An Official E-Newsletter of AIA Ohio – Winter 2009
AIA Ohio is proud to announce the brand new! Our new, more focused web site is easier to navigate yet still contains all the information you count on from AIA Ohio. Go here for current AIA news, frequent AIA Ohio legislative updates, awards information and more. Check it out today at
Presidents Message
Hurray, and welcome to the new AIA Ohio Website! Hats off to Kate Brunswick and Bruce Sekanick, AIA, for doing the heavy lifting in accomplishing this priority revamp. We are anxious for member feedback as we continue to refine this important communication tool. It was a pleasure to help co-host this year’s Regional Convention. The record attendees of over 500 were rewarded with quality programs, special events, enjoyable venues, and unlimited opportunities for sharing. One personal highlight for me was the Honor’s Award Banquet and, although long, it was an amazing show of quality design, and to help honor AIA Ohio’s Firm of the Year, Bialosky + Partners, Inc., and John C Senhauser, FAIA, as our Gold Medalist was a privilege indeed. Also to surprise Kate Brunswick for ten years of incredible service to AIA Ohio was a special treat. Saturday’s AIA Ohio Annual Meeting was well attended and included the sharing of a wealth of information. The defeat of the proposed by-laws change was not an endorsement of the status quo but rather an affirmation of the recently formed AIA Ohio Task Force charged with the important task of comprehensively evaluating how we do business and, most importantly, how we continue to enhance service to all members. Speaking for the entire Executive Committee of the AIA Ohio Board, we look forward to the Task Force process and product and we can’t thank Terry Welker, AIA, enough for agreeing to shepherd this important effort. As I look back on my year as president, I am proud I did not embarrass myself and find my biggest satisfaction in hoping I helped a little in setting the stage for even better things to come.
 Advocacy News
By David W. Field, CAE, Hon. AIA
AIA Ohio Executive Vice President
As the Ohio General Assembly approaches its Thanksgiving Break, here is the status of legislation of interest to Ohio Architects: Construction Reform Panel On November 18, at the end of a contentious day of negotiations among Senate and House Leadership and Governor Strickland, Senate Democrats rejected the latest Republican amendments to HB 318, the bill that aims to fill the $851 million gap in the FY10-11 budget. One of the Republican amendments would enact the recommendations of the Ohio Construction Reform Panel. Unable to proceed further, the Senate Finance Committee convened that evening for the purpose of unveiling their amendments (which included the OCRP recommendations), then adjourned indefinitely. The Ohio Construction Reform Panel’s recommendations may determine how architects will do business with the State for the next decade. Among the recommendations (designed to lower the cost and speed construction of public projects) are amendments that would allow public owners to use alternative delivery methods including a hybrid design-build concept and construction manager at risk. AIA-Ohio supports the recommendations so long as they safeguard the Qualifications Based System (QBS) for selecting architects for state work. AIA-Ohio is analyzing this latest proposed legislation to assure it is consistent with AIA-Ohio policy. Sustainability House Bill 7, which would set sustainability standards for state construction projects was approved by the House Local Government /Public Administration Committee on October 14. It now awaits a floor vote. During its deliberations the Committee adopted an amendment suggested by AIA-Ohio’s Committee on the Environment Chaired by Alan Warner. The amendment broadened the scope of the bill. Registration Board Senate Bill 183, which would remove the historic grandfather exemption in the architect’s registration law, is undergoing hearings by the Senate Insurance, Commerce and Labor Committee. AIA-Ohio supports the bill. Other bills AIA Ohio is watching for members include: SB 151, which would allow Park Districts to set up their own Building Departments. HB 176, which would disallow discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. HB 37, which would require DAS to maintain a list of irresponsible bidders. SB 14, which would establish licensure for home inspectors. PAC Fundraising Led by David Brehm, AIA, Columbus, AIA-Ohio component volunteers are now soliciting contributions to the AIA-Ohio Political Action Committee (PAC). Dollars contributed will fund the “Triple Play” program that introduces architects to their elected representatives on a favorable basis. The “Triple Play” program leverages Ohio’s campaign finance law that allows individuals to take up to a $50 tax credit (or $100 on joint returns) for personal contributions made to the campaigns of state office holders. Our AIA-Ohio PAC matches the member’s contribution and sends a letter to the candidate asking him/her to use the contributing architect as a sounding board for design/construction legislation. Your personal contribution to the PAC will assure the continuation of this important program. Please respond favorably when your component’s PAC solicitor contacts you… or send your personal check for any amount to AIA-Ohio PAC at the AIA-Ohio office. Corporate contributions are not allowed.
The Firm of the Future Melissa Vitteri Sieg, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP Associate Director – Columbus Chapter Given the current landscape of the construction industry, the future stands with a question mark for many of us. It was no surprise that the AIA Columbus Annual Meeting focused on the big picture ahead. Raymond Kogan AIA, keynote speaker at the event, talked about the trends of the future that are shaping our design firms. Being more aware of the industry and the world trends is only the 1st step. Are we ready? o Mega-regions are emerging, and the value of construction will follow the population growth. Current trends in US demographics suggest cities will only get larger, and populations will become increasingly diverse(U.S. Census Bureau Population Projections). The west coast and southern US will see most of these changes. This increase in urban population density will result in the necessity for increased capacity in sectors such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and redevelopment & re-purposing building. o On the technology side, BIM will become even more widely adopted by architecture firms. Engineering firms and consultants will follow suit. However, the BIM adoption will first be driven by contractors and owners, says Kogan. Also, technology will continue to widen the existing gap between the technically proficient , and the not-so-proficient. In addition to these technological changes, BIM will also bring changes in project management. The Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) approach will become a more generalized practice across the US, promoting collaboration and lean systems among team players. o Our projects will go beyond the traditional services. And thus, firms will become more of a ‘one-stop shop’; addressing more needs of stakeholders than in the past. We will do more than design and offer front-end/back-end services. With all these new deliverables, project management will continue to be a critical success factor. At this time, PMs will require broader and different sets of skills. o In the future, our staff will face skills and leadership shortages. Considering all current demographic projections, in the next 15 years the older population will increase by 47%, while the younger crowd will decrease by 6%. Other factors will also drive this labor shortage. Factors such as, the current recession, retention & reward challenges, compensation, and the lifestyle priorities of the younger generation will come into play. What can we do about this? Kogan suggests developing training and leadership programs, mentoring employees’ careers, and being flexible with our workforce schedules. o Sustainability will be soon mainstream, not a trend or an option. Consumers are choosing green companies and making changes in their lifestyles (April 2008 Gallop Poll). Clients are becoming committed to LEED certification. Even our own industry is moving to ‘greener’ pastures. First, the AIA adopted the 2030 challenge: calling for a minimum 50% carbon reduction for new construction beginning immediately, and 10% reductions in the following years. And as of January 2010, all licensed architects will be required to meet the new sustainable design L.U. requirements. We are witnessing and industry that is changing… One that is consolidating and expanding, and moving progressively and proactively. Kogan suggests thinking in wider and longer terms to have successful design firms in the years to come. We must look at our future and start planning ahead of time. After all – in Darwin’s terms – the recipe for survival is exactly that: being responsive to change.
NFRC Program Makes it Easy to Get Energy Ratings on Job Sites  By John Lewis Generating energy-related performance values for fenestration on a job site can be particularly difficult, especially for commercial projects. The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC), well-known for its uniform, independent rating and labeling system for fenestration products, has therefore created a new program to make it easier. It is known as the Component Modeling Approach (CMA). Architects, builders, code enforcement officials, manufacturers, and other industry professionals can use the CMA Software Tool (CMAST) to assemble “virtual” windows and curtain walls using performance data of approved components accessible in online performance libraries. CMA offers a standardized, validated methodology for determining the energy performance values of commercial fenestration for bids and estimates. It also provides other benefits: · Showing how design changes affect the energy performance of not only individual products, but the performance of the entire project. · Helping design envelope/fenestration systems to maximize energy efficiency. · Demonstrating how products meet code requirements and project specifications, which make the bidding process easier. Furthermore, CMA creates a paper trail that ensures fenestration products were provided “as specified” on the project. CMA is scheduled to be fully implemented in January 2010, at the same time California will start requiring either the use of CMA or default values from the state energy commission, for demonstrating compliance with energy codes for site-built fenestration on commercial projects. NFRC invites you to learn more about the CMA program by visiting John Lewis is NFRC’s senior manager, business development and outreach. He can be reached at |
Regional Convention Focuses on Community Leadership by Stephanie Aurora Lewis, RA, LEED AP
“Not everyone can be famous, but everyone can be great by their service to others,” Martin Luther King, Jr. Topics such as community leadership, mentorship, economic survival tactics, and the environment pulsed through all the presentations at the 2009 AIA Ohio Valley Regional Convention in Covington, Kentucky. The AIA Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana Convention consisted of three keynote speakers, tours, social events, a vendor’s fair, and many peer led educational/inspirational break-out sessions. Community leadership is the first addressed topic in a series of articles; please watch for additional coverage in the coming months. Architects as Community Leaders How can we, as architects, become better community leaders? The question is almost ironic because the profession was born out of service to the community. Each of the three keynote speakers provided inspirational advice about how our profession can even be redefined with more of a service outlook. According to psychologist Richard Farson, President of Western Behavioral Sciences Institute of California, many of society’s problems may be solved by excellent design. Antoine Predock, FAIA, demonstrated how his designs have positively impacted the end-users and he proved it by showing the audience a series of successful and beautiful projects. Lastly, Edward Mazria, Founder of Architecture 2030, is likely believed to be one of the most positive architectural community leaders of our time. Richard Farson on The Power of Design Richard Farson believes first and foremost that architects are responsible for upholding excellent and thoughtful (thinking) design. He stretched so far as to suggest that good design saves marriages, protects children from abuse, reduces crime, reduces depression, augments physical/mental/emotional health, and the list goes on. In particular, Farson researches how the human mind interacts with its environment. He provided a compelling example wherein he partnered with architects to redesign 7 Eleven gas stations. Their project objective was to reduce theft. Their solution involved moving the cash register to the front of the store, moving displays away from walls and replacing the solid front store walls with glass. Thefts were reduced by 40 percent. Farson presented what he believes are a few obstacles to powerful design. First, he said that prizes sometimes offer a false-confidence to their recipient; they may also be given more as a popularity trophy rather than as a badge of merit. He continued, “awards and prizes breed competition often more so than collaboration.” Farson used the example of a group of scientists working together to make an important medical discovery. During one of their roundtable discussions, it became apparent that the one scientist who was withholding critical information from the group was the one scientist up for a Nobel Prize nomination. To which, the scientist reported that they would not tell of their portion of the discovery for fear that it would be stolen and the credit along with the Prize given to its thief. (Sadly, this happens in architecture as well.) Another obstacle is the “sell-out” architect who sacrifices good design for money, relationships, and their reputation with clients. “It just isn’t worth it,” he says. Herein lies Farson’s greatest plea, “Stand up for good design for the sake of someone other than for yourself – for the good of your community.” Predock on Museum Stories Graced by Antoine Predock’s presentation, no doubt most were impressed by his inspirational collages and by the realized designs that are all example’s of Farson’s cry for powerful design. Overall, Predock reviewed many of his projects while occasionally offering tidbits of advice about the creative process and how to influence clients. For example, he starts the creative process with a collage and then works through many clay model renditions until the design is finished. Predock researches his clients carefully. He spoke of frequently “freaking out juries” with his designs. He didn’t mean that they were overwhelmed with beauty and therefore left in a state of ecstasy – though he said he wished that would happen more often. He meant, rather, that his architectural mission is to serve design first and the client second. Nonetheless, he is quite successful at winning over clients often by adding bits of their traditions, beliefs, and heritage into the fabric of the design. Predock brought up a final good point that his personal reputation is more closely linked with his architectural designs rather than the size of his pocketbook. Simply for the love of design and to keep him creatively razor sharp, Predock shows his skills on residential design. Predock left a lasting encouragement for the crowd, “It is very important for us to keep doing houses.” Mazria’s Architecture: On the Brink of Greatness To top it off, Edward Mazria is no doubt a strong proponent for community leadership. Mazria created the Architecture 2030 Challenge, which is a powerful invitation for the world to become carbon neutral by the year 2030. Indeed, some architects and clients work more on meeting the goals of Architecture 2030 than on LEED. Mazria believes that architecture is the only profession that can make the noble 2030 goal a reality. In short, he recommends that we design our buildings first to use as little energy as is possible, second to add technologies that help us to further reduce energy, and finally to purchase renewable energy to meet our goals. Mazria also hopes that these energy goals will move more fully into the housing industry. Last month, he presented a few ideas to the federal government about how economic recovery monies could be funneled into the private sector in order to bolster the economy. The crux of his argument was that if a household spends money to improve the energy efficiency of their home, the government would then reward them with a lower interest rate. From psychology research, to design excellence, to stellar public reform efforts, the attendees of the 2009 AIA Ohio Valley Regional Convention heard many examples of how we can become more involved in our communities, how our designs are often more powerful than we realize, and how we have a key role in making the environment a better place for our children’s children.
AIA Ohio Valley Region Convention Shatters Attendance Records A total of 525 people from the AIA Ohio Valley Region descended upon Covington, KY, Oct. 1-3 for the AIA Ohio Valley Region Convention. This was the third regional convention held (the first was in 2001) and hosted the largest number of attendees. Over 18 learning units were offered throughout the convention, via tours, breakout sessions and three high profile keynote speakers: Richard Farson, Antoine Predock, FAIA, and Ed Mazria, AIA. There is more about their sessions in the article called Regional Convention Focuses on Community Leadership. Events started on Thursday, Oct. 1, to kickoff the convention at Hofbrauhaus. There was German food, beverages, and entertainment. This was by far one of our more successful icebreaker receptions. AIA OVR took over the bier hall and filled it to capacity with over 200 guests in attendance. Friday started with a panel discussion called Firms that Survive. Representatives from firms that have lasted through similar economic recessions as we are experiencing now gave their perspective on how they’ve achieved their longevity. The panel had the challenge of an early, 7 a.m. start, but the room filled quickly with interested attendees. Many thanks to our panelists: Michael Schuster, FAIA; Chas Schreckenberger, AIA; Scott Veazey, AIA; Sanford Garner, AIA; Alvin Cox, AIA; Martha Tarrant, AIA; and thanks to Paul Hollenbeck, AIA, for moderating. The exhibit hall on Friday hosted a buffet lunch. Vendors were able to spend time visiting with architects and associate architects while they learned about new products and services. Friday evening, 250 guests were treated to a beautiful view of the Ohio river from Paul Brown Stadium where the awards banquet was held. All three states in the Ohio Valley Region recognized honor and design awards. Saturday wrapped up the meeting with breakout sessions, annual meetings and tours. Mike Schuster, FAIA; Deb Kunce, AIA and Joe Schwab, AIA, served as the Convention Co-chairs and did a wonderful job.
GOOD DESIGN = Healthy Communities & Economic Growth
Long recognized for its outstanding quality of life created through its half-century commitment to high quality design and planning, Columbus, Indiana, will host its 2nd Triennial Symposium on GOOD DESIGN, April 9-11, 2010. It builds on the success of the first symposium which was held in 2007 as an AIA 150 – Blueprint for America project sponsored by AIA Indiana and the Columbus Indiana Architectural Archives (CIAA). Next year’s symposium will be sponsored by the CIAA and is entitled: GOOD DESIGN = Community Health & Economic Development. The program’s confirmed keynoter speakers include former public member of the AIA national board, Dr. Richard J. Jackson, M.D., M.P.H., currently Chair and Professor at UCLA’s School of Public Health. He is nationally recognized as a pioneer in the study of design and its impact on public health and community wellness and is the author of an article that recently appeared in Pediatrics magazine entitled, “The Built Environment: Designing Communities to Promote Physical Activity in Children.” Architects Fred Koetter, FAIA, and Susie Kim, AIA, partners in Koetter Kim & Associates, and Douglas Johnson, FAIA, principal designer for William Rawn Associates, will lead walking tours and discuss their respective office’s current Columbus projects on Friday afternoon, April 9th. They will also be plenary session speakers on Saturday afternoon, April 10th. Symposium attendees, as well as Columbus residents, are invited to “a town gathering” on the evening of Friday, April 9th in which 2010 AIA national president, George Miller, FAIA, managing partner with Pei Cobb Freed, will share his three decades of experiences working with AIA Gold Medal winner, I.M.Pei, FAIA. Pei’s 1969 urban design which created Columbus’ city’s plaza centered on his Cleo Rogers Library, Eliel Saarinen’s, First Christian Church and Henry Moore’s sculpture, “Large Arch,” remains one of the strongest iconic images of this unique America city. A total of eleven (11) LU’s may be earned by attending all of the events noted above plus a choice of panel discussions in which elected officials, as well as leaders in public health, community wellness and recreation programs, community development, and facilities design will discuss and debate current issues facing every community as they relate to the symposium’s focus. The symposium is co-chaired by the Honorable Fred Armstrong, Mayor of Columbus and Tony Costello, FAIA, Professor Emeritus of Architecture at Ball State University. Additional information and on-line registration at CIAA web site:
AIA Ohio A Society of the American Institute of Architects 17 South High St. – Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43215-3458 This information is provided exclusively for AIA Ohio members. Call 614-221-0338 or send e-mail to