Draft versions of the Design-Build documents have been posted to the OCR website for external review. To view and/or download the documents, go tohttp://ocr.ohio.gov and click on Documents. The deadline for comments is Monday, February 27.

Also, if you have not already registered for OCR Academy, the definitive seminar to learn the details of the changes of in public facilities construction in Ohio, and wish to do so, please register as soon as possible!

Four of the seven dates are now sold out! The following dates are still available. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and walk-ins are not being accepted:

  • February 16 | Toledo
  • March 22 | Akron
  • March 27 | Bowling Green

To register, go to http://regonline.com/ohioconstructionreformacademy. If spaces in the sold-out locations become available DAS will send out a tweet on Twitter at @OHConstrReform.