The AIA Ohio Board of Directors took action on a number of issues at the July meeting help at AIA Columbus and the Columbus Center for Architecture.  The mid-summer meeting is usually a busy meeting, but efforts to move both new and existing projects forward made for a lengthy day.

The Board of Directors reviewed agenda items, including current finances, the Presidents and President-elects reports as well as the legislative report from David Field, CAE Hon. AIA.  A presentation on the Strategic Alignment Task Force was made by Terry Welker AIA.  Welker has worked over the past several months to compile information gathered by task force members and to provide a summary of comments and suggestions. The board voted to accept the report and will move forward at the next meeting in addressing specific issues identified in the report.


The Communication Committee reported the results of the AIA Ohio Advocacy grant program announced earlier this year.  Sandra LaFontaine AIA, reported on behalf of committee chair Jud Kline AIA, the recipients of the grants. The grants awarded include:


Architecture By Children, AIA Cincinnati, $1500

Architecture and Vision: From Pyramids to Spacecraft, AIA Cleveland, $1500

Camp Architecture, AIA Columbus, $1500

Getting to Know Youngstown in the Fifth Grade, AIA Eastern Ohio, $1500

Web-based Dayton’s Favorite Architecture, AIA Dayton, $1500

The Toledo Legislative Debate, AIA Toledo, $1500

The committee is continuing to look at other proposals and funding.  These awards, will be announced at a later date.

The Board approved a recommendation of the AIA Ohio Convention Task Force to work with the AIA Ohio Valley Region and AIA Indiana and AIA Kentucky to develop a regional convention every other year.  The convention discussion will be further reviewed at the AIA Ohio Valley Region Council meeting on August 6, in Cincinnati.

AIA Ohio approved the 2011 budget that will be presented to the membership at the annual meeting at the AIA Ohio 2010 state convention in Toledo.

AIA Ohio will continue to develop a Past Presidents Council to assist the board and president as an on-going resource and to work with local chapters in membership and recruitment as well as to work with members of the College of Fellows to promote advancement of society members to Fellowship.

Finally, regional director Chas Schreckenburger, AIA, acting as the chair of the honor awards, presented the nominees for the AIA Ohio Gold Medal, Gold Medal Firm, Public Service Award and Mentor Award.  The board reviewed the nominees information that was advanced from the committee and selected recipients for each award.  Those receiving the awards will be honored at the convention