stimulate reinvestment in historic downtown commercial buildings and other income-producing properties. In exchange for following the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, a set of guidelines for renovating historic properties, owners get a federal income tax break of 20 percent of qualified rehabilitation expenditures. Additionally, a number of recently certified projects have also been awarded the new 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit. These credits are dollar-for-dollar reductions of taxes owed. The federal tax credit program is administered in Ohio by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and at the federal level by the National Park Service. The state tax credit program is administered by the Ohio Department of Development in partnership with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and the Ohio Department of Taxation 

“Private owners and developers are using the credit to renovate underutilized and vacant historic buildings,” Logan said. “Despite the downturn in the economy, the program continues to be a strong catalyst for job creation, revitalization of neighborhoods and economic recovery.” 

In Ohio, historic preservation activity generated by these tax-credit projects has produced more than 30,000 jobs since the inception of the program. 

According to Judith Kitchen, head of Technical Preservation Services for the Ohio Historic Preservation Office, the federal credit has aided preservation and rehabilitation of more than 1,500 historic buildings in Ohio since introduced in 1977. 

“Tax credit projects often serve as catalysts for redevelopment of neighboring properties and entire main streets,” said Kitchen. “This program has facilitated the preservation of beautiful buildings in the heart of many Ohio communities, large and small.” 

Some of the projects that put Ohio over the $2 billion dollar mark include the following:   

J.B. Carson Residence & Grocery Store, 302 Ross Ave., in Hamilton’s Rossville Historic District, listed in the National Register of Historic Places.  This circa 1870 building was rehabilitated for modern residential use and now houses four apartments after the nearly $90,000 rehabilitation.  The project received the 20-percnt Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit.


Shawnee Hotel, 102 E. Main St., Springfield, listed in the National Register of Historic Places is a Neoclassic style eight-story building built in 1916 that was rehabilitated for modern residential use and now contains 84 apartments for the elderly.  After the nearly $14.3 million rehabilitation, the project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.


Prospect Building, 1040-1106 Prospect Ave., is in Cleveland’s Lower Prospect/Huron Historic District, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This 1910 five-story building was originally used for various commercial and light industrial uses. Today, after the $6.4 million rehabilitation, the building houses two commercial spaces and 25 market-rate apartments. The project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit.


Sunshine Cloak Company Building, 2310 Superior Ave., is in Cleveland’s Superior Avenue Historic District, listed in the National Register of Historic Places.  This three-story 1911 industrial building is significant to the history of Cleveland’s garment industry.  The building was rehabilitated for modern commercial use. After the nearly $7 million rehabilitation, the project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.


Harkavy Hall, 24 W. 12th St., is in Cincinnati’s Over the Rhine Historic District, which is in the National Register of Historic Places.  This late 19th-century, three-story hotel was rehabilitated for residential use. After the nearly $2.5 million rehabilitation, the project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit.


Realty Building, 47 Federal Plaza, in Youngstown is individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This 1924 12-story office building was rehabilitated for residential use. This building now contains 24 housing units after the nearly $8.2 million rehabilitation.  The project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.


Golden Lamb Inn, 27-31 S. Broadway St., Lebanon, is individually listed in thNational Register of Historic Places. This 1815 four-story inn was rehabilitated for continued hotel and restaurant uses. The cost of the rehabilitation was over $4 million and the project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25- percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit. 

Domiciliary Barracks, 4100 W. Third St., is in Dayton’s Central Branch, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers District, which is in the National Register of Historic Places. This circa 1900 three-story barracks was rehabilitated for supportive housing for disabled veterans.  After the $4 million rehabilitation, the project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit. 

Andrew Jackson Residence, 277 E. Main St., Akron, is individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This circa 1870 Second Empire style mansion was built by Jackson, a prominent 19th-century Akron businessman. The building now houses professional offices after the nearly $3.4 million rehabilitation. The project received both the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.


Seneca Hotel, 361 East Broad Street, Columbus, was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1983. Built with elements of the English Renaissance Revival style, the 1917 hotel with its 1918 garage and 1925 four-story addition was used most recently as offices before the $20.7 million rehabilitation project converted it to 78 apartments with retail space on the first floor. The project received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit and the 25-percent Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.

Riverview Apartments, 1829-1839 North Summit Street, Toledo, is listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places. Constructed in the Italianate style in 1881, with Queen Anne style wings added in 1890, Riverview comprised six townhouses. It was divided into 22 apartments in 1926 and was most recently converted to 12 units. The apartments were rehabilitated during a $261,000 project, which received the 20-percent Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit.

Senate Committee Takes More Testimony on SB 232 (Wind and Solar)

The Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee  took additional testimony, March 24 on SB 232, introduced by Sen. Chris Widener, FAIA which would exempt from taxation renewable energy facilities that are not financed through the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority and require a payment in lieu of taxes on the basis of each megawatt of production capacity in such facilities.


The committee heard from numerous Ohio residents, advocates and Ohio school board associations weighing in on the fiduciary impacts of the legislation and quality of life issues.

First to testify was Economic Development Director Connie Neininger of White County, Indiana, who wanted to offer her perspective on the economic impacts of wind farm development and the financial incentives that were given in her state.


Like the rural areas in Ohio supporting the idea of large-scale wind farm development, White County is also a strong agricultural community with 323,000 acres of land, she said.

In the fall of 2006, she said they had three different wind development companies in the county interested in developing commercial wind farms. As the companies selected locations and constructed their meteorological towers, the economic development office worked with county officials on creating zoning ordinances and gathering data from across the country on wind development procedures. They also hired a legal firm and financial advisors to help analyze the impact of the projects.


Horizon Wind Energy’s Meadow Lake Phase I project – five phases total – consisted of 121/ 1.65 megawatt (MW) turbines for a total nameplate capacity of 200MW. The Phase I project covers approximately 26,000 acres and was constructed at a capital investment of $430 million. The construction began in February 2009 and was complete and brought online in October 2009. Currently, Neininger said, Phase II is now under construction and Phases III and IV are scheduled for later this month. The total project is 600MW and will consist of 350 turbines, which spans approximately 84,000 acres.


Indiana allowed tax abatement on personal and real property for a maximum of 10 years so long as the property is located in an Economic Revitalization Area, which county officials had to create by vote.


Neininger said the project has brought additional commerce to the community, and several hospitality businesses that would have closed remain open. She said the workforce was not all from Indiana because the industry is so specialized.


A coalition of Ohio’s educational advocates testified as interested parties and offered a few concerns to the members to consider as the substitute bill moves forward.

Barbara Shaner, representing the Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO), testified on behalf of the representatives who were present at the hearing from the Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA), Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA), the Ohio Education Association (OEA), and the Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT).

“We understand the desire to promote alternative energy production in Ohio and we want to participate in discussions about the issues and proposals in the bill,” Shaner said. “Because SB232 will have an impact on property tax revenues for local governments and schools, we want to make sure that the local tax dollars invested will result in a good return for Ohio and for the local communities affected.” Based on information from the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) and the original version of the SB232, the organizations submitted an analysis from the Education Tax Policy Institute (ETPI) authored by Bill Driscoll and Dr. Howard Fleeter.


Shaner said that ETPI prepared information from state and national sources on appropriate tax levels for wind development. In addition, they prepared an analysis of the proposed investment in the wind energy projects that are likely to qualify for tax exemption related to the return on investment to local communities, and an analysis of job creation.

Shaner, according to ETPI analysis, also said that the Job and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) model would not be an accurate measure if the local property taxes are allowed to be significantly abated. She did say, however, that it is appropriate to use the JEDI model, but that it should not be placed in law as a true measure.


Chairman Widener disputed the information set out in the ETPI and discussed his concerns with Fleeter. He told Widener that he would adjust his analysis to fit the provisions of substitute SB232.


Also testifying were 11 Ohio residents of Logan, Champaign, Van Wert and Richland counties in opposition to the wind turbines, not only on financial impacts, but on the impacts to health, well-being and quality of life.  Testifying either in person or by submitting written testimony were Brett Heffner, resident of Van Wert; Tom Stacy and Steve and Mary Mortimer, from Logan County; Wayne Taylor, James Cole, Julie Johnson, Dianne McConnell and Anita Bartlett, from Champaign County; and John Warrington of Tiro.


Gene Poole, of VanWert, said that in his community, Iberdrola, a renewable energy company from Spain is planning to build a large wind farm. He said the problem is that no one has information about the company or its intentions for construction. However the company has offered residents to sign a “Good Neighbor Agreement” under which they would be given $2,000 up front and $1,000 every year thereafter. “Iberdrola denies any negative effects associated with wind turbines, yet they are willing to pay me for my silence should anything negative happen,” said Poole. Poole concluded by stating that Iberdrola is an encroachment, and that granting them a tax abatement under such circumstances would be irresponsible on the part of the Ohio Legislature.


“And any company that truly believes in the authority of its product should never suggest burdening the people’s health and economic welfare as necessary to its survival.”

Hearing held on House Version of SB 232 (Wind and Solar)

The House Ways and Means Committee took testimony March 24 on HB464 which would exempt qualifying wind and solar energy facilities from property taxation for up to 20 years and to require payments in lieu of taxes on the basis of each megawatt if production capacity of such facilities.  The bill is similar to SB 232, introduced by Sen. Chris Widener, FAIA.


Committee members heard proponent testimony for the bill, which would exempt qualifying wind and solar energy facilities from property taxation for up to 20 years and would require payments in lieu of taxes on the basis of each megawatt of production capacity of such facilities.


Connie Neininger, economic development director for White County, Indiana, testified about the impact of a wind farm development in White County, an agricultural community that began researching wind energy when three different wind energy companies began courting their community. So far, the wind farm has been an asset to the community, she said.

Construction of the project brought many workers, which increased sales for local restuarants and hotels. The Indiana company that was the contractor for Phase 1 hired local residents for the job. Tourism season was extended to year-round, Neininger said, and schools are using the wind farms for education, starting tours of wind farms and hosting speakers. A local community college developed a sustainable energy curriculum to train the workforce. Neininger said the wind company is a good neighbor, causing minimal disruption of the farmland and preserving the land for farming for the future. The total project will measure 600 megawatts and consist of 350 turbines that span 84,000 acres.


Eric Thumma, director of institutional relations for Iberdrola Renewables, Inc., testified in support of the bill.

“Ohio’s existing tax regime puts wind development here at a significant disadvantage relative to other neighboring locations,” Thumma said. “HB464 mitigates that disadvantage while providing a known, stable, and significant stream of tax revenue to local communities – tax revenues that would possibly go completely unrealized if investments in proposed commercial scale wind projects are discouraged through the current uncompetitive tax regime.”


Written testimony was submitted by Clair Dudgeon, a Van Wert County commissioner who expressed support for the bill and said it would help the county compete with neighboring communities across the Indiana border.

Also providing written support of the bill was Robert Wannemacher, treasurer of the Wayne Trace Local School District in Haviland. Wannemacher suggested the tax rate of $6,000 per megawatt capacity should be raised to $10,000 or $12,000 per megawatt, which would place Ohio in the median of states with wind turbines.


Elaine Siler, a land owner in Van Wert County, also submitted written testimony in support of the bill as a way to keep Ohio competitive and make positive changes for the future.


Phil McClure, a retired farmer and property owner in Van Wert County who has signed a contract with a wind company to build wind mills on an 80 acre farm also wrote in support of the bill.