How you can participate on behalf of the profession.
As summer comes to a close, so too does the August recess for House at Senate members of Congress. With the session to resume on September 9th, members are encouraged to take this opportunity to visit their congressional representatives while they are in their home districts and away from fast paced activities of Washington. With the Shaheen-Portman Bill to be discussed by the Senate as the first energy bill of the fall session, the support of membership will be key to help keep the 2030 goals within the bill. You can support this effort by visting the AIA Advocacy webpage and signing on as a supporting firm. The website also features one AIA Ohio member’s recent meeting with Senator Portman, demonstrating how not all meetings need to take place at a congressional office. Members of AIA Cincinnati also visited Representative Wenstrup’s office and worked with AIA Ohio and national staff in relaying the concerns and needs of AIA members to the Congressman. AIA Ohio thanks everyone who made an effort to meet with House or Senate members during the August recess.