An Official E-Newsletter of AIA Ohio – Winter 2010
Ameristar Fence Products Automated Entrance Technologies/Horton Automatics Avatech Solutions BHP Energy Bowser-Morner Inc. Capitol Aluminum & Glass Columbia Gas of Ohio Dave York Sports, Inc. Durapax, LLC FiberTite Roofing Systems Firestone Building & Metal Foodservice Solution Group HIREarchi & BIMpact Hoover Treated Wood Products, Inc Johns Manville Kardex Remstar Kerkstra Precast, Inc Marvin Windows and Doors Miami University Mosser Construction Musco Sports Lighting Nalette & Associates, Inc. National Frame Building Assn. Ohio State University Oldcastle Building Envelope Selvaggio, Teske & Assoc. Smart Vent Inc. The Belden Brick Comany THORSON BAKER & Associates, Inc. Turner
Presidents Message
By Bruce Sekanick, AIA
Amazingly enough, although not really all that surprising, the year will finish just like it started. In January, we had many questions about the economy and I guess we still do, but at least there seems to be a few more of us with a little more work and hopefully an improving bottom line. In a similar way, we started the year with questions about our profession, and I guess we are still trying to get an idea of where new technology, business practices, and the challenges of time, budget and our passion for creativity will lead us. And, I suppose we will still be looking at the same issues this time next year. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t, or can’t, try to plan.
Earlier this month, AIA Ohio held our annual board retreat in Columbus that brought together the leadership of the seven Ohio AIA chapters along with the staff, directors and officers of AIA Ohio. This meeting, planned by President-elect Steve Shinn AIA, was part of our annual effort to gather opinions and comments from the local leadership, to work to communicate efforts and to identify needs of member architects, and associates, across the state. As part of this planning session, Regional Director Deb Kunce, AIA, helped the attendees consider issues and needs of the organization and to incorporate them into a strategic planning tool know as “the weave”. This tool, unveiled earlier this year at Grassroots, helps the organization align our efforts with those of the Institute. While this effort was just a start, it provided invaluable insight into where we should be directing our energies and resources. Most of you have probably heard the old saying, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there”. Hopefully, because of this effort, our roadmap is now better defined.
For most of the year, the efforts of the board have been directed to improving communication between components and making attempts at trying new things, or initiating new efforts. Because of these efforts, I am more convinced than ever that AIA is not broken. We just need to constantly not only accept and adjust to change, but lead change. There are more than a few who know that my favorite saying for the year was “…throw it against the wall, and see what sticks”. I guess the end result is we have tried a lot of new things, and while they were not all successful, we at least learned a lot from them. It’s also important for us to remember that what didn’t work for us this year, might just be the answer next year. These efforts can only be successful if we agree to work together and understand our differences as well as our common needs. I have confidence that as the economy shows improved signs of life, as we refine our planning efforts, and as we continue to work together and try new things, AIA will become the leader we need to be.
This time of the year is also about change. Soon we will move into a new year and AIA Ohio will be represented by a strong group of competent, passionate and forward-looking leaders, with the addition of Secretary-elect Elizabeth Murphy, FAIA and under the guidance of President-elect Steve Shinn, AIA. I believe that it is our responsibility as members to support this leadership when called upon, and to provide input and feedback as necessary to let them understand our needs, as individual members, as well as the needs of the profession overall.
Over the past week and a half I have also come to the realization that as outgoing president, I will too have to accept change. As we move into next year, I realize there are more, but different, ways I hope to be involved in the AIA, and in the profession. I have learned more than I ever anticipated and have been challenged in ways unanticipated, but I have also truly enjoyed every minute of the past eleven months. I also realized that I am not part of the AIA, but rather the AIA is part of me. That is how most of you know me. In most cases, I would not have had the privilege of meeting many of you without the AIA, and for that opportunity, I am very thankful.
I want to finish this article by thanking everyone for their efforts and energy during the last twelve months (…or twelve years, but who’s counting). While I probably spoke too long at the awards program at the AIA Convention in Toledo, I think it’s important for everyone to remember that our successes are the result of the hard work of many people. Without the dedication of our chapter directors, committee members, the local chapter staff and Executive Directors, and the work of David Field, Hon AIA, CAE and Kate Brunswick, CAE, most of the programs offered, visits arranged, or events planned would not have occurred. We also need to thank our families, business partners and staff for their silent contributions to the AIA, by holding-down-the-fort and picking-up-the-slack, that allowed some of us the time to run around the state and represent this great organization. I noted the AIA Ohio Convention in Toledo. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the Convention Chair Steve Shake, AIA and the entire convention committee who worked so very hard during the past year. I have received many phone calls complimenting the committee for the work they did and the programs offered. The venue was perfect in every way and AIA Toledo, and all who participated in the planning of the event, should take pride in the fact that this was an exceptional convention. Thank you and congratulations.
Finally, my challenge as we move forward, to every level of the membership, is to continue to come up with new ideas to throw against the wall. Who knows just what might stick.
 Ohio Legislature Takes “Right” Turn
By David W. Field, CAE, Hon. AIA
AIA Ohio Executive Vice President
The state legislature took a “right” turn November 2nd with Republicans taking control of all state offices, both houses of the Ohio General Assembly, the Ohio Supreme Court and the United States Senate seat being vacated by Sen. George Voinovich. As a result, Republicans could be in control for some time and will replace many Democrats currently leading a variety of state agencies.
Redistricting & Reapportionment:
When members of the newly elected General Assembly take office in January, majority Republicans will re-draw district boundaries for Congressional offices as well as the districts for both Ohio House and Senate. The Republican dominated Ohio Supreme Court will settle any boundary disagreements.
Architectural Issues:
- Inasmuch as the architect’s “Statute of Repose” has hinged historically upon a Republican dominated Ohio Supreme Court, AIA-Ohio members can rest a little easier with the election of Chief Justice-elect, Maureen O’Connor and Justice Judith Lanzinger, both Republicans.
- Architects lobbying for additional construction reform will be encouraged by the fact that Republicans soon will control both the legislative and executive branches of government. During this year’s Budget negotiations, at the insistence of unions and the Legislative Black Caucus, House Democrats rebuffed Senate Republican efforts to pass construction reform beyond three Pilot Projects. Republicans might have the votes to push further next year.
- Architects opposed to creating an Ohio Interior Design Licensing Board may have noticed that Governor-elect John Kasich’s platform called for the elimination/consolidation of some Boards and Commissions … rather than the creation of new ones!
- Though lawmakers had planned to act on the Capital Bill after the election, rumors are that they may delay final action until after the newly elected Republicans take office.
Know a New State Office Holder?
If you know one or more of the newly elected state officials or state legislators and would like to help AIA-Ohio communicate with them please let our state office know by completing and returning our Legislative Contact Form.
State Offices:
John Kasich will be Ohio’s 69th governor and Mary Taylor will be the lieutenant governor. State Senator Jon Husted was elected Secretary of State, former U.S. Senator Mike DeWine was elected Attorney General, Rep. Josh Mandel was elected Treasurer and David Yost was elected Auditor of State.
U.S. Senator:
Rob Portman was elected to the United States Senate replacing retiring Sen. George Voinovich.
State Supreme Court:
In January Justice Maureen O’Connor will ascend to Chief Justice and Justice Judith Lanzinger will be sworn-in for her second term on the state’s high court. Justice Paul Pfeiffer was also re-elected with ease; he was unopposed.
State House and Senate:
Two races are headed for recounts, but partisan control of the Ohio House of Representatives isn’t in doubt. Rep. Bill Batchelder (R-Medina) will be House Speaker. The Ohio House Republican Caucus grew from a minority of 46 to a majority of 58 or more seats, with the margin likely to be 59 to 40.
On the Senate side, the Republican majority will grow to 23-10.
A list of all newly elected state legislators can be found by clicking here . If you know any of them, please let us know by completeing the Legislative Contact Form.
Congress: On the night when the Republican wave rolled over Ohio, five incumbent Democratic members of Congress lost their seat to Republican challengers. Steve Stivers (CD15-Kilroy), Steve Chabot (CD1-Driehaus), Jim Renacci (CD16-Boccieri), Bob Gibbs (CD18-Space) and Bill Johnson (CD6-Wilson) will join a GOP majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, and Ohioan John Boehner is the presumptive speaker of the house when the new Congress convenes in January.
If you know any of our Ohio Congressmen, please let us know by completing the Legislative Contact Form.
When the Governor’s office changes party affiliation, Directors and Deputy Directors of most state agencies are replaced as well as some Assistant Directors and many leaders of state agencies including the Ohio School Facilities Commission, State Architect’s office, Fire Marshal, etc.
If you have an interest in any of these positions and would like AIA-Ohio to consider an endorsement, please contact the AIA-Ohio office.
AIA Ohio Convention in Toledo a Stunning Success
Well over 300 architects and their guests descended upon Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 30-Oct. 2 for the AIA Ohio Convention. Over 16 learning units were offered throughout the convention, via tours, breakout sessions and three high profile keynote speakers: Angela Brooks, AIA, Pugh & Scarpa; Randy Deutsch, AIA, Architects2zebra; and Craig Dykers, AIA, Snohetta. For the first time ever, AIA Ohio became an education provider of USGBC, GBCI credits. Over 15 learning hours were eligible for GBCI credits, offering a new benefit to those members who are LEED certified.
The convention begain on Thursday, Sept. 30 with morning educational programs and a keynote address at 1 p.m. by Angela Brooks, AIA. Pugh & Scarpa is the winner of the 2009 AIA Gold Medal Firm Award. The afternoon included more education. That evening, the social events kicked off at the Maumee Bay Brewing Co. at the historic Oliver House in Toledo. There was plenty of food, beverages, and entertainment. This was by far one of our more successful icebreaker receptions. AIA Ohio took over the micro-brewery and filled it to capacity with over 150 guests in attendance.
Friday started with a general session led by Randy Deutsch, AIA. Randy writes an interesting and provocative blog called Architects2Zebras. Check it out at The exhibit hall on Friday hosted a buffet lunch. Vendors were able to spend time visiting with architects and associate architects while they learned about new products and services. Friday evening, 230 guests were treated to a wonderful dinner in the beautiful setting of the Toledo Museum of Art’s Glass Pavilion. Following, at the Peristyle Theatre, AIA Ohio recognized the 2010 honor and design award winners.
Saturday wrapped up the meeting with breakout sessions, the annual meeting and tours. Many thanks should go to Steve Shrake, AIA, and his committee from Toledo, who did a wonderful job planning the convention.
AIA Ohio Valley Region
2011 Convention
Sept. 14-16, 2011 Dayton Convention Center Dayton, Ohio
Plan now to hold these dates for the AIA Ohio Valley Region Convention. The Planning Committee is already working on ways to top the first three of these regional events.
You won’t want to miss it!
AIA Ohio A Society of the American Institute of Architects 17 South High St. – Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43215-3458 This information is provided exclusively for AIA Ohio members. Call 614-221-0338 or send e-mail to