Directory Firm Profile Submission deadline is April 15.
The 2014 AIA Ohio Handbook of Architects, to be published in July, 2014, will feature the firm profiles of Ohio architectural firms whose principals are members of the AIA. YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SEND PAYMENT BY APRIL 15, 2014, IN ORDER FOR YOUR FIRM TO BE INCLUDED.
The cost to list your FIRM PROFILE in the directory is $50. An Individual member listing is a benefit of membership. The individual listings for the AIA Ohio Handbook of Architects will be pulled from the AIA National database on April 15, 2014. If your contact information changes between April 15 and June 2, 2014, please notify AIA Ohio and request that the change be included in the Handbook.
If you have additional locations which you would like to be listed in the firm profile section of the AIA Ohio Handbook, please complete a form and submit payment for each location. Complete the online form here: http://www.formstack.com/forms/aom-aiaohdirectory
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AIA Ohio InspirAIAtion Road Trip to National Convention
Join fellow architects throughout Ohio in record numbers as we attend the AIA National Convention held June 26-28 in Chicago, IL.
With the AIA National Convention so close, with it being a great resource for our members, and to encourage collegiality in getting Us there, AIA Ohio is working with local chapters to offer Chartered Party Buses with snacks/beverages and a Room Share Board to assist you getting there in style!
The cost is $75 per person for a round trip bus ticket until May 15, after that the cost is $100. Buses will depart at 8:30 am on June 25 and will leave Chicago to return at 8:30 am on June 29. Visitaiaohio.org/partybus for more information and to purchase tickets and check the Room Share Board.
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Don’t Forget!!!
Elizabeth Corbin Murhpy, FAIA
Ah. “In the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love!” Alfred Lord Tennyson.
What? Just wanted to catch your attention. Blue skies and sunshine and opening day. As a crocus or two actually pop through the frost bit soil, there is not much excuse for you to ignore Mr. Schuster’s PAC challenge. I ran the Shamrock 5k north of Akron on March 16. It was 17 degrees F at the start of the race. I sent my “selfie” to Mike; he sent his promised donation to the PAC and congratulated me on running for my health. Run for yours. Make Mike pay!
In Washington last week, we visited Capitol Hill. There were three issues in particular that AIA National Advocacy Committee had prepared for us. The Ohio contingent assembled in groups and visited both Senator Brown’s office and Senator Portman’s office. Smaller groups visited Representatives to discuss the national issues and specifically how they affected architects in Ohio. The issue about which there was much passion is the National Design Services Act (HR4205). This bill would allow for Architectural Interns to work in an agency that provides Community Service or Government Service and to have their federal loans relieved.
Meanwhile in Ohio, AIA Ohio testified before the Commerce and Labor Committee on behalf of the Good Samaritan Bill (HB379) for Architects. This bill allows for Architects and Engineers to provide professional assistance after a disaster without concern for liability. This immunity would last for 90 days after the declaration of disaster and invitation to help. 24 other states have passed similar bills after noting the continuing service of Architects after 9-11, Katrina and Sandy.
Your service makes me proud to represent you.
Your AIA Ohio Vice President, Jim Sarks and I are making an attempt to hit each Chapter in Ohio at a Board Meeting or Chapter Meeting or an Emerging Professionals event. Jim has been in touch with most of the Chapters to ascertain some preferred dates. Look for us. We want to meet you.
I had the privilege of participating in the Cleveland Chapter Principals’ Roundtable in March. The Board presented the year ahead to the Principals and allowed me to discuss AIA Ohio initiatives as well. AIA Cleveland has a packed calendar that now includes AIA Ohio events. Since the calendars are digital, if you are having an event that may be of interest to other Chapters, get on their calendars early.
Thank you all for the feedback in regard to our AIA Ohio 2014 initiatives. I am pleased to report that they are all moving forward. Most imminent? Grab a spot on the Convention bus! AIA Ohio has chartered buses to take us all to the National Convention in Chicago. With only a $100 cost ($75 early-bird) for a round trip ticket, how can one refuse? No driving, no airfare, no tolls, no parking, no cab fare from the airport, and no stops! Good company, good transport, good timing, and perhaps good food and entertainment! Watch the web site for details.
Watch the web site, also, for the “Room Share Board”. Looking to cut your Chicago hotel costs in half? Find someone with whom to share your room.
I also wanted to thank those of you who have been mentoring. While AIA Ohio and all seven components offer programs to enhance the relationships between emerging professionals and “seasoned” architects, the program does not the mentor make. Pick up the telephone. Invite a young professional to join you at an event. Meet two new people at every event. Learn their names. No amount of program planning that AIA Ohio does will be successful if you are not willing to open your hand to shake another. Be a mentor.
“You cannot always build the future for our youth, but you can build our youth for the future.” FDR
I can be reached at 330 434 9300. emurphy@cmbarchitects.com
Most respectfully,
Elizabeth Corbin Murphy, FAIA
Government Affairs Report
David W. Field, CAE, Hon. AIA,
Executive Vice President
House Hearings On Anti-LEED v4 Measure Pushed To Fall (SCR25)
The sponsor of a resolution, SCR25, which would prevent the use of the USGBC’s Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) v4 in Ohio, has asked a House panel to delay consideration of the measure until fall in order to reduce confusion among members about what it does. Sponsoring Sen. Joe Uecker (R-Loveland) says he doesn’t believe that there will be enough time to get through the entire hearing process before the General Assembly breaks for spring campaigns and its summer recess.
Mr. Uecker says he anticipates the resolution will move through the House next fall more easily than it did in the Senate because he’s getting “very good feedback” from House members. He said he doesn’t plan any changes to the resolution come fall.
Enactment of SCR25 in the second half of the year would still precede the drop-dead date for using LEED v3, which the USGBC says will come sometime next year. The resolution passed the Senate 22-10 despite hours of opposition testimony in committee.
At issue are changes to the (LEED) version 4. Opponents of the revised v4 standards, who want to see the resolution adopted, said a flawed process produced v4 which discourages the use of safe building materials, such as vinyl, PVC, certain paints and Ohio forestry products. Multiple LEED supporters, however, have denied the existence of a “blacklist” of building materials, saying version 4 has no mandates or prohibitions in that regard and was developed using an open and transparent process.
Good Samaritan Bill (HB 379) Passes Ohio House of Representatives
On February 12 Beth Murphy did an outstanding job presenting AIA Ohio’s Good Samaritan liability bill to the Ohio House Commerce, Labor and Technology Committee. HB 379 would provide civil immunity for architects, engineers, and surveyors who provide services during a declared emergency. She was the only person to testify during the hearing though the Legislative Chairman of the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) sent a letter detailing his personal support for the bill.
On February 26 the bill was amended to include the volunteer services provided by a contractor or tradesperson. The Associated General Contractors (AGC) and Ohio Contractors Association (OCA) requested the amendment. During the hearing the Ohio Association for Justice (trial lawyers) agreed to draft an amendment to make clear that the liability cloak wouldn’t extend to a bridge built by a contractor during a declared emergency. Most agreed that contractors don’t actually build bridges during a declared emergency, they merely help clean up the aftermath, but no one objected to such an amendment.
On March 12 the House Commerce, Labor and Technology Committee approved HB 379 and on April 2 it passed the House and was sent to the Senate for further action.
Governor Kasich Signs Capital Bill
Facing an early April target date for enacting the latest capital appropriations measure, the Ohio House of Representatives and Senate moved quickly to approve the nearly $2.4 bricks-and-mortar package contained in HB 497. Governor Kasich signed the bill on April 1.
The project list had been vetted extensively behind the scenes by the Kasich administration and his fellow Republicans who control both chambers of the General Assembly.
According to Office of Budget and Management Director, Tim Keen, the recommended expenditures for the fiscal year 2015-2016 capital biennium were “made after a careful process that has prioritized the most pressing needs of state government, schools and higher education, with particular emphasis given to each project’s impact on jobs and economic growth.”
“Most expenditures are focused on necessary maintenance and upkeep of the state’s current capital assets, while much of the new construction funded in this bill is used to replace existing facilities that are no longer cost-effective to repair,” he said.
The bill also contains capital “reappropriations,” or generally noncontroversial provisions that allow for ongoing projects to receive continued funding. The reappropriations are necessary because spending authority is limited to two years.
Of the bill’s $2.38 billion in capital appropriations, $2.07 billion is in general revenue fund-backed bonds and the rest – $317.1 million – comes from various sources outside of the GRF, according to the administration.
The bill includes:
– $675 million for local school construction projects overseen by the Ohio School Facilities Commission.
– $574.3 million for maintenance and renovations at state-owned facilities including state parks, prisons, mental health facilities and other public buildings.
– $454.5 million for Ohio’s 37 public colleges and universities.
– $369 million for local infrastructure projects administered by the Ohio Public Works Commission.
– $100 million for the Clean Ohio program for outdoor recreation projects and the preservation of open spaces and farmlands.
– $160 million for “community projects.”
Gov. Kasich followed the process of used in crafting the last capital budget allocation for Ohio colleges and universities. He asked higher education to take the lead in developing a collaborative capital funding request that prioritizes the needs of the entire university system ahead of the desires of individual institutions.
Of the $675 million appropriated in the bill for K-12 buildings, $575 million is in GRF-backed debt and $100 million is from lottery profit proceeds attributed to the video lottery terminal licensing fees to be paid by the racetracks.
Another non-GRF chunk – $69 million – comes from a Revolving Loan Fund for local infrastructure projects under the PWC that’s part of a total of $444 million in mostly bonds allocated for such work, the OBM director said.
Several items requested by eight regional economic development groups and a committee charged with vetting arts projects throughout the state surfaced among the appropriations. For example, the bill includes a $5 million appropriation for restoration of Cincinnati’s Union Terminal – funding which exceeded the $3.2 million requested. The legislation also calls for a $2 million appropriation for the Cleveland Museum of Art, which requested $1 million for an expansion, and a $1.1 million appropriation for the Columbus Museum of Art – the full amount requested.
Kasich Mid Biennium Tax Bill (HB472)
The Kasich administration’s Mid-Biennium Review (MBR) bill (HB472) was introduced March 11 and referred to the House Ways and Means Committee, which divided it into fourteen (14) separate bills to be heard by various committees for an extended period of time.
Among the provisions are an across-the-board 8.5 percent income tax cut over three years, which would benefit AIA Ohio members; an increase of 60 cents per pack of cigarettes over two years; a 2.75 percent severance tax on producers’ gross receipts; and an increase in the Commercial Activity Tax from 0.26 percent to 0.30 percent.
All the tax proposals are receiving opposition.
AIA Ohio Call for Presentations Open
AIA Ohio, along with AIA Akron and AIA Eastern Ohio, is pleased to announce that this year’s conference will be held in association with Kent State University, Kent Ohio. The conference, planned for September 18-20, 2014 will bring together more than 350 architects and allied professionals from around the region and across the state for three days of programs and activities. The Kent State Hotel and Conference Center in downtown Kent at 215 S Depeyster St., Kent, OH 44240, (330) 346-0100, will be the host hotel. More information on the hotel is available at www.kentstatehotel.com
The Programming Sub-Committee of the AIA Ohio Convention Committee is interested in providing a wide range of programs that will appeal to needs of all of the convention attendees. With a focus on business and the emerging trends in practice, it is the committee’s hope that programs submitted will address the needs of a broad representation of the Institute’s membership and allied professionals. Presenters are asked and encouraged to provide programs that address at least one of the conference themes. Those programs deemed to address the needs of the widest range of participants will be given the highest consideration.
Please submit you presentation online at aiaohio.org via the Convention tab at the top of the AIA Ohio webpage
Thematic Tracks and Example Topics:
Track 1: The Future of Architecture: Design & Opportunity
The track on design is one of opportunity and approach. The track provides an open dialogue on design as well as thoughts on the direction of the profession. The idea of future is always present. Future is not about age or experience, but about opportunity. It can be a rethinking of common practice, a rethinking of technique of detailing or a rethinking of approach to the studio culture. This allows one to rethink not only context of the subject or approach, but also the presentation of the subject matter. It is about our future presence.
- Significant Ohio projects
- Future Use of Classic Buildings
- Building Types (Educational, Healthcare, Institutional, etc.)
- Urban Place and Development
- Sustainability and Urban Planning
- The City as Campus
- Accessibility o Universal Design o New ADA guidelines
- Education as Research, a series of papers by the teaching professionals
- The Academy, a round table on educational approach
- Sustainability as a design element
- Emerging trends in design
- Student design
- Social Issues/Design
- Sustainability Opportunities
- The studio culture, the office!
Track 2: The Future Studio: The Business of Architecture
The practice of Architecture continues to evolve as changes in project delivery, complexity of design and client demands change. This track is intended to provide a discussion on how firms, and architects in general, adapt and adjust to the changing trends in business. Often overlooked, the business of architecture continues to become an ever increasing factor in not only growth and survival, but also design.
- Marketing best practices
- Business Development best practices
- Social Media
- Transition Plans
- Ohio’s Construction Reform
- Risk Management
- Project management excellence/trends
- Business models
- HR/employee interaction
- Motivating your employees
- Contracts/lawyers
- Is profit a dirty word?
- How to read a financial statement/cash flow/banking relationships
- Strategic planning
- Public relations
- Electronic rules – Internet/website/social media and managing your electronic practice
- Joint Ventures/partnership
Track 3: The Future Practitioner: From Day One to Partnership
The profession of architecture is one of continuous learning. From classes and graduation to IDP and the ARE, architecture has been a profession designed around a traditional approach of education and internship. This track looks beyond the business and studio aspects of firm life and explores potential opportunities for both seasoned practitioner and emerging professional.
- Leadership
- Emerging professionals
- Working with emerging professionals; traits of your new hire
- Alternate Career Paths
- Future firm leader development
- What is expected of you on Day One
- Examination and licensure
- The future of the profession
While we encourage presentations applicable to one of these focus areas, the Convention Program Committee will review and consider alternate program submittals related to the conference theme. The presentations submitted are encouraged to address either business, design, or future practice trends in keeping with the theme of the convention. All programs should endeavour to obtain health, safety and welfare (HSW) credits as defined by the American Institute of Architects, as they will be given preference over programs that do not qualify for HSW. The committee is also interested in programs that would be eligible for LEED/USGBC CE or Engineering CEU requirements.
Presentation Formats
Sessions: Sessions are educational presentations, including panel discussions and lectures, and are planned to be presented at the Kent State Hotel and Conference Center or at sites on the campus of Kent State University.
Roundtables and Workshops: Roundtables or workshops may be included as part of the programs. Programs will be evaluated for roundtable consideration based on the type and number of programs submitted. We encourage experts in practical, possibly controversial, topics to generate and contribute to the roundtable conversation. Programs may be considered for workshops depending upon the strength of the subject and the need as determined by the Programming Sub-Committee.
The Committee reserves the right to assign any format to any of the proposals submitted.
Please complete the online Presentation Submittal Form with the topic title, abstract and learning objectives, contact information and a brief biography for each presenter. The number of presenters for each program proposal should not exceed three. Refer to the Presentation Submittal Guidelines at the beginning of the online form for additional requirements.
February 28, 2014 Call for Presentations issued April 11, 2014 Proposals must be received by EOB May 1, 2014 Final Selection results sent to all proposal entrants August 15, 2014 Hand-out materials due to AIA Ohio September 18-20, 2014 AIA Ohio Convention, Kent, Ohio
If you have questions, contact: Kate Brunswick, CAE, Hon. AIA, AIA Ohio, 614.221.0338, ext. 225; Fax: 614.221.1989; E-mail:kate@assnoffices.com
Click Here to submit your Presentation online
179d Tax Credit Jud Kline, FAIA
We are hearing that the Senate Finance Committee is planning to continue deliberations on legislation next week that would extend tax incentives that have expired – and that the 179D energy efficient commercial building tax deduction won’t be on the list unless they hear from the public.
The 179D deduction allows building owners to claim a tax deduction of $1.80 per sq. ft. of building area to install systems that reduce the total energy and power costs by 50 percent or more. Architects across the country have used it to make commercial, high-rise multifamily residential, health care, institutional, public, and educational facilities more efficient, and it’s helped finance projects when other funding sources dried up. Unfortunately, 179D expired at the end of 2013. The Finance Committee has told us that they will reinstate only those incentives that have broad support. That’s why we need you to get the word out and show the Senate that 179D needs to be extended.
We need you to do the following things: 1. Send an action alert from the AIA’s advocacy center. 2. If your Senator is on the Finance Committee, contact their staff person ASAP to let them know that the 179D deduction is an important tool for energy efficiency. (See the Senator and staff list, as well as talking points below) 3. Spread the word to your networks, and urge AIA members to contact their Senators. The link above can be shared with other AIA members.
We have a good shot at getting 179D reinstated this year – but if we don’t let the Committee know we support it, it will be left out of the bill.
If you have questions, please contact Christina Finkenhofer at christinafinkenhofer@aia.org.
* Buildings account for more than 70 percent of electricity consumption in the U.S. Architects have the design skills needed to make them more energy efficient and save money for owners.
* The Energy Efficient Commercial Building Tax Deduction (179D) provides building owners up to a $1.80 per square foot for energy efficient improvements. It also helps federal, state, and local governments finance energy improvements that reduce energy costs to taxpayers.
* The Energy Efficient Commercial Building Tax Deduction has been a useful financing tool in the market. But it expired at the end of 2013.
* We recognize that tax reform could bring about major changes in all tax incentives. But since tax reform will not be completed by the end of 2014, failing to extend 179D will leave the design and construction industry without any federal incentives for energy efficient design.
* Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) and others are working on legislation to extend and improve 179D. We urge you to work with them.
2030 Challenge
As the 2030 Challenge deadline approaches, people are beginning to question if global carbon-neutrality is a feasible reality. But the question should not be whether we can build one carbon-neutral building, as many individual buildings have reached this goal, but rather the question should be whether we will build a carbon-neutral community. As emerging professionals asking these questions, we have developed a survey aimed to uncover gaps in knowledge and practice around sustainable design techniques pertaining to the built environment. It has been developed as a launching point to begin a discussion about what may or may not be holding us back from carbon-neutrality. The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete, and will contribute to a base of knowledge for further research studies. The results will be presented at various national conferences this year. Please take the time to fill out the survey, as it will help better our architectural practice as a whole.
Thank you for time,
Heather Nelson, Sophia Duluk, and Hyojin Kim
AIA Ohio School of Architecture Competition Charrette
This spring, AIA Ohio sponsored the second annual Schools of Architecture Competition Charrette. The goals included:
- increasing interaction between the 4 schools of architecture and the profession by engaging students, professors and professionals in the charrette and jury process and
- increasing interaction between the students of local school programs by promoting team submissions that foster collaboration.
The competition was for an “Architectural Congress of Ohio Pavilion” in Kent for inter-institutional collaboration between the State’s schools of architecture, its professional design organizations, and the spaces they collectively influence. The site included a 15,000 sf program with work space, resource space and exhibition space.
The competition resulted in 82 students participating on 28 teams representing the four schools of architecture. Entries this year were all juried by the AIA Ohio Jury after the AI AIA Ohio Board meeting at Kent State University on March 14th. The AIA Ohio Jury reviewed all 28 submissions and selected First, Second and Third Place winners and five Honorable Mentions. The professors and professionals who volunteered their time are to be commended, and the winning students and schools congratulated:
AIA Ohio Jury:
Bruce Sekanick, AIA, Chair
Paul Hollenbeck, AIA
Elizabeth Corbin Murphy, FAIA
Sandy Bresler, AIA
School Professors:
Udo Greinacher (University of Cincinnati)
Bart Overly (Ohio State University)
John Weigand, AIA (Miami University)
Bill Willoughby (Representing Kent State University)
View a full list of winners and images of the winning projects>>
AIA Ohio PAC 5K Challenge
Update from Ohio Architects Board
by Amy Kobe, CAE
Is Your Contact Information Up to Date?
If you are not receiving regular email communications from the Ohio Architects Board, your email address may not be on file or up to date in the Board’s records. Communication is now exclusively via email. You can update your contact information by sending an email tostephanie.happ@arla.state.oh.gov.
NCARB Proposes IDP Credit Beyond Six-Month Reporting Deadline
A modification to the “six-month reporting rule” for credit in the Internship Development Program (IDP) is being proposed by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB). The NCARB Board has proposed an adjustment to the IDP reporting requirements, relative to the so-called six-month rule, after a 90-day comment period from its Member Boards. The adjustment would become effective not later than January 1, 2015. The NCARB Board would have to formally adopt the change at its meeting preceding its June Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. The specific adjustment would, for the first time, allow credit for intern experience that occurred up to five years beyond the current reporting requirements. Credit for experience beyond the reporting period would be valued at 50 percent for up to five years, after which any experience would be ineligible for credit. While the comment period is restricted to Member Boards, you can submit any comments to Amy Kobe atamy.kobe@arla.state.oh.us. The Board will consider any comments at their June 6 meeting for inclusion in its response to NCARB.
Draft Rules on Military Licensing to be Proposed Soon
Following the conclusion of the Comment Period on March 28, the Ohio Architects Board began drafting rules governing military licensing. Comments received have indicated broad support for the proposal, as long as the present standards governing education, experience and examination are maintained. When the rules are drafted they will be posted online for review. An email will be sent to licensees when the draft rules are available.
ARE Scores for Divisions Taken Prior to January 1, 2006 to Expire on July 1, 2014
This July marks the fifth year since the June 2009 update to the Rolling Clock, which means that any ARE divisions passed before January 1, 2006 will expire unless a candidate has passed all divisions of the ARE by July 1, 2014. In addition, exam divisions taken prior to computer-based testing on “paper and pencil” or any ARE 4.0 credit built from one of those divisions will also. This change does not apply to licensed architects. Candidates should logon to My NCARB and review their Rolling Clock history in My Examination. Any examination taken after 1996-the start of computer-based testing-is visible within My Examination and identifies the date the division or division credit will expire. Exams taken prior to computer-based testing are not tracked within My Examination. You will need to contact Amy Kobe at amy.kobe@arla.state.oh.usfor information regarding your paper and pencil divisions, or if you have any questions about expiring divisions.
Recent Intern Development Program (IDP) Changes
Two changes to the architect’s Intern Development Program (IDP) went into effect December 16, 2013.
The changes are related to the employment duration requirement and eligibility requirement. Notably, the removal of the duration requirement will allow interns to earn IDP experience regardless of a project’s duration; and the eligibility requirement is being simplified to allow interns to begin earning credit upon graduation from high school.
Beginning December 16, 2013, the requirement for interns to work for a minimum of 15 hours per week for eight consecutive weeks to earn experience toward the IDP is eliminated. The elimination of this requirement recognizes that all experience gained through one of the experience settings is valid regardless of the time spent working on a project. The change will allow interns to earn work experience for short-term projects and/or experience obtained over a winter or summer break while in school.
After December 16, interns will simply need to obtain a high school diploma or equivalent to begin IDP. There are currently three points of entry to begin earning IDP experience: enrollment in a NAAB/CACB-accredited program, enrollment in a pre-professional architecture degree program, or employment in experience setting A after obtaining a high school diploma. Interns will now be able to earn experience straight out of high school. This also eliminates a burdensome paperwork requirement for firms and universities.
Interested in Serving on the Ohio Architects Board?
There is currently one vacancy on the Board; an additional vacancy is anticipated beginning October 1. Interested persons must be residents of the state of Ohio, licensed for at least 10 years in Ohio and in good standing with the Board. Board members are appointed by the Governor and serve a five year term. For more information and an application, visit the Boards and Commissions section of the Governor’s website at http://www.governor.ohio.gov/Administration/BoardsandCommissions.aspx
Join ACHA for a special day dedicated to healthcare architects
as part of the
Cleveland Clinic Patient Experience:
Empathy and Innovation Summit
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio
As a supplement to the Cleveland Clinic activities, ACHA will be sponsoring the following sessions:
Designing Healthcare Environments:
Architecture – designing for health and the patient experience
- Ray Pentecost III, DrPH, FAIA, FACHA, President, Design and Health, LLC
- George Tingwald, MD, AIA, Director, Medical Planning, Stanford University Medical Center
- Tye Farrow, FRAIC, Senior Partner, Farrow Partnership Architects
Good Acoustics Matters – using evidence based design to improve patient satisfaction and healthcare options
- Kenric Van Wyk, PE, EDAC, President, Acoustics by Design
Lighting in the Hospital Environment – can changes provide for a better patient experience?
- Nazlie Latefi, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Pegasus Capital Advisors
- Esther Bernhoffer, Phd, RN-BC, Nurse Researcher, Office of Research and Innovation, Cleveland Clinic
- Robert Soler, Director, Lighting Research, Lighting Science
Earn AIA Learning Units by attending this event.
BWC Safety Congress
Join us for these half-day educational sessions to stay informed about Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) changes , as well as workers’ compensation cost control recommendations from Frank Gates. The seminars will alsoinclude: Safety, Managed Care in Ohio workers’ compensation, Claims Management and Risk Management.
Get more information>>
Bricker & Eckler LLP Presents An Interactive Workshop
6th Annual Selecting Project Delivery Models and Bidding for Public Construction Contracts in Ohio
Join us for a full-day workshop to learn about the project delivery models available to public owners and the competitive bidding process for public projects. This program blends a traditional morning session of instruction with an interactive afternoon session during which attendees work in groups to experience the delivery model selection and competitive bidding process through a mock project, immediate feedback from the speakers, and questions and answers from the entire class.
Get more information>>
AIA Ohio A Society of the American Institute of Architects 17 South High St. – Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43215-3458 This information is provided exclusively for AIA Ohio members. Call 614-221-0338 or send e-mail to aiaohio@assnoffices.com