An Official E-Newsletter of AIA Ohio – Fall 2012
“Body + Building / Architecture: Creating Environments for Well-Being” September 12-15
Cleveland, OH
Advanced Solutions, Inc.
Ameristar Fence Products
Ametco Manufacturing Corporation
Andersen / Eagle Windows
Aster Elements Inc.
Atlas Carpet Mills/Antron Carpet Fiber
Barber & Hoffman, Inc.
Bretford Manufacturing
Capitol Aluminum & Glass Corporation
Certainteed Corporation
Communication Exhibits Inc.
dBA Acoustics Inc
EA Group
Firestone Building Products
Flexible Pavements of Ohio
Gilbane Building Company
Gunlocke Company
HzW Environmental Consultants, LLC
IMAGINiT Technologies
International Masonry Institute
Karpinski Engineering
KS Associates, Inc.
Ohio Propane & Education Research Council
Pella Window & Door Co.
Post Frame Advantage
Preferred Solutions, Inc.
PSI (Professional Services Industries)
Republic Storage Systems, LLC
SE Bluprint, Inc.
Selvaggio Teske + Assoc., A Division of Oswald Companies
Smart Vents Flood Vents
Soft Touch Furniture
Suntrol Co.
The Belden Brick Company
The Chas. E. Phipps Co.
The Krill Co., Inc.
ThermaSteel Pre-Insulated Steel Framing System
Turner Construction Company
University Hospital
Saturday, Sept. 15, 7:30-9 a.m.
Wyndham Playhouse Sq. Hotel
AIA Ohio Annual Meeting and Breakfast
Attend the AIA Ohio Annual Meeting and get updated on what YOUR association is doing for YOU!
Click Here to view the slate of Candidates
“First gear, it’s alright; second gear, lean right; third gear, hang on tight….faster”*: Architecture IS an Economic Engine Judson A. Kline, FAIA, LEED AP AIA Ohio President
As my year as the AIA Ohio President heads into the fall, I would like to continue to remain focused on the theme of the year and to push the envelope even further in encouraging a year of transformation for AIA Ohio. As you may recall from each of the previous newsletter articles, I highlighted twelve strategies to help us reinforce the theme and by now, we should have them down. In this article, I want to focus on the next three strategies.
In identifying the 12 strategies, I have previously discussed the first three focused upon our desire for identity, value, integrity and the character of the profession. I subsequently addressed collaboration, community service, and expanding the domains of practice. In this quarter’s article, I will highlight: building the next generation, leadership development and legislative engagement.
1. Building the next generation is among the most important endeavors we need to pursue. The “Great One”, Wayne Gretsky, once answered a reporter’s question regarding how he was able to be so successful at creating scoring opportunities by stating, “I skate to where the puck is going to be”. His insight has great value to our future and where our puck is going to be. Over the last four years we have been focused on survival, and rightfully so. We had to focus our attention on surviving into the future, let alone envisioning the future. Now it’s time to consider the future we want and design the plan to achieve it. The future demands, I believe, we will need to address include: redesign of failing infrastructures to make better use of resources, providing functional facilities for communities to be more economically successful, providing environments where people can thrive and reach for new solutions to existing challenges and answers to problems we have yet to discover.
I may be a bit of an optimist here; however, we can and must be prepared for this future. To get ready for the future, we need to develop our skills and build those of the next generation. In this second area, we also need to expand the voices of tomorrow through being more inclusive and diverse. A more diverse profession will offer up solutions we have not previously considered. Therefore, we need to reach down into the collegiate community and create stronger bonds and access to connect the profession and the academy.
In the area of building the foundation for a closer link to the academy, AIA Ohio is pursuing three avenues of activity. The first, already underway, is a research grant created for the teaching staff of the Ohio schools of architecture to allow for the creation of original research to be developed and made available to the profession in advancing our knowledge band width. The second and third are initiatives being developed to roll out in 2013. These focus on the students of the Ohio schools of architecture. One program is being designed to develop mentorships and internships; the other is to develop an inter-scholastic design event. Both of these programs are being considered by study groups appointed by the board and will report at the state convention in September.
2. Leadership development is critical to the future of our communities, as well as our profession. The goal for making the effort to become the leaders we need to be is to rediscover our role as the client’s trusted advisor and to become the STAR (Strategic Trusted Advisor Resource) architect. There is no better way to achieve this recognition than being seen as a community leader with dynamic and visionary ideas capable of providing the tools for their implementation. In nurturing the skills and competencies to lead, we need to build the platform required to become leaders. Creating the plan to teach and grow leadership skills is the first step to reach the desired outcome. The next step is to identify the opportunities to invest our leadership capabilities into the communities where we practice and live. To this end, the AIA Ohio planning retreat held last fall emerged with a focus to pursue a strategy to develop such a program.
In the effort to create a Leadership Development Program, AIA Ohio has reached out to the Cincinnati Chapter, who has created the “Vision Cincinnati Program”. The program being delivered by AIA Cincinnati brings together young architects in a twelve month learning experience to challenge and expand their perceptions and capabilities to provide greater community engagement. With this existing program in place, AIA Ohio is promoting the shared knowledge and working with the Cincinnati chapter members to make their program available statewide. “It’s not the inventor of the wheel who is the genius, rather the one who figures out how to put the other three on the cart and make it roll. That is true genius”. Therefore, AIA Ohio is looking to enlist collaborators in the chapters to put the rest of the wheels on the cart and make it roll.
3. Legislative engagement is a critical role of AIA Ohio. An often heard quote raised in the discussion of political involvement is “you’re either at the table or on the menu”. AIA Ohio has made an effort to be at the table. This year has been no exception. Two programs have been initiated to provide ongoing connection to the Ohio government and legislative process.
At the beginning of the year, AIA Ohio launched the GoReLA (Government Relations and Legislation Advocacy) committee to play a pro-active role in getting ahead of the legislative agenda and to address concerns of the profession. The committee is charged to provide resources for AIA Ohio where we need to respond to legislative action in a more timely and thoughtful manner. The GoReLA committee also provides a forum to consider actions AIA Ohio should consider in the interest of its members.
The introduction of the merger of Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) and the State Architect’s Office (SAO) into the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) has led to the development of a second avenue of government engagement in two programs. Through connection with the OFCC’s Rick Hickman, AIA Ohio has sought to shape the organization of the OFCC to include AIA architects at the highest level of leadership in the new entity. Along with the contribution to the organizational discussion, AIA Ohio has championed the creation of an OFCC Resource Committee to work with the OFCC in the development of language, policies and protocols benefitting the people of Ohio and the interests of AIA Ohio in making the best use of the resources at the disposal of the OFCC. The advisory committee is set to meet in the fall and begin work with the new commission.
With the help of members’ contributions to the PAC fund, AIA Ohio will continue to play the role of political advocate and maintain access to political leaders making a difference on behalf of our members and the best interest of the community. The need to continue to build the PAC is important. Therefore, through the Advocacy and Opportunity Grants programs, AIA Ohio has challenged members, through the chapters to contribute to the PAC and get bonus funding for chapter programs. With Ohio having a place at the center of the political whirlpool this year, AIA Ohio is encouraging the chapters to take advantage of the opportunity to raise awareness of architects as political leaders. In promoting “Meet and Greet” or “Meet the Candidates” events, AIA member chapters can raise awareness of the value and importance of design as a political resource for the good of the community. We can contribute to the decisions being made and be an influence for good in the community.
AIA Ohio will continue to be a catalyst for civic initiatives and economic resurgence. We are making a difference and adding value for members. Be a part of the steamroller, not a part of the pavement and look for opportunities to get involved in these endeavors. The results will be astounding.
In the next issue, I will conclude the discussion on the themes of celebrating success, honoring the past and envisioning the future. As we have progressed through the year, I plan on continuing to reinforce these themes through proactive activities or programs as noted. These endeavors will point the way to being the “Architects of our own future”. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the value of AIA Ohio in making a difference in the future of our communities and profession.
* Beach Boys “Little Honda” Lyrics, songwriters Brian Wilson and Mike Love

AIA-Ohio and ACEC-Ohio to Provide Input
David W. Field, CAE, Hon. AIA,
Executive Vice President
OFCC Forms Advisory Committee
Even before HB 487 became law on June 11, AIA Ohio continued its discussions with OSFC Executive Director, Rick Hickman and Program Director, Craig Weise, AIA about the positioning of architects within the new Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) as well as establishing a continuing communication channel between AIA Ohio and OFCC leadership.
ACEC Ohio Executive Vice President, Don Mader joined me June 13 for a meeting with Hickman and Weise. During the meeting we learned that:
- Director Hickman is close to finalizing the organization chart for the new OFCC. He indicated that AIA architects might well occupy two of the three top positions: program and planning with a third energy related position occupied by a professional engineer. If this comes to fruition, AIA Ohio will have achieved its first OFCC goal… involving AIA architects at the highest levels of the new Commission. Other main areas of OFCC responsibility likely will include: contract/compliance, legal, IT, finance, communication, legislation and Ohio Register.
- Near the end of the year Director Hickman plans to relocate around 25 SAO and 66 OSFC staffers to new offices on the third floor of the Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC) building in downtown Columbus.
- Revised drafts of new A/E agreements have been posted on both the Construction Reform and SAO web sites.
During the same meeting Don Mader and I also reviewed a few of the questions members have asked about the SAO/OSFC merger. In response Director Hickman invited AIA Ohio and ACEC Ohio to establish a joint OFCC Advisory Committee that would provide a forum for two-way communication. AIA Ohio and ACEC Ohio will each contribute four (4) members plus their executives to the Advisory Committee. The first of quarterly Advisory Committee meetings will be held December 19 after the OFCC has settled into its new BWC quarters.
Representing AIA-Ohio on the Advisory Committee will be Hank Reder, Esq., AIA, Cleveland; Hal Munger, FAIA, Toledo; John Rademacher, AIA, Cincinnati; David Brehm, AIA, Columbus; and David W. Field, CAE, Hon. AIA.
This Advisory Committee should help to assure timely consideration of any issues arising from the implementation of construction reform and the operation of this new Commission.
“Body + Building / Architecture: Creating Environments for Well-Being”
Registration is now open for the AIA Ohio Convention: Body + Building / Architecture: Creating Environments for Well-Being, taking place Sept. 12-15, 2012, in Cleveland, Ohio.
The Convention web site includes hotel information as well as all the registration information you need:
A quick view graphic schedule of events
A full convention agenda, with descriptions of each session
Hotel Information
Registration Link
By now you should have seen information on the exciting keynote design speakers:
On Thursday, Sept. 13, Stanley Saitowitz, Natoma Architects Inc.,
On Thursday, Sept. 13, Massimiliano Fuksas, Massimiliano Fuksas Architetto,
On Friday, Sept. 14, Fred Collopy, Case Western State University Weatherhead School of Management,
On Friday, Sept. 14, Farshid Moussavi, Farshid Moussavi Architecture,
The 2012 AIA Ohio Convention, Body + Building / Architecture: Creating Environments for Well-Being, is unlike any other AIA event. We’ve extended the schedule this year, in order to provide members with more opportunities at education, networking and fun!
The continuing education schedule for the AIA Ohio Convention rivals what you will find at national meetings. Sessions over the course of the event have been applied for over 75 AIA learning units. More than 30 hours have been applied for AIA HSW/SD and GBCI CE (through USGBC). These learning experiences include lectures, panels, and tours. Here’s just a small taste of what you can expect in continuing education at the AIA Ohio Convention:
Sustainable Design/Lessons Learned and to be Learned (Ethical, Legal and Operational Lessons in Sustainable Design)
This workshop will combine the experiences and background of four professionals in their fields. Presenters will include sustainability consultants with international experience, an attorney experienced in sustainable design legal issues, and an architect experienced in environmental ethics. The workshop will pull together the various complimentary and contrasting points of view presented in the workshop as a panel discussion, examining how consultants apply their skill and knowledge from an ethical, legal and policy standpoint in sustainable design.
Designing a Better Health Care Facility
The planning and design of health care facilities, large or small, requires an intricate understanding of health care delivery, medical operations, specific building technologies, and the provision of services to patients who are often physically and emotionally stressed. We will discuss the context, process and a solution in planning for new access point health care using logic from lean principles and integrated practices. This better health care facility is made up of fabricated modules (building model)that take advantage of sensitive and interrelated space both interior and exterior providing increased value. The modules have creative structures that allow sunlight to penetrate the interiors creating a sense of optimism for the patient. The seamless collection of rooms, circulation patterns and gardens are organized in a creative manner to complement the vision and understand the psychological impact for the patients. Creative and sensitive space is medicinal. Our starting point is the site in the Mississippi Delta: the client is the first Federally Qualified Health Center in the country started in 1960’s.
If You’re So Good, How Come You’re Not Rich? Going Beyond the Numbers
Too often principals and managers focus the bulk of their attention on the firm’s financials that they lose sight of where the real value in their company lies. We look beyond the economics in your firm into best-practice areas that are responsible for building long-term value and success. This seminar is about best practices that can help your firm meet its potential. Having a business that is of high quality and value is the foundation to having a company that provides material wealth. Certainly, if you expect your firm to be sustainable in it’s ability to provide financially to the owners and employees, then stop focusing your attention on billing and utilization rates and start addressing these key non-financial fundamentals! We will touch on 10 critical and somewhat off-kilter topics that, with proper care, will strengthen the foundation of your firm, bring lasting value and make your company a desirable place for clients and employees. Our 10-topics are 1. Marketing 2. Communications 3. Indispensable Employees 4. Expenses 5. Human Resources 6. Procedures 7. Change 8. Control 9. Client Feedback 10. “The Last Taste”
Limited Options? Integrated Team Process Makes Strategic Objectives Work
How can you expand when your strategic objectives leave you with no other choice but a challenging and sensitive site? How can you build from ground up when project demands are changing underfoot? This session presents how an integrated team of parallel professionals addressed sensitive site issues and changing program needs. Speakers discuss public-private partnership and project delivery solutions to matching business to budget, implementing sustainable development, and designing for future phases. Highlighted is the Cleveland Clinic’s Twinsburg Campus, a new 80-acre Family Health Center and Ambulatory Surgery Center/ED designed to meet LEED-NC Gold. Attendees learn how this internationally-renown healthcare provider collaborated with development, regulatory, design, and construction partners to overcome key obstacles, and correlate facilities development with strategic development. The result is a progressive project that supports wellness, preserves wetlands, and minimizes impact on environment.
Using Transportation to Create a Sense of Place
Our streets are often the most visible part of our community as we use these routes to travel between our everyday events – work, home, school, grocery store. This sense of place is a key factor in defining the livability of any community and many people consider streets as the most important part of our urban environment. This session will focus on Complete Streets, their contribution towards sustainable communities, and how Complete Streets create a positive Sense of Place within our built environment. Euclid Avenue and the Detroit Shoreway Neighborhood, both located within the City of Cleveland, will be explored as case studies and how both of these transportation projects created a much needed sense of place in their own different ways, helped reinvigorate businesses, bolster economic reinvestment and development and improved the image of the area.
An Ethical Approach – Understanding Your Responsibilities as a Leader and an Architect
This presentation is intended to look at the similarities and differences of the AIA Code of Ethics and the Ohio Code of Conduct in the practice of architecture. As a registered architect, member of the AIA, or emerging professional, we are all charged in serving the interest of others through trust and an ethical use of power. This program will look at the requirements and expectations of architects in serving the public and the profession as both practitioners and leaders in the community. Beyond just an overview, this program intends to identify pitfalls and roadblocks that architects may encounter in everyday practice. By reviewing and comparing the two documents, members will develop a better understanding of their responsibilities as professionals and as members of the community at large. This program will also review, through frequently asked questions and a question and answer period, when an architect is required to act when others fail to comply with their ethical requirements. Intended for both the seasoned architect and the emerging professional, this program will provide members with a better understanding of the legal and moral requirements of their profession.
In addition, on Thursday afternoon, the AIA Ohio Convention will provide boxed lunches for attendees wishing to attend Roundtable Discussions. These roundtables cover a variety of topics. Attendees may choose one, and the roundtable will begin with a brief introduction of the topic by the facilitator. The remainder of the time will be for open discussion. Topics include:
Sustainability in Technology, Beyond LEED and the IGCC
What Architects Need to Know About Common Fire Suppression and Alarm Systems
Transition Planning – Your Future at Risk
Safety – Design Practices for Foamed Plastics
Helping Architects Understand the Importance of Interior Acoustics
Scope Creep/Less Profit but More Project Risks
Understanding Ethics for the Design Professional
Emerging Technologies In Construction Documentation
Linking Business Strategies to Facility Strategies – The Architect as Client Advisor
Strategically Using Trees to Improve the Well-Being of People, Places and Things
The Cure for the Common Code: How the 2014 FGI Guidelines will affect you
The Frontier Architect: Pioneering Practice Paradigms for Architectural Outposts
How Surveyors (and Civil Engineers) can make an Architect’s Life Easier
Asbestos Regulations and Urban Renewal Projects
Ohio Design Build – A vialable alternative for public project delivery
Architecture: Past, Present and Future
Land Use Planning: Making Sure You Consider Primary Headwater Habitat Streams, Wetlands, and Stormwater
Building a Body of Work for Fellowship
Healing by Design: the New Cancer Care Center at Upper Valley Medical Center
Click here to register
The host hotel for the 2012 AIA Ohio Convention is the Wyndham Cleveland Playhouse Square, the centerpiece of Cleveland’s Theatre and Business districts. The hotel is just steps away from numerous popular attractions, including the Playhouse Square Theatres and Progressive Field – home of the Cleveland Indians.
AIA Ohio has secured a group of rooms at the very competitive rate of $119 plus tax per night. To reserve your room for the convention, contact the hotel directly at 216.615.7500 or via their toll-free number 800-WYNDHAM and be sure to mention that you are part of AIA Ohio to receive this special group rate.
Wyndham Cleveland Playhouse Square – 1260 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115, 216.615.7500 –
Plan now to attend!
Architects Board Announces Revisions to Sealing Process
The Ohio Architects Board announces that sealing procedures for Architects have been modified effective July 1, 2012.
Beginning in July, architects must include their printed name, license number and license expiration date below the seal when stamping drawings or other documents.
It is not required or necessary to purchase a new seal. The new information can be incorporated into the title block.
The Board anticipates that architects will be less likely to practice on a lapsed license when they are required to include the license expiration date on the title page. In addition, requiring a printed name below the seal will eliminate problems with legibility and identification of the licensee.
John Doe, License #00000
Expiration Date 12/31/2013
As a reminder:
- All documents prepared by the licensed architect shall be sealed.
- Only the title sheet of a set of plans must be signed and sealed.
- Corporate or firm seals are not permitted in Ohio.
- Only one name may appear on a seal.
- The signature appearing over the tips of the seal may be “wet” or electronic.
- Seals may be electronic, metal embossed or rubber stamp.
A copy of the seal rule and Frequently Asked Questions about seals and sealing can be found on the Ohio Architects Board website at
AIA Ohio Gives $10,000 in Advocacy Grants
AIA Ohio awards cash assistance to Chapters who successfully apply for the Advocacy Grants. These grants were established three years ago by AIA Ohio and offer funding to Ohio local components to provide support for programs designed to advocate for the profession by outreach to the community. These initiatives or events must be of significant value in advancing the profession to the public. The grant applications are available online and, in 2012, had an April 1st deadline that was extended to April 30th by request from several components.
Six applications for the AIA Ohio Advocacy Grants were evaluated by the Communications Committee, and four of them were found to be substantial enough to be awarded grants this year. The programs are evaluated on the information provided in the application. The merit of the program is supported by partnerships with other organizations, specific goals, media plans, budgets, and metrics to measure the results against the goals.
The AIA Cincinnati Committee on Design received a $2,500 grant for LIVE MAKE. LIVE MAKE is a design initiative for the creative development of industrial architecture as a part of urban mixed-use neighborhoods. Through a design competition and panel discussion focused on the Brewery District in Cincinnati, Ohio, LIVE MAKE will solicit and publicize innovative architectural combinations of space, technology, and historic urban fabric. The goal is to generate ideas that anticipate the building blocks of near-future industry and to initiate conversation about the opportunities for architectural advancement through new combinations of digital fabrication technology, increased interest in urban living environments, and the preservation and renovation of historic neighborhoods.
AIA Columbus received a $2,500 grant for idUS. idUS (pronounced “ideas”) is a multi-day experience (over the course of two weeks) of innovation and design and is a carefully curated collection of independently produced events being held in conjunction with the City of Columbus 200th Bicentennial being celebrated this year. AIA Columbus and the Center for Architecture + Design are taking the lead of the design community and developing programming for Design Week 2012 – one of the major events of idUS. This includes the printing of 500 Ideabooks and distribution of these to individuals that include architects, landscape architects, artists, entrepreneurial innovators, civic and business leaders, educators, community organizers, and those in the culinary, fashion and other design arts. The books will be a place for these individuals to record their thoughts, visions and explorations for Columbus’ future over a four month period.
AIA Dayton received a $2,500 grant for Architecture Week x2. Architecture Week x2 is two weeks of multiple events designed to engage the AIA Dayton membership and the general public and to create a heightened awareness of art and architecture in the community. Several events are planned, including a Dayton Dragons baseball game with pre-game activities to promote Dayton’s Student Design program and winners; Downtown Dayton tours and dinners; a documentary film showing on urban land use; and a Pecha Kucha event. The highlight of the week x2 is Architecture Dayton at the Dayton Art Institute, where AIA Dayton is offering ‘speed dating’ with an architect, behind the scenes tours of the facility and children’s workshops.
AIA Eastern Ohio received a $2,500 grant for their program, “Getting to Know Youngstown from an Architect’s Perspective.” This program entails the expansion of an educational collaboration effort between the Youngstown City Schools, Youngstown State University and the Eastern Ohio Chapter of AIA to understand the “History of Youngstown from a Building Perspective.” This will involve grades 1 through 5 in the city school system. The experience the students will receive is two-fold in that they are given tours of structures which they may have never seen or been in and secondly, they are encouraged to create their personal sense of spaces and detail through the use of coloring books and puzzles. Chapter members are being solicited to participate and provide their personal views of the built environment.
All Ohio components are encouraged to submit proposals for next year’s Advocacy Grants. Information and deadlines can be found online, at, under the Forms and Documents link. Components are encouraged to consult the Communications Committee of the Board for assistance with the applications prior to submitting them.
Green Education?
Stephanie Aurora Lewis
Frustrated, a prominent mechanical engineer told me his version of a story about a project for which he designed cutting edge HVAC equipment. The client did not know how to program the technology to harvest any energy-saving benefits until this engineer personally drove to the site, personally fixed some of the equipment, and then set up a new computer monitoring program for them so that they could run their mechanical systems efficiently and save hundreds of thousands of dollars in operating costs.
Money Magazine recently published an article about the wobbling confidence investors have in green technologies because oil is “cheap” again. Not to be the bearer of bad news, but major green technology companies suffer from a depressed economy. Abound Solar filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy last month while First Solar downsized 30% of its staff earlier this year. So, how can design professionals help to turn around the tide and make green construction the indelible new norm?
While the USGBC has certainly trudged a cleared, rocky path ahead for green design, the work is not complete without the added efforts of each design professional. New sustainable technologies have to work well or they are useless. Maintenance managers need to know how to operate the systems. Third-party commissioners need to have precise discernment so that the systems operate as designed.
Green education was one of the USGBC’s main objectives. It’s creators realize that if the design professional can educate the public, their clients, and their coworkers effectively, green design will continue to grow. Let’s go over the current state of the building industry:
- Developers are focused on the short-term investment. So, how can we change their focus to the long-term? After all, how many times has a building sold for more money because it can offer the new owner a greener future with lowered operating costs? How can the developer rethink the process such that they have some incentive to build green rather than to simply pass savings onto the end users?
- Architect and engineers can be powerful if working together with a solid communications base. Unions between the professions need to augment so we can together be more influential for the client and ultimately for our own successful futures.
- Owners are more likely to incorporate green technologies if they plan to be one of the building’s end users. Owners are a golden target for green educational efforts. If owners can see how a green building reduces stress in the future due to better construction and more devoted end-users, owners may be more likely to make the extra investment.
- End users are the most likely group to benefit from green design, yet they are not always as committed as the owners and potentially the developers. End users sometimes need financial incentives to keep up the green design objectives weaved into the designs of the building they inhabit.
Is it an “impossible” reality that green design could phase away into the background again like it has in the past? Unfortunately investors are already considering the possibility. Be smart and be creative; don’t let it happen again.
A Company’s General Health and Safety Rules are put in place to protect all workers and visitors. These workers may be contractors entering your facility or job site or they may be your own employees. The rules are to be reviewed and followed by everyone to ensure their safety.
General Safety Rules will ensure that all Company personnel understand and follow the basic safety guidelines. They will apply to associates as well as visitors, contractors, and vendors. The General Safety Rules are to be followed at all times. For the associates of the company, the rules are a condition of their employment. They are not an option but a requirement.
All safety signs must be obeyed. They may be used to designate areas as HEARING PROTECTION REQUIRED or HARD HAT REQUIRED. Safety signs will be used to convey important information to anyone entering an area. Notify management if safety signs are missing, damaged, or illegible so they may be replaced.
When working with equipment, it is always important to know the hazard. Know what it is that you are working with and the proper way to operate. Read the operator manual before using a new piece of equipment or get the proper training for its use.
Some general rules that must be followed while on a jobsite are:
· Associates must learn and follow the specific safety rules for their department or area.
· All personnel working alone in an area must notify their supervisor or security so they may be checked on periodically.
· Horseplay is not permitted on jobsites due to the possibility of resulting in accidents or injuries.
· Every associate must participate in good housekeeping
Visitors, vendors, and customers are an integral part of business. They may want to see the facility they are servicing or just see how your facility operates. In any case, they need to be kept safe from any hazards that may be encountered throughout the facility. An associate from your facility should always accompany these people and are responsible for informing and ensuring visitors follow all of the appropriate safety rules. In the event that there is an emergency or evacuation of any kind, the company policy will be followed and the visitors, vendors, and customers should be escorted to safety following the rules put in place.
All general safety rules are put into place to protect everyone entering a facility or work site. It is very important to know what these rules are and to follow them. If you are escorted by an associate, you should stay with that associate. They will ensure your experience is a safe and healthy one.
CONNECT TO US ON KnowledgeNet!
Connect, share, and learn from like-minded design professionals on KnowledgeNet. KnowledgeNet is your place to connect with architects and allied professionals, discuss topics that interest you and share your expertise. Much of your participation with a Knowledge Community occurs on AIA KnowledgeNet-a Web site rich in networking opportunities, resource sharing, and discussion forums. The same log-in you use to access member content on provides entry to AIA KnowledgeNet. Check it out today!
New BWC Premium Payment Discounts
The Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has added two premium discounts that a private employer may take advantage of beginning with the premium that is due to the BWC in August of 2012. Public employers can begin to take advantage of the discounts beginning with their July 1, 2013, payroll reports.
The ‘Go-Green Discount’ will allow employers to receive a 1% Premium Discount (up to $1,000 every six months) if they agree to receive and pay their payroll report electronically, in full, on the BWC website
The ‘Lapse-Free Discount’ will provide an employer with an additional 1% Premium Discount (up to $1,000 every six months) if they have had no lapses in coverage during the past 60 months.
BWC Safety Requirement for Grouped Public Employers
The Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) requires that all entities in the January 1, 2012 Group Rating Program or Group Retrospective Rating Program, who had a claim within the two preceding calendar years, to attend two hours of safety training by December 31, 2012.
The Frank Gates Service Company is notifying all of their impacted clients. If your entity had one or more claims during calendar years 2010 or 2011, and your company participates in one of the January 1, 2012 Programs, the BWC has indicated that you must meet the safety training requirement. Therefore, impacted entities must attend two hours of safety training to meet the requirement by December 31, 2012. The topics must be workplace safety-related and can consist of multiple classes totaling a minimum of two hours of training. There are options available for your entity to meet the 2-Hour Safety Training Requirement:
- Remaining 2012 Frank Gates ‘2 Hour Safety Training’ sessions:
- Massillon – Sept 18: Jackson Township Safety Center
- Cincinnati – Oct 16: Colerain Senior Center
- Zanesville – November 13 & 14: Holiday Inn Express
- Dublin – Dec 13: BMI Federal Credit Union
- BWC On Demand Courses
- BWC Online Courses
- Safety Council Classes (other than the routine monthly safety council meetings)
BWC Transitional Workplace Grants
Grant money is now available from the Ohio BWC! Beginning July 1, 2012, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has re-introduced the Transitional Workplace Grant Program (TWP) for all Ohio employers.
The BWC has enhanced the Program this year to include an employer incentive of a 10% rebate on your annual workers’ compensation premium for employers who have a future transitional work claim that utilizes this certified program. This incentive will only be available to employers who have and utilize a certified BWC Transitional Work Program. By formalizing your Transitional Work Program in accordance with the BWC rules and regulation, it will assure your ability to participate in the 10% incentive.
AIA Ohio A Society of the American Institute of Architects 17 South High St. – Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43215-3458 This information is provided exclusively for AIA Ohio members. Call 614-221-0338 or send e-mail to