Elizabeth Corbin Murhpy, FAIA
Ohio in autumn is splendid. The crisp air and intense color never ceases to amaze me. There is a God!
Ohio in autumn is splendid for other reasons too. AIA Eastern Ohio and AIA Akron recently hosted a tremendously successful AIA Ohio convention in conjunction with Kent State University’s College of Architecture and Environmental Design. (Several people told me that it was better than Chicago!) The new Kent State University Hotel and Conference Center opens to the new city-college connection, “The Lefton Esplanade”, which serves to convey all in the sunshine, to the additional venues on the main campus.
The Icebreaker event welcomed Elizabeth Chiu Richter, FAIA, national president-elect and a fairly rambunctious crowd to Rockwell Hall and the Cartwright Atrium in the Fashion School. As the group gathered Elizabeth spoke about AIA Repositioning. She had not been home in two weeks, but still admitted that she had thoroughly enjoyed her time here and was glad she came.
A candidate for the “25 year award”, the Fashion School was designed by Myers Associates Architects as an adaptive use project, breathing new life into the much altered and much maligned modern building. The 1958 addition had been slammed into the rear of the 1928 Neo Classical Library building to expand it its capacity. After the new student center and library were completed in 1972, this building held classrooms in a simple u-shaped circulation pattern that ended in exit stairs, paying no respect to the handsome articulated stone façade it had obscured.
Myers Associates design team poked holes in the wall between the modern and classical spaces. The original Neo-classical library building (1928) had been adapted to the Kent State Museum by Whitley Architects a few years prior to Myers’ work, but no one had explored for the missing elements. Flashlights bounced through the holes and off of the carved stone façade, and even the windows were still there. Recognizing that the large carved stone entry pieces, cartouche, and decorative parapet had likely fallen victim to a careless or carefree modern machete, Myers took a chance, convincing the university to allow removal of the separation wall and removal of the floors that would divide the current atrium.
The design team opened the space to light, creating a space that is formal but with cushioned corners! Students find themselves in the seating areas on the mezzanine level looking out over the historic hilltop drive as though that space was created just for them. The symmetrical staircases that descend from the auditorium level to the main floor allow for fantastic fashion staging; or, as AIA Ohio experienced, just a wonderful gathering space.
Merle Myers, AIA was the design leader, figure head, and mentor for all those fortunate enough to pass through his office. A very humble man, he encouraged young architects by showing his confidence in their abilities. Joe Ferut, professor and architect, said “he just trusted me, and sometimes I couldn’t believe it!” At last count, Merle’s lifetime mentorship had spawned 16 successful architectural firms, led by confident young architects who were touched by his talent and grace and willingness to share his expertise.
Consider yourself challenged to find a building that you think is worthy of the 25 year award. Introduce yourself to its architect. Learn something. Then, consider yourself challenged to be a mentor.
AIA Ohio 2014 Convention Highlights
Over 230 architects and associate architects gathered at Kent State University Sept. 18-20 for the 81st Annual AIA Ohio Convention. The event included 28 different breakout educational sessions, four keynote design speakers, an exhibit hall and networking/social events.
A highlight of the weekend was the AIA Ohio Foundation Napkin Sketch Competition. Attendees were given a napkin and were encouraged to sketch on it. There were no rules for the sketches and attendees got quite creative with their drawings. Prizes were awarded to the top ten, as judged by the panel including AIA Ohio President Elizabeth Corbin Murphy, FAIA, AIA National Past President Marvin Malecha, FAIA and Danielle Jones, President-elect of the Kent State University AIAS chapter.
Keynote design speakers included Mel Price, AIA and Peter Johnston, from Workplace Architects in Virginia Beach, VA, who discussed the innovative ways they are running their small firm that allows it to be competitive with larger firms from throughout the country. Allison Anderson, FAIA, in her presentation Civic Immunology, described city functions in healthy and diseased states, recognizing the relationship between buildings, and predicted the impact upon cities from anticipated threats. Robert Miklos, FAIA, a Youngstown, Ohio native, presented an overview of the ‘Practice Spectrum,’ briefly discussing a range of different business models operative in contemporary practice. He shared examples of new emerging practices that are experimenting with alternative business structures and expanded areas of services. Marvin Malecha, FAIA, entertained at the AIA Ohio Design Awards Banquet with a presentation that encouraged attendees to be seekers and which included many of his widely recognized sketches and drawings.
The City of Kent and Kent State University were awarded with Presidential Citations by Elizabeth Corbin Mur phy, FAIA, recognizing their collaborative partnership and strengthening ties through the extension of the Esplanade – providing students with a safe pathway to visit downtown Kent businesses and connecting residents to the university. Doug Steidl, FAIA, Dean of the Kent State College of Architecture and Environmental Design, was also recognized for his continuous leadership and dedication to architecture, students, colleagues and the profession.
The AIA Ohio PAC held a very successful fund raiser at the convention this year. Participants were encouraged to purchase $10 tickets to benefit the PAC, and tickets were recorded by component with the donors in the winning component being eligible for prizes. AIA Cleveland raised the most money for the PAC. AIA Ohio PAC funds are used as part of the Government Relations program to advocate on behalf of all of Ohio’s architects. Congratulations AIA Cleveland!
AIA Columbus – $20 AIA Akron – $400 AIA Cincinnati – $130 AIA Cleveland – $480 AIA Dayton – $270 AIA Eastern Ohio – $360 AIA Toledo – $370
See More pictures from the convention |
Government Affairs Report
David W. Field, CAE, Hon. AIA,
Executive Vice President
A number of legislative issues of interest to architects have surfaced during the second half of the 130th Ohio General Assembly. They include two issues that may be resolved following the November election:
1) Anti-LEED v4 Measure (SCR25)
Prior to leaving Columbus until after the November election the sponsor of a resolution, SCR25, that would prevent the state from using the USGBC’s Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) v4 in Ohio, asked a House panel to delay consideration of the measure until fall in order to reduce confusion among members about what it does. Sponsoring Sen. Joe Uecker (R-Loveland) said he didn’t believe there would be enough time to get through the entire hearing process before the General Assembly left the Statehouse in July.
Enactment of SCR25 in the second half of the year would still precede the drop-dead date for using LEED v3, which the USGBC says will come sometime next year. The resolution passed the Senate 22-10 despite hours of opposition testimony in committee including AIA Ohio testimony presented by David Brehm, AIA.
At issue are changes to the (LEED) version 4. Opponents of the revised v4 standards, who want to see the resolution adopted, said a flawed process produced v4 which discourages the use of safe building materials, such as vinyl, PVC, certain paints and Ohio forestry products. Multiple LEED supporters, however, have denied the existence of a “blacklist” of building materials, saying version 4 has no mandates or prohibitions in that regard and was developed using an open and transparent process.
The bill is awaiting hearings by the House Manufacturing and Workforce Development Committee.
2) AIA Ohio’s Good Samaritan Bill (HB 379)
Last February AIA Ohio President, Beth Murphy, FAIA testified before the House Commerce, Labor and Technology Committee in support of AIA Ohio’s Good Samaritan Bill (HB 379). The bill would provide civil immunity for architects, engineers, and surveyors who provide services during a declared emergency. The Committee approved the bill, which on April 12 passed the House and was sent to the Senate for further action by the Senate Civil Justice Committee. Action has been promised for later this year.
Bills Affecting Architects Passed so Far This Year:
Capital Bill (HB 497)
The Capital Bill is a nearly $2.4 billion bricks-and-mortar package contained in HB 497. Governor Kasich signed it on April 1.
Tax Bill (HB492)
On the heels of an across-the-board, ten percent reduction in the personal income tax (PIT) rates and an innovative small business tax cut that were part of the state’s two-year biennial budget passed a year ago, legislators passed HB 483 which accelerated into tax year 2014 the last 1.5 percent of the ten percent PITcut enacted in last year’s budget as a three year phase-in. They also increased the small business tax cutenacted in last year’s budget by allowing pass-through entity owners, such as sole proprietors, partners and S corporation shareholders, to exempt from personal income tax 75 percent (instead of the current 50 percent) of the first $250,000 of their pass-through income. However, this higher exemption is only available in tax year 2014.
HB 483 also increased the current PIT exemption amount to $2,200 for taxpayers with less than $40,000 in income and to $1,950 for taxpayers with income between $40,000 and $80,000.
OFCC Advisory Committee
On November 5 AIA Ohio’s OFCC Advisory Committee will continue discussions with OFCC officials relative to the OFCC A/E Agreements as well as the continuing implementation of construction reform by the new agency. If you have subjects you would like included on future Advisory Committee agendas, please send them to me in writing. AIA Ohio members of the Committee include: Hal Munger, FAIA, Toledo; Hank Reder, AIA, Cleveland; John Rademacher, AIA, Cincinnati; David Brehm, AIA, Columbus and me.
Architect Representative to Residential Code Committee:
AIA Ohio has recommended Philip E. Herren, AIA, Sullivan Bruck Architects in Columbus to succeed John Senhauser, FAIA, Cincinnati to represent architects on
the Ohio Commerce Department’s Residential Construction Committee. An AIA Ohio voice on this Committee adds important perspective to issues that shape residential practice.
Ohio Architects Board
The term of Richard Fleischman, FAIA ended on October 2 and he is not seeking reappointment. Eric Pempus, AIA Oswald Companies Selvaggio Teske Associates, Cleveland has been recommended for this position.
Involving Members in November Election: “Triple Play” Program
Our “Triple Play” program allows individuals to take up to a $50 tax credit (or $100 on joint returns) for personal contributions made to the campaigns of state office holders. Our AIA-Ohio PAC matches the member’s contribution and sends a letter to the candidate asking him/her to use the contributing architect as a sounding board for design/construction legislation. To participate: send a copy of a check written to a candidate for state office along with the triple play form to AIA Ohio PAC (17 S. High St., Ste. 200, Columbus, OH 43215). We’ll send a matching contribution to that candidate, along with a letter indicating that this matching contribution is a direct result of a contribution by the member.
Changes at AIA National Continue
by Bruce Sekanick, AIA
The changes at the AIA continue to move forward as efforts to transform the Board from a group of more than 60 members to a smaller, more nimble group of less than 16 have become the target of both staff and leadership. With the Board’s calendar quickly coming to an end, multiple committees and task groups are continuing their efforts to complete work that is slated to be complete this year. The new Council Steering Group (CSG) is continuing their efforts to develop a new governance model for the Strategic Council that will provide an open and flexible format while at the same time include direction and focus. The CSG will continue to work on developing and fine tuning the council format throughout 2015.
Many involved with the AIA remember “the weave” while still others are familiar with “the placemat”. Each of these were parts of the last two AIA Strategic Plans that were developed to identify the aims and interests of the AIA and the manner best suited to achieve those goals. With the recent change to the national governance model, the AIA Strategic Planning Committee will begin their work this month in an effort to create a broader plan on identifying and developing the means for the 2016-2020 AIA Strategic Plan. Through the creation of the Strategic Council, this planning effort is expected to take on a new look as many previous limitations created by the governance model have now been removed or changed. The Strategic Planning Committee is planning on developing the new plan between now and May of 2015 with national implementation and component integration beginning fall and winter of 2016.
With a packed agenda and aggressive schedule to make changes at the national level, the Member Services Resource Task Force will meet later this month to finalize their efforts to put forth new expectations and requirements for components. The mission of the task force is to develop standards and guidelines that will help make available to all members, a minimum level of service as defined by core criteria approved by the board. Last month, the AIA Board of Directors approved several resolutions that will begin to reshape component requirements and well as revenue sharing distribution. The core criteria is being further reviewed with additional discussion planned for the December board meeting.
Changes throughout the AIA are moving forward on many fronts, and there will continue to be changes to many programs offered by national. With the expected transformation of Grassroots to better serve leadership and governance efforts, along with the planned development of a more robust PR and marketing effort, the AIA is in the middle of a significant transformation. This did not happen this year or last, but rather it has taken several years to get to this point. As the last member of the AIA Ohio Valley Region to be seated to what has been our traditional board, I want to express my thanks to the many members from the region who have served in this position and for all that they contributed to the AIA at both the local and national levels. It is important that with this transition, we recognize my predecessor Chas Schreckenberger AIA, as well as our senior AIA Ohio Valley Region Director Martha Tarrant AIA, for all they contributed to this effort during their terms on the national board. Martha will be leaving the board in December as her term expires and the region cannot thank her enough for her time, energy and commitment to the AIA and the profession. The Ohio Valley will continue to be represented at the national level as Drew White FAIA, Indianapolis, and I will be inaugural members of the AIA Strategic Council. We look forward to continuing the efforts of the many who have served our region to make the AIA, and the architectural profession, stronger and more relevant.
Finally, an article on the effort of AIA national would not be complete without an ask for your help in support ArchiPAC. As most are aware, ArchiPAC is the national political action committee of the AIA and it is one of the means that we support our advocacy efforts at the national level. We hope that you will consider contributing to ArchiPAC before the end of the year to help ArchiPAC, and the Ohio Valley Region, in meeting our goals.
Update from Ohio Architects Board
by Amy Kobe, CAE
This has been an exciting year for the Ohio Architects Board. We are busy serving the profession through numerous NCARB Committees. These committees are charged with proposing and/or implementing policy changes which affect the future of the profession.
Currently, Architects Board President Stephen Sharp, AIA, is serving on the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) AIA 5.0 Mapping committee, which is mapping the transition of ARE 4.0 questions to ARE 5.0. Mr. Sharp also serves on the Regional Leadership Committee, and as Chair of NCARB Region 4. Board member John Rademacher serves on the ARE 5.0 Item Development Subcommittee.
Executive Director Amy Kobe continues to serve on NCARB’s Licensure Task Force. The group is studying all aspects of the licensure process. After the first year, the committee recommended testing of a Pilot Program leading to an Integrated Path to Licensure.
It is imagined that an Integrated Path to Licensure pilot program would integrate the Intern Development Program and the Architect Registration Exam™ into the professional degree program. This would allow the license to be issued once the student has graduated and significantly reduce the time it takes to become licensed.
A Request for Interest and Information has been sent to all of the accredited schools of architecture, as well as candidate schools. The RFI&I will assess interest in developing a Pilot Program to test the Integrated Path to Licensure. In early 2015, an RFP will be sent requesting formal submissions. The Board believes at least one Ohio school plans to develop a Pilot Program. Many different models are expected to be proposed. It will be fascinating to compare them all.
Regardless, the standards for licensure will remain unchanged: every candidate for licensure will be required to complete the current requirements of education, experience and examination, possibly in a different order than today.
Stay tuned for more information.
NCARB Board Approves Streamlining and Overhauling of the Intern Development Program
The NCARB Board of Directors has voted to approve significant changes that will streamline and overhaul the Intern Development Program (IDP). These changes will affect interns in Ohio.
The changes will be implemented in two phases. The first will streamline the program by focusing on the IDP’s core requirements and removing its elective requirements. The second phase will condense the 17 current experience areas into six practice-based categories that will also correspond with the divisions tested in the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®).
Phase 1: Focusing on Core Requirements The IDP currently requires interns to document 5,600 hours of experience, with 3,740 of those hours as core requirements in specific architectural experience areas. The remaining 1,860 hours are elective hours. The first reinvention phase will streamline the IDP by removing the elective hour requirement, with interns documenting only the 3,740 hours in the 17 core experience areas. This is anticipated to go into effect in mid-2015.
In making its decision to eliminate the elective hours, the NCARB Board considered several important statistics:
- The average intern currently takes five years to complete the hours required for IDP and another 2.2 years to complete the ARE, totaling an average of more than seven years from graduation to licensure.
- With this reduction in required IDP hours, it is likely that the average intern will take roughly three to four years to complete their IDP requirements following this change.
- Combined with the time required to complete the ARE, the Board anticipates that the average intern will have five to six years of post-graduation experience prior to qualifying for initial licensure.
Phase 2: Aligning Internship and Examination
The NCARB Board also agreed to a future realignment of the framework of IDP requirements into six experience categories reflecting the six general areas of practice, which were identified by the 2012 NCARB Practice Analysis of Architecture. These changes will mirror the six divisions of future version of licensing exam-ARE 5.0.
NCARB’s internship-related committees will provide guidance on mapping the existing requirements into the new, overhauled format. This work should be completed and ready for introduction in mid-2016, before the launch of ARE 5.0 in late 2016.
ARE retake policy to be shortened to allow three retakes a year: Effective October 1, the wait time for retesting for the ARE divisions decreased from six months to 60 days. This will allow candidates who have failed a division to retake the division as soon as 60 days after the previous attempt, up to three times in a running year for any one division.
Continuing Education reminder: There are less than 90 days in which to complete the annual mandatory continuing education requirement. Twelve structured Health, Safety and Welfare hours must be completed every calendar year. Courses completed prior to 1/1/2014 do not count toward the 2014 requirement and excess hours completed in 2014 do not count toward the 2015 requirement. If you are meeting the AIA’s CE requirement, you will not have any problem with the Board’s requirement. If you are audited, you need only to send a copy of your AIA CES transcript to the Board. Check your transcript now athttp://www.aia.org/education/index.htm to see if you need to complete more hours before 12/31/2014.
As always, Ohio Architects Board staff is ready and willing to answer your questions. Please contact Board Executive Director, Amy Kobe at amy.kobe@arla.state.oh.us or 614-466-1327.
Washington, D.C. – September 2, 2014 – The American Institute of Architects (AIA) announced the release of customized Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) versions of ten AIA Contract Documents®. The KDE versions of the AIA documents include KDE mandated amendments to the standard text of the AIA documents, and will be used for school construction projects administered by the District Facilities Branch of the Kentucky Department of Education.
The District Facilities Branch of the Kentucky Department of Education began discussing options with AIA to streamline the school construction process in April 2012 as the Capital Construction Process regulation (702 KAR 4:160) underwent an extensive revision. A contract was signed with AIA in February of 2014.
“To meet the goals of the Kentucky Department of Education, including growth, innovation, sustainability and school improvements, we required that AIA Contract Documents be used because they represent a consensus within the construction industry. However, the contract administrator had to manually add the required KDE amendments. Now that the amendments are already included in the KDE versions of the AIA Contract Documents, we streamlined the construction process for the school districts and their construction partners,” said Greg Dunbar, AIA, Manager, District Facilities Branch of the Kentucky Department of Education. There could be additional KDE customized contract documents in the future if KDE incorporates other construction delivery methods into the regulation.
“We are excited to work with the Kentucky Department of Education to help fulfill their need to offer customized documents to be used on KDE projects. With our industry standard contracts, our user-friendly document platform, and the KDE customizations, we feel that the KDE project team members will be well served. We welcome more opportunities to provide customized documents for other state and local government agencies or organizations,” said Deborah DeBernard AIA, NCARB, Architect AIBC, LEED BD&C, Vice President & General Manager of AIA Contract Documents at the AIA.
The ten KDE versions of AIA Contract Documents are:
- A101™-2007, Owner/Contractor Agreement – Stipulated Sum
- A132™-2009, Owner/Contractor Agreement, CMa Edition
- A141™-2004, Owner/Design-Builder Agreement
- A141™-2004, Exhibit A: Terms and Conditions
- A141™-2004, Exhibit C: Insurance and Bonds
- A201™-2007, General Conditions of Contract for Construction
- A232™-2009, General Conditions of Contract for Construction, CMa Edition
- A312™-2010, Payment and Performance Bond
- A701™-1997, Instructions to Bidders
- B101™-2007, Owner/Architect Agreement
- B132™-2009, Owner/Architect Agreement, CMa Edition
- C132™-2009, Owner/Construction Manager as Adviser Agreement
The KDE versions of the AIA documents are only available through AIA Documents-on-Demand.Comparatives and sample documents are available through the KDE Facilities Construction webpage.
State and local government agencies or organizations interested in customized AIA Contract Documents, please contact Debbie DeBernard at DeborahDeBernard@aia.org.
Westlake Reed Leskosky is ranked #1 Overall among U.S. design firms in the 2014 “The Architect 50” listing by Architect, the magazine of the American Institute of Architects. “The Architect 50” ranking is based on scores in three separate categories: business, design excellence, and sustainability. Westlake Reed Leskosky is ranked #1 in Business, #4 in Design, and#5in Sustainability in the individual category listings.
Design excellence, sustainability, and business practice are overarching values that have guided the firm’s investment in design and thought leadership, and in its unique vertically integrated practice model in order to visibly serve communities and institutions and enhance quality of life.
AIA Ohio Foundation
Click Here to review a thank you letter from a recipient of the AIA Ohio Foundation Scholarship.”
AIA Ohio A Society of the American Institute of Architects 17 South High St. – Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43215-3458 This information is provided exclusively for AIA Ohio members. Call 614-221-0338 or send e-mail to aiaohio@assnoffices.com