From Hallie Crouch, Assoc. AIA
AIA National Strategic Council (2024-2026)
Partner, Bialosky
Happy new year to you all. I am delighted to have a little space in this newsletter to summarize my experience at AIA National Governance Week, serving as the Councilor representing Ohio to the AIA National Strategic Council. For those less familiar with Strategic Council, it acts as the Institute’s think-tank. As Councilors representing all 50 States, with a handful of At-Large-Members, we as a large group research and make recommendations to the National Board on the big (sometimes overwhelming) topics that face our profession. Each year, topics are adjusted based on a new, elected Moderator and their co-Moderator. Last year, I served on the Equity Study Group and specifically studied the AIA National Code of Ethics under a lens of equity and inclusion. Other 2024 study groups included Climate (Water), AI, Value of Architecture, and Wellbeing. I encourage everyone to view the Council’s report and recommendations here and our new webpage here.
I will continue equity work this year while entering a new group centered on the 10-year reflection of Council. (Officially called 10-Year Valuation and Future Blueprint). For those that know me well, I enjoy looking at something’s roots, taking stock, and evolving it. The goal of this group is to truly understand the origins of Council, and question everything. Are we upholding the original intent? Should that purpose change? How are Council recommendations collected and archived? Should the per-state structure evolve or stay the same? What do the bylaws tell us? What is the ideal relationship between Council and the Board? I met my Study Group for dinner in DC at Kinfolk, ate my fair share of warm cheddar biscuits, and we brainstormed before our big day of work. Below is my Study Group: from left to right, Shannon Christensen, FAIA (Montana), Matt Barnett (North Carolina, Chair), Garfield Peart, AIA (Georgia), Jeff Seabold, AIA (Mississippi), and me. Not pictured Gloria Kloter, AIA (At-Large Representative).

Some may know that Councilors, alongside Board Members, have the very difficult, but very spectacular honor of voting in prized national awards. Honors for 2025 included the Edward C. Kemper Award (Raymond “Skipper” Post FAIA), Whitney M. Young, Jr. Award (Bryan C. Lee, FAIA, NOMA), Firm of the Year (LPA), and Gold Medal (Deborah Berke, FAIA). Imagine about 100 folks in a hotel conference room waiting patiently as President Dowdell calls the awardees and we give a surprise roaring applause. It is a supremely joyful part of this role.
I’m open to connect with members interested in the purpose of Council, my work in this role, or connect you to someone at National who shares your interest(s). Wishing you all the best in your careers and initiatives (AIA and otherwise) this year.