I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as the 2025 president of AIA Ohio. I’m looking forward to leading our 2,362 members this year with great anticipation.
The AIA Ohio board assembled in November of last year for a strategic planning retreat. Over the course of two days we developed a three-year strategic plan to bring our mission of advocating for the profession of architecture into greater focus.
The outcome of various working sessions yielded many great ideas that became goals for the board to concentrate our efforts toward advancing the profession through advocacy, leadership and increasing value to members.
Our strategic plan not only gave vision to ambitious goals, but also developed strategies and tactics to which will take a great deal of effort to accomplish. In order to give these ideas traction, we have assembled our dedicated board members into work groups that have already begun meeting to delegate the tasks that will enhance member engagement, expand government advocacy, elevate the profession and ensure organizational vitality. Committees have also formed that are fast at work on Conference Planning and Sponsorship.
Additional attention will be focused on advancing public awareness and appreciation for the profession of architecture, elevating member engagement, and supporting and expanding the influence of members and local components.
On behalf of the AIA Ohio board, we invite you to participate in Advocacy Day which is coming up on March 27th and please keep your eyes out for a save-the-date for our third installment of the re-envisioned statewide conference this Fall.
I look forward to working together with local components and members of the AIA Ohio board alike to advance our mission through our strategic plan. Thank you all in advance for your collaborative spirit and dedication to the profession of architecture.
Director of Design
AIA Ohio President